New Page 9

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The Art Work of Alan Roberts

Our next featured artist is Alan Roberts.  Alan kept journals throughout his period of military service.  In his journals he made a number of sketches and drawings.  These works may be in humble materials (ball-point on exercise book paper) but they are authentic records of one man's war and we are grateful for the opportunity to publish these items here.  Correspondence can be directed via e mail to Alan Roberts.

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These remarkable sketches were done in situ and show the consequences when  heavy vehicles detonate Soviet-made TM 46 anti-tank landmines.












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Alan's sketch of a baobab tree as the background to a rural African village is remarkably detailed.











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An Internal Affairs fortified "keep".  Note the earthen ramparts and sandbagged machine-gun position in the top right corner.









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Alan's interpretation of the load carried by a Rhodesian soldier is not as hyperbolic as the cartoon  may seem. 










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