Basic Jam Session Chord or Key Handsigns

    These are basic hand sign examples for use to communicate while doing an impromptu jam or making music on the spot. One can use these signs if and when leading another or a group of musicians to do something or to let them know what will happen next. These hand signs can be discussed and agreed upon before doing something unknown.

Understood as an A Major note or chord
Understood as a B Major note or chord
Understood as a C Major note or chord
Understood as a D Major note or chord
Understood as a E Major note or chord
Understood as a F Major note or chord
Understood as a G Major note or chord
minor symbol
Claw facing down like the letter m. This may be used following an ongoing chord shifting to minor.
Sharp (#) symbol
This finger configuration facing upward ( usually follows a key or chord sign ) This may be used following an ongoing chord or note shifting to sharp.
Flat (b) symbol
This finger configuration facing downward ( usually follows a key or chord sign ) This may be used following an ongoing chord or note shifting to flat.

Examples :

F minor
Quick motions of the "F sign" and a clawlike hand sign facing downward (like a letter m)
G Sharp
A fist forming a letter G and the configuration pointing upwards as a "Sharp"

The Auxillaries :

Maj 7th
Extended thumb, downward and all fingers extended (M7)
min 7th
Extended thumb, downward and curled four fingers (m7)
Free Form
Fire at will, Go anywhere you like, get down
(Finger pointing up)
Wave Off, Out of here
This is getting boring, let's get out of here and go somwhere else
(Finger pointing down)
Cover Me
Cover me I'm doing something (spontaneous)
Kill (kill song)
Kill everything or end the song
(kill motion on neck area)


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Copyright 1999 - Rizal Dondi Ledesma