When both sides of the record and the crowd (but not the four lads putting on the show) had tired themselves out, Ringo said ‘Up there! Look!’ They looked. It was Eleanor, again. She was standing on top of a roof, waving. Then she threw them a rope ladder so that they could get up to the roof where she was. Faint screams of protest wafted up from the exhausted mass of teenagers. Paul blew them a kiss, and climbed up the rope ladder.

‘Where are we goin’ now?’ asked Ringo, obviously still running on energy from their concert.

‘Someplace where you guys can have a little fun,’ she said.

‘But I thought that we were in England. How are we gonna get to Hamburg, Germany?’ joked Paul. Eleanor gave him a look that kind of said ‘We’ll see.’ He immediately shut his mouth.

After climbing over a few rooftops, she stopped and opened a trapdoor in a roof.

‘Here, fellas. Go down in here,’ she said, holding the door open for them.

‘All right, then. I’ll go first,’ volunteered John.

‘I’ll go next,’ said Paul.

‘Then me,’ George blurted out before Ringo could get a chance to say anything.

‘I guess I’ll go after George, then.’

As Ringo was in the midst of his decent, the trap door closed, leaving them alone on the ladder. It was very dark, except for the glow of a few neon signs around the corner. Each time that they took a step on the ladder, there was a squeaking sound from their clothing, and a clanking sound on the ladder, which was actually a fire escape.

‘What the hell?!?’ said Ringo.

‘Oh my god!’ said George.

‘No, George, here they say "Mien Gott!",’ Paul corrected. ‘Actually, they scream it.’.

‘Then we are in Hamburg?’ asked Ringo.

‘Yeah!’ said John. ‘Right now, we’re going down the fire escape of the Top Ten Club.’ John jumped off of the bottom rung of the ladder and landed on the street below, and waited until the others got down also.

When he had reached the bottom, Paul looked at his friends. Their clothes had been changed. How? He didn’t know, he was just wearing them. Instead of tuxedos, they were now wearing tight leather pants, cowboy boots, tight white shirts, and leather jackets. They all had the Elvis hairdo, with it combed over to one side. John, Paul, and George each had their guitars strapped to their backs. Ringo was carrying his drumsticks. This is gettin’ kinda spooky now, Paul thought, as he walked over to John.

Down the street were four girls, walking toward them. ‘Now if I remember correctly, we should be really havin’ a whole lotta fun in a few minutes,’ John said. Each one of the girls had singled out a Beatle for themselves. A tall, skinny, long-legged, big-brown-eyed brunette was walking towards Paul. When she neared him, she put her arms around his neck.

‘Hey, stranger,’ she said in an American accent. ‘You’re cute.’

‘Thanks,’ said Paul. ‘So are you. What’s your name?’ he asked.

‘Michelle,’ she said, studying his face. ‘What’s yours?’

‘Paul,’ said Paul. ‘I hope that you’re not doing anything tonight.’

‘Like what?’ said the girl, then she giggled.

‘Oh, like this,’ Paul said. He reached down and kissed her. He almost melted, her lips were so warm and soft. Oh, God I’ve forgotten about this, Paul thought. It’s really been too long. He pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.

‘Oh, my evening’s taken, all right,’ she said in a low whisper. ‘It’s taken by you.’ Just then Paul noticed her teeth.

‘ I don’t mean to be rude, but what’s with your teeth?’ he asked.

‘Oh, that?’ she giggled again. ‘It’s nothing. I’m just a vampire,’ she said as she looked into his eyes, bared her teeth, and sunk them deep into his neck. He opened his mouth to scream, but his face seemed frozen. All that he could feel was her, as darkness closed in around him. Paul tried to fight it, but it finally overpowered him, and he was swept away on a black tide of unconsciousness.