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My favorite characters are the men of Suzaku, especially Tasuki. They are all extremely cute, for animated men and have some very nice magic and skills. I envy Miaka so much!! I have listed some of the most exciting scenes of FY above and invite you to steal them. I have borrowed them from the archive which is listed above in the links.

I also dearly love Nakago, the Seriyu Seishi mage. He is so very evil but very handsome and I love him because he is evil. There re a few pics of him scattered about showing him at his best, doing magic and such.

To the right are the two mikos themselvs, Miaka and Yui, reunited at last as friends. They are wearing the traditional gowns of the Miko which I truly love and hope to make for some convention masquerade someday. This pic comes from the Genesis FY Gallery. It is a piece of fan art I believe and it is a truly great piece else I would naver have put it on my page!

Smell those cookies!

Come in! Some cookies are in the oven and the cast of Fushigi Yuugi are here enjoying my cooks skills. Well, mainly Miaka is eating and the rest are just talking. Well actually, Tamahome and Tasuki are fighting as usual. But its business as usual in my kitchen.

Everyone from Fushigi Yuugi has gathered in my kitchen. Take some time to get to know them as I have and you, too, will come to love them. The story of FY is that a girl finds an ancient chinese book and is drawn into it as its main character. The girl, Miaka, hooks up with Tamahome and then comes to the emperor's palace where she agrees to be Suzaku No Miko, basically the priestess of Suzaku, the god of that country. She must find the seven seishi, of which Tamahome and the emperor, Hotohori, are. Along the way she finds them but also becomes pitted against her best friend, Yui, who thinks Miaka left her in the book to be raped and only came back to the book for Tamahome. You see, Miaka and Tamahome love each other but Hotohori loves Miaka and Yui loves Tamahome. As you can see, this story becomes very twited after awhile. But it is an excellent series and I am looking forward to Pioneer anime and their release in October.

The picture above is Miaka and her seishi ~ Tamahome, Hotohri, Tasuki, Chichiri, Nuriko, Mitsukake, and Chiriko. I absolutely adore the men of this little group. I also think that Miaka doesn't look like the putz she spends most of the series being.

The picture above is of Yui with her seishi ~ Nakago, Soi, Amiboshi, Suboshi, Muboshi, Ashitare, and Tomo. I am glad that they kill off many of these characters because I really don't like most of them. I like Amiboshi, Nakago, Soi, and Yui. The others were in some way repugnant to me or just didn't arouse the sympathy and feelings these four did. The love story bewteen Soi and Nakago is particularly touching as is the love Amiboshi develops for Miaka, his sworn enemy. And Yui is just a lost and confused girl manipulated to hate her best friend.

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This page was created September 7th, 1998.

Last updated on January 29th, 1999.