Class of 1963

There were 169 members of the Class of 1963

Click below to view pictures of the class.

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The Honor Society

The Varsity Club

The Cheerleaders

The Chorus

The Twirlers

The Track Team


The Basketball Team

The Marching Band

The Washington Club

The Baseball Team

The Student Council

The Graduates of 1963

 Mary Lou Acker
William Albrecht
Vincent Alterio
Jean Andralliski
Virginia Annacone
Oral Lester Applegate
Lois Baisley
Joseph Baisley
Christina Barger
Robert Bartle
Walter Beisser
Carole Bennetti
Kurt Bentley
David Bird
Jonathan Blank
Claudia Boge
Melvin Bolden
Marcia Booth
Brooks, Robert
Margaret Buckley
Ary Burris
Barbara Burtnick
Leslie Bynum
Judith Byrne
Robert Calabrese
Frank Caliendo
Lynne Cardinale
June Casper
Marc Charton
John Chontos
Cathleen Cioffi
Jacquelynne Claxton
Charles Clerici
James Colao
Marilyn Colbert
Patricia Collins
Susan Collins
Patricia Coty
Carolyn Covert
Michael Cruger
Joelle Cunane
John Curran
Thomas Dabbs
Susan Dando
John Dasecke
David Davies
Albert Deronda
Gloria Deronda
Norma Dibisceglie
Harvey Disenhouse
Geraldine Dodd
Christine Dyckman
Judith Eible
Carole Eneboe
Karen Eichler
Norman Ephraim
Kathryn Eustace
Marke Evra
Ronald Fanzo
Diane Fauntleroy
William Felts
Joy Fest
Jeannemarie Finnigan
Michael Fotino
Sandra Fotino
Lance Gad
Raymond Garrion
Barbara Gasparro
Jo Ann Gaudinier
Catherine Gillen
Arlene Gimpelson
Diane Gittleman
Kenneth Bonsalves
Leonie Gory
Robert Gruden
Paul Grunberger
Thomas Haggerty
Nicholas Halper
Michael Hanrahan
Ronald Harbolic
Roberta Haring
Marion Hogan
Linda Howe
Karen Hutchinson
Thomas Ingersoll
Richard Jackson
Carol Konnerth
Michael Kramer
Gertrude Kraus
Kropf, Albert
Christine Lange
Richard Lanni
George Lawrence
Miriam Levine
Robert Lois
Raymond Loughran
Maryellen McCaffrey
Robert McConnell
Barbara McCoy
Brian McGinnis
George McKenzie
Larry McKinney
Anne Martin
Richard Merritt
Linda Miller
Bevely Minch
Mary Ann Mirabello
Anne Mitchell
Donald Mitchell
Michael Mittleman
Gerard Moretti
Geraldine Morris
Walter Morris
Lynn Myers

Thomas Nacke
Wendy Napier
Mary O’connor
Ronald Orlando
Martha Otice
Joseph Palumbo
Louis Panzanaro
Yvette Paquette
Marjorie Pascale
Marie Pastore
George Pataki
Margaret Pataki
Samuel Patterson
Sharyn Perry
Denis Pisanello
Raymond Pisanello
Lillian Porter
Arthur Pritchard
Beverly Puryear
Richard Puryear
Joanna Rawlings
Thomas Ripolon
Lynnett Robbins
Clare Rogonia
Philip Rush
Dennis Ryan
Mary Ann Schrott
Ronald Scozzafava
James Sessions
Carol Ann Simone
Joseph Simone
Ann Skolsky
Beverly Small
Alma Smith
Sharon Smith
Guy Snowden
Victor Sozzi
Dianne Spearman
Harold Spencer
Barbara Spinola
Roland Stansbury
Robert Sterling
James Strosser
Joanne Strumkus
Donald Stuck
Beverly Sylvia
Barbara Tiso
Marjorie Tompkins
Marlene Turner
Robert Weeks
Jean Wells
Rosemarie White
Jeff Weiner
Frank Wilson
Willa Wilson
Carol Wood
Marianne Zak

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