- Razorii's Realm -

Since I'm currently absorbed in working full time as a Maintenance Planning Coordinator (maybe there should be a contest to guess what THAT is...?), helping to run a computer store; and trying to teach myself to code in Microsoft VBA, Visual C++, SQR, and HTML I don't seem to have as much time as I would like to keep up with this page.

I do intend to build at couple of sub-pages to relieve a bit of the clutter at some point, as well as providing space for a more extensive collection of links but that's still in the future. Depending on what happens with space allocations on this server I'd also like to add a page or two of my favorite graphics for those of you who care for such things (naughty of course!)

FLASH BULLETIN!!! Razorii's on the move again!!! Having become frustrated with my ISP (Magiclink) I have moved to Micron Internet Services. I will continue to maintain a mirror of my page here for a while but since I now have 5MB of Webspace on Micron all future expansions will take place on Razorii's Realm there rather than here. Eventually of course this page will disappear all together.

In the meantime, here's a few of my favorite links for you to follow. I'm something (nobody knows quite WHAT!) of a shareware junkie so you can expect to see a lot of links to this sort of STUFF. Since I'm currently running Windows95 and NT 3.51 in dual-boot most of it is, of course, 32-Bit. Sorry if that's a problem, future expansions WILL cover a broader range of interests!

- Other Sites Worth Visiting -
Make the connection to a few of my favorite bits of this & that!
RAS Plus (for WIndows 95) Remote Access Server
Free Agent From Forte - One Cool Newsgroup Reader
Eudora - My Favorite E-Mail Tool, Simple To Use
WINDOWS95.COM 32-Bit Shareware
Another Good Windows95 Shareware Archive
The WinSite Archives... THE MEGA COLLECTION!!!
McAfee's Antivirus Homepage
Paintshop Pro Homepage
WinZip Homepage
Polyview 32-Bit Graphics Viewer

Search Engines
When a nod in the right direction is all you need...
Starting Point
Welcome to Gary R. Eyerly's Internet Search Page
New Riders Official Worldwide Web Yellowpages

"Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather."

So opens the Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace. John Perry Barlow, EFF cofounder, reigning Cognitive Dissident and former Grateful Dead lyricist, has always laid it on the line in stentorian fashion. Over 1500 cybercitizens had digitally signed his Declaration as of this writing; you can add your mark!

Please take this opportunity to read and perhaps to even E.F.F. sign the Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace!

Netscape Navigator2.0 Have you got the latest version of Netscape Navigator yet?

And, if your life needs a little spice, visit Raul's Sexy Females Raul's Sexy Females!

Thanks for stopping by!!! Now you should go check out my sweetheart's homepage! It's COOL!!! She's got Cats... She's got Dragons... She's got EVERYTHING IRISH!!! And WE'VE got TWINS!!!

Susan's Homepage

Or... If you're REALLY brave you can go check out a good friend & business partner of mine's page... His picture should be in the dictionary next to the word peculiar... but he's really a fine fellow!!!

Maverick's World

Or... You could even go and pay a visit to yet another of my wacky friends' pages... If you think Brian (Maverick) is peculiar you won't know WHAT to make of Aaron (Shadow)...

Shadow's Page

Feel free to send your comments, suggestions, and strange computer stories to me at: geyerly@micron.net