Page One (1) Alxander Raven Transmission #1,355

This is the first 'page' we have been able to re-assemble into a 2d format for silicon based communication devices.

We, here in the Data Department, feel the brunt of the work load in decrypting and posting these communications.That's why, we feel, our group supervisor has begun insisting we call him 'Blaine' and he's some sort of high-tech locomotive.Needless to say it has been a bit tense around here.Blaine's a pain.

Transmission Text Link

RavensNet Systems Holo-Net Interface
Transmission # 1355

Images Sent Via Fractal-Time/Wave System

These images were sent with the pages of text and the Holo-Forms from Mr. Raven in 2243 AD Gregorian make believe time.These images were found archived in the RavensNet Institute for Historical Studies in Kwan Cho province roughly in the area occupied now by the state of Florida in the USA.

The Institute itself is carved out of the nort eastern slope of the Gulf of Mexico peaks, high above the surrounding waters of the Mississippi basin.

Mr. Raven is currently involved in a time-loop project there with Mr. Tesla and Doctor Robert Dratch, creator of the "GodBox" effect as it was known by the close of the twentieth century.