Road Rovers - Space Ace Archies Show Crossover Episode #2 HUNTER Hi gang. You know the old saying, four's company and five's a crowd? Well, I just figured out a way to keep Buzz Lightyear from always tagging along with Ace, me and the girls. You see, there's this old beat-up plane down at the city airport. Well, I plan to go over to the local... RADIO D.J. We interrupt your favorite music hits for this special announcement. The winner of the Flying Ace Sweepstakes is Buzz Lightyear of Hill Valley! BUZZ LIGHTYEAR A lucky guy... RADIO D.J. He may pick up his airplane at the city airport anytime. SPACE ACE Hey Lightyear! That's you. BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Huh? WHOOPS! That's me, I'm the lucky guy! ANABELLE The Red Baron flies again. HUNTER Thanks alot Robocop you read that announcement just the way I wrote it. ROBOCOP My pleasure G.I.Joe...Glad to have you on the air with me bro. BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Hurry up Ace I can't hardly wait. COLLEEN I didn't know you entered a contest Buzz. KIMBERLY Me neither. BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Ah I don't remember entering one neither. SPACE ACE Well there's Hill Valley International Airport now gang. BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Hey, I bet that's my airplane over there. COLLEEN What a beauty. SPACE ACE Hold it Space Ranger, look over there grand prize. Wow! Looks like this baby needs some fixing up. HUNTER That ole crate was worth the jackpot. I bet that'll keep Buzz fixing it for a long time, cool. COLLEEN Huntie! What are you doing here? HUNTER Oh I just came over to see Buzz get his prize. So now I've seen it, shall we go ladies? KIMBERLY But Lightyear and Ace are busy fixing it up. HUNTER Space Ace too? SPACE ACE Hi Hunter, stick around. Buzz says he'll get this baby flying in no time. HUNTER THIS ISN'T HOW I PLANNED IT AT ALL! BUMMER! BUZZ LIGHTYEAR The engine's done Ace. SPACE ACE I finished checking all the gauges Buzz. BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Hey let's test her out. Whoops, Where's Hunter? He's missing all the fun. SPACE ACE He must've got tired watching and fell asleep somewhere, ha-ha! Well let's see if we can get her started Buzz, contact. BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Contact! ANABELLE I just can't resist airplanes, they bring out the flying in me, YES! SPACE ACE Hey Buzz, not too much gas! Buzz? BUUUUUZZ?! COLLEEN Ace, look! SPACE ACE Holy BLEEP-BLEEP he took off! ANABELLE Flying brings out the chicken in me, AHHHHHHHHH! HUNTER Hey what's all the commotion, what's up? YOW! We are! Lightyear get me down from here! BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Oh hi Hunter, so that's where you went huh? HUNTER You weren't suppose to fly this thing you idiot! ANABELLE You don't even know how to fly! You don't even have a pilot license! BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Who's flying? I'm just sitting here. The plane's doing all the flying. BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Don't look now G.I.Joe but, the world just turned upside down. HUNTER Oooooh, I think I'm gonna hurl. ANABELLE Ahhhhh, me too. BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Zowie, for a second there I thought I blacked out. COLLEEN Oh no! Blimey I can't bear to look. SPACE ACE Take it easy girls, you know the old saying. What goes up's gotta come down. Wow and here they come, duck! BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Hi ya gang, how am I doing? Hey look out up there, get out of the road! ANABELLE Uh-oh, don't look now. But I think somebody's mad. HUNTER You would have to pick on a magpie. BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Hey now cut that out you're wrecking my plane, stop that! HUNTER Stop him Buzz, stop him use your head! BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Hey that's an idea. Come and get me birdie! BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Sorry sucker...NOT! HUNTER Now I've seen everything. COLLEEN What's wrong? KIMBERLY Yeah? SPACE ACE Uh-oh, sounds like the engine's cutting out. ANABELLE Oh no! We're gonna crash! HUNTER We're going down! AGH! BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Hang on Hunter, I got an idea. HUNTER I hope it's a good one. HUNTER It's a good one, cool! BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Now hang on and brace for impact. COLLEEN & KIMBERLY YAAAAAAAH, HORRAAAY! SPACE ACE Yaaaah, alright! BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Hey it's okay Hunter, we're down. HUNTER We are? WE ARE! Lightyear ole pal, from now on we're friends as long as we live! KIMBERLY You know? I can't help but think Hunter had something to do with Buzz winning that plane. SPACE ACE Yeah, he's been acting awful guilty about it and he bought Lightyear a huge supply of cheeseburgers. How you doing Buzz? BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Ummm, just fine Ace, yum, but Hunter didn't have to do that, um, I mean well after fixing up that old plane, I could probably fix just about anything that could fly. SPACE ACE Hey, here comes Hunter now. Looks like Hunter could use some fixing up. BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Hey Hunter ole flying buddy, when are we going up again? HUNTER Huh? GACK! ANABELLE That sure fixed Hunter up, look at him run HAHAHAHAHAHAAH! END OF STORY #2