Alethia's Music

I am absolutely thrilled to be able to open a page of this sort here. Here is what exactly the title says. It's "Alethia's Music". Here I hope to begin a collection of either compositions of music or song lyrics that have been written specifically for or about Alethia. Whether they are texts, midis, wavs, or MP3's, they can be found here. For now, since this page is just starting out- there will only be a few items available. Hopefully I can expand real soon.

The Zero World
This is the soundtrack to an upcoming animated story and film featuring Alethia. This soundtrack is extremely wonderful- and I am incredibly flattered that Martin Jack has started this large project and decided to use Alethia for it. Anywise, this link will take you to the official page for the film's soundtrack. Please enjoy it :) Lyrics to these songs are available by request and I do believe copies of the CD are for sale. Inquire with Martin Jack if you are interested.

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