Paul awoke, tied up in a chair. His sight was blurred. He shook his head once or twice to clear it. When the fuzziness subsided from his vision, he looked around and found himself in Brian’s office. It was rather plush, with wood paneling, brown shag rugs, and a large desk that was very neat and organized. The chairs were very comfortable. He looked over to where John, George, and Ringo were unconscious. Just then he heard the door being unlocked. Better fake it, he thought and slumped so that he looked like he was still unconscious.

‘You can put on a nice act, but I still am a better actor than you, Paul,’ a familiar voice whispered in his ear. Paul opened his eyes. Eleanor Bron, one of their co-stars from Help!, was standing in front of him.

‘Eleanor!’ Paul exclaimed. ‘Nice timing, as usual.’ She cut the rope tying Paul’s hands and legs to the chair. Then she went over to the other three, woke them up, and cut their bonds as well. Then she pulled a chair over so that it was underneath a heating vent.

‘Come, Beatles! Up here! Oh, boy, I’m too much in character from that movie!’ Eleanor said. ‘Just come on.’ She scrambled into the vent. They followed quickly.

After they had been crawling in the duct for a while, George began to whine. ‘It’s too bloody hot in here! When are we going to gerroutta here? I have to go the bathroom.’

‘Y’ should have thought about that before we left the house,’ grumbled John under his breath.

‘I heard that!’ whined George. ‘I wanna go home! How d’ we gerroutta out of here? AAAHHHHHH!!’ he screamed as he fell through a heating vent in the bottom of the duct.

‘Hey, George!’ Paul yelled after him. ‘D’ y’ have any other questions?’

‘Shut the hell up, McCartney!’ George yelled back. ‘Hey, there’s a door down here marked "Exit"!’

‘Hmm, I wonder where that leads, George,’ said John, with very bad acting.

‘Shut the hell up, Lennon!’ George yelled again.

‘YOU Shut the hell up, Harrison!’ yelled John and Paul together. Ringo just shrugged and jumped down through the vent. Eleanor, John ,and Paul followed.

‘Come on.’ Eleanor went out the door, with John, Paul, George, and Ringo accompanying her.

‘Hey, we’re in Salisbury Plain!’ exclaimed Ringo.

‘Where’s Eleanor?’ asked Paul. They looked around and called her name, but she was nowhere to be found.

‘What’s that?’ asked John. A small black dot was approaching on the horizon.

‘It looks like a tank, but who’s that waving from the top?’ said George.

‘It’s Victor Spinetti!’ yelled John.

‘It’s Leo McKern!’ yelled Paul.

‘It’s Roy Kinnear!’ yelled George.

‘It’s a really big tank!’ yelled Ringo. John, Paul, and George all looked at him, then shook their heads, and all four began waving in the general direction, or at, the tank.

‘Hello!’ called Victor, Leo, and Roy. The tank didn’t say anything.

‘Hop in, boys!’ said Roy, as they pulled up along side of the four lads. ‘We’re on our way to London, to say hello to the Queen Mother.’

‘Can we?’ begged Ringo. ‘Please, oh please, oh please, oh…’

‘Yes, Ringo,’ said John. ‘We can go.’

‘Yay!’ yelled Ringo, very loud and very happy, jumping up and down.

‘Hey, Ringo,’ said Victor. ’How about if I let you drive for a while?’

‘Yay!!’ Ringo yelled, even louder and happier than the first time, while still jumping up and down.

‘Hey, Ring, can y’ stop jumping?’ asked Paul. ‘it’s making me nauseous.’

‘Sorry,’ said Ringo, already climbing up the side of the tank.