Alright, I can understand some people not liking me and thinking my web-site absolutely sucks and I should be killed for my lack of Ronin Warrior Information. But you know what? If you don't leave me a way to get in touch with you, like an e-mail address or a web-site that I can find you at, I'm not going to care! In fact, if you show some guts and some belief in what you're saying, you WOULD leave an e-mail address! Come on people! This is the INTERNET for crying out loud! What am I going to do? Send you an e-mail assasin? I know that if I believe in what I'm saying and not just trying to be a jack-ass, I leave my e-mail address in people's books! Hell, half the time I'll e-mail the person directly! So, don't be lame! I've gotten enough crap on my message board and in my guest book that I've had enough of spineless cowards... Anyway, enough of my rambling! Get back to the site!

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