Stats, Stats, and More Stats!
While I was watching the Rovers, I took the time to record some statistics. And look what I've got here. Go to my sounds page to get the files necessary to listen to the sound files I've linked some stats to.
About The Rovers
First Rover Quote: "This is how we say in Siberia, 'totally neato!'" - Exile
Last Quote: "A little disgusting some of the time, but basically, you're good, good dogs." - Master
Colleen Admit's Blitz's Existence: 2 (Blitz tries to explain to Groomer he's not a Rover in Dawn of the Groomer... surprisingly to no success, Colleen kicks Blitz in A Day in the Life)
Most Times Exile uses Vision in One Episode: 3 (Storm From the Pacific: Surveys island [Night Vision - only time... now why didn't they have him use it more?] Fixed Cloud Rover [Heat Vision - first time] Tried to freeze lava sent by Storm [Freeze Vision]; Hunter's Heroes: Melted prison doors open [Heat], froze ground to slip up some bad guys [Freeze], did some sabotage work on the prison [Heat])
Only time Exile used his heat vision more than once in an ep: Hunter's Heroes (see above)
Least Times Exile used Vision in One Episode: He was "shut out" in Gold and Retreivers.
About Vehicles, Equipment, and the Allies of the Rovers
First Vehicles: Sky Rover and Street Rover
Last New Vehicles: Hydro Rover and Hover Rover (Gold and Retreivers)
Most Vehicles in one episode: 4 (Dawn of the Groomer: In the opening sequence when they were rescuing Shag: Tri-Tank Rover, Street Rover, and in the sequence when they were investigating "events" in Egypt: Turbojet Rover, Wing Rover)
Least Vehicles in one episode: 0 (Hunter's Heroes, this was more like an 'equipment' episode)
Unnamed Lifesaver: Wolf in Where Rovers Dare [Was shot and critically injured by one of Gustav Havoc's trigger happy troops. Found by Colleen and performed surgery (with the help of Exile and Shag). Made a full recovery. Saved the Rovers when Gustav's men captured them (called fellow wolves who surrounded the baddies)]
Shortest Appearance of an Ally: <10 seconds [Rover Recruits (Dawn of the Groomer), Space Rovers except Persia (Take Me to Your Leader)]
Ditto with a Speaking Role: less than a minute [Persia (Take Me to Your Leader)]
Least Lines by Ally: 2 (Persia) Quote 1Quote 2
About The Show
Shortest Rover Appearance: 6 minutes (Take Me to Your Leader)
Longest Rover Appearance: 20 minutes (A Day in the Life, in which they appeared right from the first scene, not like the other eps.)
Rover-less Acts: 1st of "Let's Hit the Road" and 1st and 3rd "Take Me To Your Leader"
About Fan Made Characters
(I added this section later from reading about fanfic characters. I don't think I'm ever going to add to this section.)
Wasn't born: Boreal (Rover Wizard) Why he wasn't born: His mother slipped on the stairs, killing him while he was still in her womb.
Married: Bear and Nitro (Strayers Read about their wedding), Destroyer and Collie (Dark Rovers Read about the wedding: 1 2)
Engaged but not married - yet: Colley and Alley (Bios were from the RRMC chat channel's bio page ; the two are members of Blue Team) A quick summ7ary of their relationship: Alley broke off the 1st engagement because she was too young then, and on their 2nd engagement, she cried and ran out of RRMC on the eve of their wedding.
Handicapped: Roller (Quick Strike) Why he is so: He got attacked by some mob. The normal Rovers saved his life but he now has to use a wheelchair becaise his legs were crippled.
Most spinoffs: 2 (Daniel Morales' Dark Rovers and Indy Dog)
Non Canine Spinoffs: Monster RR, Wild Kats