Glad you stopped by!
Let me start by telling a little about myself. My name is Sandy. I am married to Mark. We have three children, Mandy 23, Natalie 19, and Nathan 11 and one grandchild, 2 yr old Kaidden (All are my pride & joy!). We live in a rural town in NW Oklahoma. We were both born and raised here. It is a very nice town to raise a family.
I work as a secretary in the public school system. I enjoy the children. It is nice when they let me know they are glad I am their secretary. They are so precious! I am home when my 11 yr old is out of school. This is one of the things I love about my job.
I enjoy crafting. Cutting wood, painting, and making candles are the most enjoyable to me. I also like to plant lots of flowers.
I collect angels, bears, and kitty cats. I have 3 cats, Honey Bunny, Star, and Sabby. My son has a dog named Shilo. They are real buds. Where one is you will find the other.
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