Woah, hey! I just got all this new space to use in my account, and the result is this: a Blood Dawn page! I really like this game, and I'm just starting a campaign, so this all works out. If my other pages and ideas are any indication, this page will probably have a slow start, but should look pretty good by the end of the summer or so. (Here's hoping...) I guess a good start would be to supply all that useful stuff like a FAQ and the errata sheet (which you've probably already seen.) Also, there will be a house rules section coming up.

Umm. I guess there will be a section for new stuff (monsters, races, mutations, etc.) and a campaign log, and maybe I'll write up the old sessions into modules if they play well. Anyway, watch this space to see what I can dredge up out of my head this time. Yah.

Blood Dawn is copyright 1996 ODS used with permission. All information used herein is not a challenge to any ODS copyright. Yo.

Old Stuff

Errata Sheet (This is the ODS one. You've seen it, but you might have just realised you lost your copy, so here it is.)

FAQ (Actually, this is semi-original to me. I've put a different FAQ (by Matthew Holtz) into better order, edited it a bit, and changed rulings I either thought or knew were wrong.)

Original Stuff

House Rules

Some Creepy-Crawlies (monsters)

Any suggestions?

Hey! Check out my HomePage! The decor may be similar, but there's so much more to see! Yes! Go now!