I used to keep a friends list, but it was too big of a job to keep up with so I decided to give up on it all together. I have some friends here that mean more to me than my own family (with the exception of my sister whom I love dearly), and for good reason. I have been shown a lot of love inside the web..... a place where I choose to escape to when I want to escape the world. Those friends who have touched my life and heart, they know who they are. I love you all very much, and I appreciate you. True friends like you are rare and are a great treasure to me.

Our Photo Albums (Incomplete)

Photo Album 1
Photo Album 2

When I discovered the internet,I had no idea what I would find. I explored a new world and opened my mind to see the things I thought had been left behind. The warmth and love of the greatest treasures on earth... friends.

Friends who love me just for being me
Friends who trust me openly
Friends that make me smile after a long day
Friends who lift my spirits encouragingly
Friends who aren't afraid to be open and sincere
Friends who stick by me even when harm lurks near
Friends who except me for who I am
and Friends I can count on to the bitter end.