
GoKrida - The Play of Five

You begin life in the GoKrida worlds with a small band of followers. Depending on what 'element' type you are playing, you will make your home on land, sea or sky.

Hamlets - Villages - Towns - Cities - Castles

I am 'Alxander' in GoKrida.

Alxander Raven 'here' so it's not much of a stretch name-wise.

I have played an Earth Element and am currently a Water Element in the Blue Twin World.

Right click and 'save target as' if you collect MP3's or would like to hear about life in the Southern Sea as I imagine it once was...

Under The Sea MP3

You can travle to the edges of your world, develop skills and learn great magic and alchemical operations.
Build Gate Ways between worlds, form alliances with other players reincarnate as various Elements to experience it all.

Image Index