Rockstar Daniel Johns, And Space Explorer Neil Armstrong Are Aliens Trying to Take over the World!!!!

Before reading this, you may want to download these sound files so that you can understand the depths of Neil and Dan's depravity....

The normal copy of daniel johns's singing
The reversed copy

Neil Armstrong saying his famouus phrase
The reversed copy of his phrase

Daniel Johns of the used to be hit group Silverchair, and revered space explorer Neil Armstrong are not who you think they are. They are really evil alien clones engineered by the one and only race from the Planet of The Apes. I came to this concclusion by taking the following logical steps, and making inferences from my experiments.

  1. I attained a copy of Neil Armstrong''s famous phrase " ...That's one small step for man..."
  2. I reversed it using windows sound recorder.
  3. I got a copy of the song freak by silverchair, and transferred the part that says "sitting on a ball" to wav format.
  4. I reversed that part of the song

When I reversed Neil Armstrong's phrase, It came out as "Man who space walks Knows" freaky yes? YES! (More on this we go to Daniel Johns)

When I reversed the fraction of the song freak, it came out as "ooooh planet ape" Equally scary....

Now for my theory.....
When Neil Armstrong went to the moon, he stumbled upon a colony of technologically advanced apes. These apes captured him, and then cloned him. When the clone was ready, the apes performed a brain transplant, putting one of their special ooperatives brains inside of Neil's cloned body. Then, they traveled back in time, killed the real Neil armstrong just before his space launch, and replaced him with the clone. They instructed the clone to say that very phrase, using certain tone inflections and pitch frequencies, so that when reversed it would come out as "Man who space walks knows it...." This was a message to their undercover operative on earth who at the time was under the identity of Tom Jones. When the message was received, the alien formerley known as Tom Jones cloned himself, and left the clone instructions on how to destroy his own career, and get out of the public eye. The undercover operative then switched his looks and went to australia to lay low until the time was right. Then, just recently the alien undercover operative resurfaced with his new band Silverchair. He then used his songs to relay mesasages to Neil Armstrong who in turn sent them to the mothership. Here comes the scary part. Neil Armstrong is soon preparing to go on another moon expedition. He chose to do it now because of the fatal message that was sent by daniel johns..."oooohh planet ape" which is the signal for Neil to go back to the moon, and bring down the fleet which will enslave us all Just like in the movie Planet of the apes, which was origionally written by nostradamous, unti l some big shot hollywood playwrite stole it (but that's a different story all together). Our conclusion....Well we here at hhp feel that we should put this delicately. We will be overrun by ape slave drivers who want to pilliage our city's rape our wiomen and eat our children. And all of this will happen withing the next 20 years, slowly at first so we don't notice it. They will replace our leaders with evil ape clones, until one day all of our leaders are under their fact they've already started. See the bottom of the page for a list of United States leaders that are already under the control of the apes.






below is a list of United States leaders already under the apes' control.

  • Former Vice President Dan Quail (I know I know big surprise right)
  • Janet Reno
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Newt Gingrich
  • Strom Thurman
  • And every single member of the Ohio General Assembly

    Thank You for reading, god bless you all..and sleep well

the preceding report is an opinon of a very sick individual, and should not be taken seriously....or should it

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