A. Don't recognize him and think he's (gasp) old! (note: I am not responsible for my actions when this word is used.)
B. Cut it out.
C. Shrilly scream and rip the pic out taking every word that begins with an M on the page before running out to the newstand and ordering 500 more so you can repeat the process.
2. You read that Micky loves blue-eyed blondies (Magnolia Simms?)you:
A. Are very happy for him.
B. Wish you looked like that.
C. Deny cruel fate and bleach your hair, get contacts, a sex-change, and whatever else it takes.
3. You hear Micky's final performance (AHHHH!) is in Japan in three years you,:
A. Want to leave this stupid quiz.
B. Wish you could go.
C. Hop on the next flight to Japan, sleep outside of the stadium for the next three years, and when they open the gates, chain yourself to the stage and refuse to leave until you are the next Mrs. Dolen.
2. Thunder Meadows
3. Love_Dolenz
4. Peace_child13
5. Sara Dolenz
6. Erin Carter