P.A.S.T. International Save The Sheep Campaign
Well well well... looks as if you've found it DUDE!

Ah... So glad you could make it to the official P.A.S.T.
Homepage. Right now your asking what is P.A.S.T. and why is
someone trying to make another stupid little abbreviation
out of a dumb word anyway.

P. People
A. Against
S. Sheep
T. Torture

A worthy cause dont you think?

  • WHAT IS P.A.S.T.?
    P.A.S.T. Is for all those out there who (to put it mildly) rape sheep, goats, and other farm animals. If you executivly like doing this type of thing to farm animals I suggest you leave, or keep exploring this site and relize how much pain and sorrow you cause these poor, poor animals.

    This page is also to help inform you of what YOU can do in order to help out the wool giving animals of the country. If you would like to become a member of P.A.S.T. click here and use the subject line of Who Will Save Your Sheep.

    As a member of P.A.S.T., you can reap the rewards of knowing that you stand up against anal-raping sex hounds who know they can't get any other than from an animal. Walk around struting and thinking, "I won't stand for anybody raping my goats!" And stick to it.

    Your P.A.S.T. membership will entitle you to recieving a newsletter in your in-box every time this site is updated, so you're never misinformed about your furry friends.

    Also as a member of P.A.S.T. you will have the chance to become the activist in your community. Membership is not for the weak hearted. Community leaders will be expected to put together slide shows to be presented in front of:

    Business Meetings
    Animal Rights Movements
    Empty Parking Lots
    Elementary Classrooms (grades 2-8)

    and so on. This is not expected of all who sign up.

  • WHY SHOULD I BE A MEMBER OF P.A.S.T.? Have you ever been pushed in the hallway at school by a guy wearing a Carhart hat? Has anyone ever said anything to you about the way you dress? Do you know anyone who conciders a form of chew to be a food group? If you answered yes to any of these questions I would highly concider becoming a member because this is just what we're talking about.
    Not to be discriminatory out there to farmers or anyone (this is a disclaimer) who bears the reputation of being a hick. Now believe me I don't believe in categorizing people, but when it comes to hicks you can't help but think of how bad things can be. Hicks are the main suspects for goat/sheep anal-rape. You job as a memeber of P.A.S.T. will be to ask them about their farm animals whenever you feel the need to voice your opinoin to them about it. Now don't worry. It is good to live by "Be seen and not heard." unless in the case that they've decided that they want to engage with you in a conversation then consider the phraise: "Don't speak unless spoken to." That is a good one to follow in the case of a member of P.A.S.T.

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    Coming Soon -[Interview With A Sheephearder]--[Interview With A Sheep]-
    [This Is Retarded]- -[You Have No Idea]- -[What Dreams Were Made Of]
    -[Sheep Shoes]- -[Adopt A Sheep]- -[Sheep Poetry]-

    Do you know a kid named CHAD? What does he do now that he's expelled? The next 10 correct answers will recieve a free sheep on a straw. Click now!