Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange


hi! welcome to my webpage. scroll on down for some quotes and links to my other pages.

"i know that it is customary for witnesses to express their great pleasure to appear before you, but because i am under oath, i am unable to say i share that sentiment."~ harold ickes to investigating senators- imagine that, investigating senators

"what if i told you insane was working 50 hours a week for 50 years at the end of which they tell you to piss off; ending up in a retirement home hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? wouldn't you consider that to be insane?"~ garland greene in 'con air'

here's a list of my pages:

click on one to go there.

the shawshank redemption

dead man walking

con air

brooks & dunn

aaron tippin

sawyer brown

prairie oyster

big house

danko, fjeld & andersen (not country- more like rock)

my friend muffy's reflections on life

muffyPLUS- funny/cool stuff from our dear friend, muffy.

my tombstone (movie) page- my favorite movie

other cool links

john mellencamp (not one of my pages, but one i like)

just about the best john mellencamp site on the web

a great smash mouth web site!

the official chumbawamba web site!

my friends' pages

jesse aka curly bill's homepage

curly bill's debate page

stephanie aka virgil's homepage lots of debate links

also, if you're interested in an easy way to put forms on your pages, check out this form-building program here.

please sign my guestbook here. or you can write to me below.



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disclaimer: by displaying these animations, i do not take responsibility for any discomfort or nausea caused to you by viewing them. they are merely accidents, not something i would ever want to happen. so don't sue me, animal rights groups and truckers' associations. thank you, and try to find a little humor in them.

This page has been accessed +148 times since its creation on october 3, 1996.