All Grown Up! @ Nicktoon Snark
Brother, Can You Spare the Time?
by SpiderBraids

School. The other kids are discussing the party. They're supposed to decorate for the party. Chuckie talks about secret parties thusly: "You know I'm a terrible secret keeper. There's lying involved." No kidding, Finster. All party discussion ceases, and Chuckie heads into his locker, as they see Tommy and Dil. Casual convo... "So what's up with whatever it is you're doing?" "We're savoring the last few inches on the brotherhood yardstick before T is suddenly thrust to the other side. Fame's funny that way." "Numero gazillion on Dil's my brother and me to do list before he's the forgotten sibling lost in the shadow of my greatness." "Not like it hasn't happened to brothers before. Two words my friends: Gabe Ruth." ("Enough with the made-up forgotten brothers already, Dylan." "As I said, I wasn't making them up.")

Twister game. Tommy tells Dil to "Get off my back!" Prompting the response: "Ah, the first brick crumbles in the oh so real imaginary wall." Tommy sez: "Sure, it's a cool award, but whatever it is you think is going to change between us is bogus!" Did I mention that this plot isn't exactly built on solid ground? It's like that episode of Foster's where everyone accuses a newcomer of vandalism around the house, and everyone gets accused of framing the newcomer, even though fibbing is the last thing one of the characters would ever do.

And Tom will hammer this point repeatedly throughout this episode, for reasons that will come up shortly. Like... right now, as Didi tells Tommy to participate in a phone interview with a reporter. Why doesn't he just bring Dil along for the ride? I mean, when I was interviewed for a newspaper, my parents got to join in too. Dil sits in a chair and has a daydream where Dil can't even get a job in his own brother's movie, even if he's dressing up as a kangaroo :D And then Tommy gets the Cathy Schulman treatment as he picks up an award for his film. And he only got to thank his parents and his dogs!

Back to reality, bucko. We're at the cafeteria. Time for plan B, or "E" as Dil calls it: hanging out with the other fourth graders. Over at the other kids' table, Chuckie calls Kimi's green shoes "way pukey". This is all in the name of teaching Finster to lie and fib. Somehow, they're equating telling lies with keeping secrets. I know there's that film called "Secrets and Lies", but equating them with each other? Riiiight. At Dil's table, everyone already knows what he does: Walk backwards and talk to aliens. And he also thinks the earth is triangular. (Hey, Phil, still wishing you hadn't dropped the kid on his head?)

Other kids' table. Tommy is here. Chuckie sez: "Weird? What could be weird, I mean it's a perfectly normal day with no surprises. I mean no! Not surprises. Who said that?! And don't come to the Java Lava it's closed we got termites." Yes, it is as frantic as it reads, and after this briefie occurs, Lil comments: "You are so without the sneaky, lying and conniving gene." There are two options: Avoid Tom altogether, or approach the world's best liar for some help.

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