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Click  Internal Rate of Return Revisited - Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Net Present Value (NPV) are complementary measures of Discounted Cash Flow (DCF). They have essentially equivalent utility.  The Relevant IRR (RIRR) is not inferior to NPV. IRR is Okay!

ClickGo to an abstract of the closest position I have found to the IRR is Okay thesis presented here.  It was done by Professor Richard H. Bernhard, North Carolina State University.

 Click Internal Rate of Return in the Department of Defense (IRR in DoD) illustrates how IRR could be used in a DoD sample analysis (Corporate Information Management Functional Economic Analysis (CIM FEA)).  (These are overhead slides only requiring familiarity with the topic in order to use them effectively.)

ClickThe IRR is Okay thesis was rejected by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) July 14, 1999. The proposal was in response to their joint solicitation on Decision-Making and Valuation for Environmental Policy (DMVEP).

All inputs are appreciated, especially from previous reviewers. I would be pleased to put all received online here with your permission.  None excluded.   No changes.  Warts and all.  Click 

Click Hierarchical versus Team Management is a table that indicates the characteristics and different incentives in a hierarchical organizational structure versus a flat one.

Click Related Topics, Links and Notes is a catch-all page for information not covered in other papers.

ClickCurriculum Vitae.

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