Copyright 2000 by Robert W. Scott
Eador, Solomon. (Book C) 1828 adm. (Book C-13) Settlement. John Vawter, Adm.
Eads, Jonathan. (Book E-88) M.G. Bright, gdn of Louisa Eads, Cary Ann Eads, America Eads, Malvina Eads, Margaret Eads, & Parmelia Eads.
Earhart, . (Book B) Charles Earhart, inf., chose James Cochran as gdn.
Earhart, Samuel. (Book E-279) Will Wr. 15 July 1839. Rec. 31 Aug. 1839. Wife Jane. Children. Wife and John Earhart Sr., adm. Witnesses: Isaac H. Rowland, Eph. Hartwell, John S. Troutman.
Eastman, Jacob W. (Probate Book J-152) Will Wr. 13 Sept. 1847. Rec. 24 July 1852. Highland Co., Ohio. Wife Mary, exec. Sons John Calvin Eastman, William Webster Eastman, dau. Susan Priscilla Parker Evans, granddaughter Mary Elizabeth Cross McCormick, grandson Jacob W. Eastman McCormick. Witnesses: George and Seth Glasscock. William P. Inskeep, witnessed in Madison. Land at Hanover, “Hanover Factory”, carding, spinning, and grist mill. Minor heirs: Wm. W. Eastman, Maria Evans, Hugh Evans, John F. Evans, Mary E.C. McCormick, Jacob W.E. McCormick.
Eastman, John C. (Book A-50) Will Wr. 8 July 1852. Rec. 5 Dec. 1855. Of South Hanover. To my son, Dyer Burgess Eastman, my five books in Latin and Greek languages; to my daughter, Nancy Ann Eastman, one set of silver tea spoons marked NME and three books. My son, William W. Eastman, books and silver pencil and gold pen; to my son, John Calvin Eastman, silver cased watch of $20 and one book and a bible; to my daughter, Elizabeth Mary Eastman, my Bible and a book, also silver thimble, which formerly belonged to her mother, Nancy M. Eastman. Item sixth, I give to my wife, Martha D. Eastman, my gold watch and all property both real and personal. She is to furnish a home for my sons, Dyer B, William W. and John C. Eastman, until they reach the age of 16; also for my daughter, Nancy Ann, and Elizabeth Mary. My wife to be exec.
Eble, John (Ebley). (Book B-660) Will Wr. 25 May 1881. Rec. 1 Oct. 1883. This will is Wr. in German and later in English. I am age 66. My wife, Elizabeth Ebley, the farm on which I now live. Also, 100 acres equally to my children, Joseph, Phillip, Charles, Edward, Mary Hang (born Ebley).
Eccles, Samuel. (Probate Book F-270.) Will Wr. 15 Feb. 1844. Rec. 16 May 1844. Wife. children: Mary Jane, her husband and child; son John, Son David P. Eccles.
Edwards, Bartholomew. (Book A-49) Will Wr. 11 May 1849. Rec. 20 Oct. 1855. Living in Milton Township. To my beloved wife, Elizabeth, all real and personal property. If she marries again, she shall enjoy one third part. I give after the decease of said Elizabeth, $1 to the heirs of my dau. Nancy Brook; $1 to my dau. Polly Brook; $1 to my dau. Martha Brook; $1 to my son, Thomas Edwards; also to James Edwards, my son. Caroline Matilda Caldwell [Per transcription, possibly Cardwell], my daughter; Sarah Edwards, my dau.; Elizabeth Ann Edwards, my dau: John Edwards, my son, one equal part of what is left. Franklin Joyce to be exec.
Edwards, James. (Book A-174) Will Wr. 3 July 1818. Rec. 21 June 1819. My wife, Nancy. John and Elizabeth, each $280. Elijah (son) 20-4-10, when he reaches the age of 21, also to have saw mill. Son, James, two acres. Wife, Nancy appointed exec. Witnesses: Jesse Vawter and Thomas Davison.
Edwards, William. (Book C-35-39.) Will Wr. 28 Sept. 1825. Rec. 5 Dec. 1826. Fulton, Calloway Co., Mo. Wife Sally. Sons: Virgil, Matthew H., Thomas P. Stephens gets land four miles from Madison, Ind. Grandsons: William Edwards Stephens, Thomas D. Stephens [DAR gives middle initial as P. and D.] Children of dau. Nancy. John Williamson mentioned. Grandchildren: Joicy Edwards, dau. of son Matthew.
Eggleston, Miles. (Probate Book I-403.) Will Wr. 18 Oct. 1850. Rec. 22 July 1851. Wife, two farms near Dupont. Sons: Guilford D. and Henry Clay Eggleston; dau. Eliza E. Goode, land in Ripley Co. Friend Caleb T. Lodge, gdn for Henry Clay and exec. Witnesses: J. Whitehead, J.H. Hendricks, H.E. Wells.
Effinger, John. (Book B-256) Will Wr. 26 Feb. 1876. Rec. 8 March 1876. To my wife, Mary.
Ehrensperger, Johann George. (Book B-42) Will Wr. Oct. 1872. Rec. 28 Oct. 1872. My wife, Caroline. My child, Catherine. Witnesses: George H . Schmidt. Philip Gantschier. Jacob Dipper, N.P.[DAR has Ehrewsperger, but Ehrensperger seems more likely.]
Elliott, Anthony L. (Book A-77) Will Wr. 28 Nov. 1856. Rec. 7 Feb. 1857. My wife, Elizabeth Jane Elliott, all my property, both real and personal for the support of herself and our children, who are unmarried or unable to support themselves. My youngest child, David McClure Elliott. Children. Wife to be exec.
Elliott, Robert. (Book B-26) Will Wr. 1855. Rec. Aug. 1872. Martha, my wife, one third of entire estate. Son, James, 100 acres, also interest in bounty land of eighty acres. Son, Anthony, daughter, James McClure Wildman [As transcribed, probably Jane] and at her death to her children, $50. Son, Robert, dau. Martha Officer (in case of death) and to her children, $50. Witnesses: Wm. Weir and David J. Ryker. James to be adm.
Ellis, Richard. (Probate Book F-270) Will Wr. 24 Apr. 1841. Rec. 25 Nov. 1842. Madison. Wife, Mary, at her death property to be divided between his own children and children of the wife, Mary Ellis. (Book F-55) probate. My son, Jeremiah Ellis, to be exec.
Ellis, Stephen Sen. (Book A-17) Will Wr. 17 Apr. 1847. Rec. 13 March 1854. Of Shelby Township. Rebecca, my wife, land where I know live, buildings, etc. as long as she remains my widow. Then equal division of personal property. My dau. Elizabeth Voyles and heir heirs. Sons, Stephen and Thomas; Polly Stewart, my granddaughter. Son Stephen part of land where he now lives, supposed to be 50 acres. Elizabeth Voyles, 50 acres lying adjoining Stephen’s land in Sec. 17 to R12E. Son Thomas 53 acres of land where it now lives. Track of land run off to my son Joseph Ellis, his widow and two children shall have equal part of profit until she is his widow no more or dies, then equal betwixt John Ellis and Nancy Bassett. No appraisement or sale of property. After death of myself and wife Rebecca, equal division of personal property to heirs Elizabeth Voyles, Stephen Ellis, Thomas Ellis, Polly Stewart, my granddaughter, only heir of my daughter Polly Poston. Dau. Susannah Lathrop now decd. her five children, namely, Rebecca Bassett, Erastus Lathrop, Dilly J. Lathrop, Stephen D. Lathrop and Virgil Augustus Lathrop, land adjoining land to Joseph Voyles. Polly Stewart land south of county road, joining land run off to Jospeph Ellis. 50-60 acres. Witnesses: Robert Stevenson Jr., John Peak. David Henry, adm.
Ellis, Thomas. (Book B-46) Will Wr. 14 Sept. 1872. Rec. 18 Nov. 1872. My daughter, Rebecca Jane Francis. My sons, Joseph H. Ellis, James M. Ellis and William J A. Ellis and John W. Mary Jane Six, formerly Mary Jane Strohm, a chest. Witnesses: William Dalglish and David Stewart.
Emberson, Benjamin. (Probate Book F-200) Will Wr. 2 Oct. 1843. Rec. 19 Dec. 1843. Wife, Phebe. Children, minors. Executors: Elias and John Yates. Witnesses: Aaron H. Ames, William Yates. Joel Yates. Book G351. Phebe Vernon, widow of Benjamin Emberson. Nine children. (Deed Book 11-113) James Montfort and Mary Ann Monfort, Thomas West and Ann to William Emberson, Ann Todd, Rhoda Emberson, Sarah Washer, Elizabeth Emberson, Mary Emberson, Benjamin Emberson, Emily E. Emberson, heirs of Benjamin Emberson dec. Sixty-five acres NW1/4 15-4-11 “lands came to us by our grandfather John West” 26 Oct. 1854.
Emery, David. Also spelled Imrie. (Book D-449) Moses McCay appointed gdn of Charles and Mary Emery. John Tait, security. (Book D-202) Will Book B. Will Wr. 3 May 1834. Rec. 28 Aug. 1834. Wife; Children: Charles and Mary (married William Boling) Andrew Morton, exec. Witnesses: Jesse Woods. Thomas A. Haskell. William Vaughn John Tait, and Moses McKay to be gdn.
Evans, James B. [No book transcribed] 24 Feb. 1872. Mary A. Evans, my wife, and my children, John, Hartman, and Sophira [As transcribed], all real estate and personal property.
Evans, John J. (Book A-141) Will Wr. 24 Dec. 1858. Rec. 16 Aug. 1859. To my son, Silas, Evans, to be exec. My dau., Frances Longhead (Langhead). My other two daus, Margaret Miles and Sophronia Pheasant. My wife, Elizabeth Simpson. Silas to be exec.
Fagg, James. (Guardianship Book) 12 June 1863. Heirs: Daniel, George, Harriet, Archibald, James. Nancy Fagg, gdn.
Faithful, Peter. (Probate Book H-120-392-416) Adm. Appointed 9 Aug. 1849; Washington, Thomas and John Geen, gdn of Peter Faithful, age 12 years, and Mary Jane Faithful, age 8 years, orphans of Peter.
Farley, Mary Ann. (Book A-175) Will Wr. 27 March 1860. Rec. 15 Apr. 1860. Saluda Township. My three brothers, William W., Seth Farley and Thomas Harry Farley.
Farnham, William Sawyer. (Probate Book G-248) Will Wr., 16 Feb. 1847. Rec. 23 June 1847. Resident of Madison. William Sawyer of Boston, Mass., to hold property in trust for his aunt of Salem, Ind., exec. of his father’s will; grandmother, Mrs. Mary Leonard, decd of Mt. Vernon, Ind.; uncle , Edward A. Leonard, decd and uncle, Julius C. Leonard, decd both of Mt. Vernon, Ind. Portrait of Manning Leonard, brother of George, Bernard Leonard of Louisiana, brother of George. Uncle Meriwether; Aunt Laura. Uncle Peter Roar of Middleborough, Mass. Cousins: Julius A. Smith and Mary L. Smith of New Albany, Ind. My father’s friend, Charles Dewey of Charlestown, Ind., to be exec. Witnesses: William Davidson and Joshua L. Harrison.
Farrell, James. (Probate Book) A adm. 1834. Hannah Farrell, widow, adm. Barney Farrell, security. (Book D-197-199)
Faught, William. (Book B-692) Will Wr. 15 Jan. 1884. Rec. 2 Feb. 1884. My wife, Amanda, one half of my farm; my oldest son, Sanford, 1/7 part; oldest dau. Martha Allen 1/7th; Henry 1/7th; Lanta Bear 1/7; An___ 1/7th part; Mollie 1/7th) My decd dau. Lizzie Bear, decd, her children, my grandchildren, Lanta Bear, Mollie Bear, Ira Bear, George Bear and Georgia Bear.
Fearn, George. (Book A-448) Will Wr. 20 Jan. 1869. Rec. 5 June 1869. Of Carroll Co., Ky. To my nephew, George Fearn, my farm in Carroll Co., after him to my nieces, Mary Jane King, Elizabeth Hitt, Kate Harper, Nannie Voriles, Martha Fearn and Jane Fearn, share and share alike. (Others named) All my slaves to be set free. My brother, Samuel Fearn to be exec. [Date is per transcription. But slaves should have been free before 1869.]
Feather, Stephen. (Will Book B-201) Will Wr. 22 July 1826. Rec. 26 Aug. 1826. Wife, Mary; daughter, Marisovele (sp?); daughter, Anna Fobes; granddaughter, Mary, daughter of decd son William. Wife and Hezekiah Stout, executors. Witnesses: John Chenowith and Edmond Mooney.
Fecer, John G. (Probate Book J-179) Will Wr. 3 March 1852; Rec. 12 Aug. 1852. Wife, Catherine; young daughter, Catherine. Wife and friend, George Fox, exec. Witnesses, John Ruppert. James C. Thorn.
Fenton, Bartholomew. (Probate Book A 1834) d 1 Oct. 1833. Land SE 29-5-10. Heirs: Minerva Ann, Jesse Lowry, Elizabeth Jane, Josephine, James Campbell, Emily, Mary, Solomon, John, Bartholomew, and Willis. Jane Fenton and H.E. Patton, adm. (Book D-102) 1833 80 acres W1/2 of SE 29-5-10 and E1/2 of same Robert Elliott, gdn of infant heirs. Land sold to James G. Brisban. (D-271). Jesse L. Fenton, age 16; Elizabeth Fenton, age 15; Josephine Fenton, age 13, chose Jane Fenton, gdn. James Fenton, age 12; Emily Fenton, age 10; Solomon, age 7; Mary, age 8; John, age 8, Bartholomew age 3 and Willis, age 2 years.
Fenton, James. (Book B-107) 3 May 1873. To my children, Ellen, wife of William H. Litson; Jane wife of George Millican; Margaret, wife of William McBride, each $10 and to another daughter, Matilda W. Fenton, my house and furniture; also ten acres of land to my son, William T. Fenton; my rope factory with all tools and thirty acres of land; son, James Fenton, and his wife, twenty acres of land in Madison Twp. Will Wr. at Annfield, near Madison, Indian. Son and daughter to be administrators.
Ferguson, Alex. Pg. 110. [No Book transcribed] Will Wr. 4 Feb. 1865. Rec. 19 Dec. 1885. Children: Alex Ferguson, John Ferguson, Margaret Forbes, granddaughter, Belle, daughter of my daughter, Elizabeth. Son, James, son Robert. Robert executor. Witnesses, H. Francisco, J. Cochran.
Ferguson, John. (Book B) Adm.
Ferris, Leonard. (Book A-417) Will Wr. 5 July 1862. Rec. 22 April 1868. My son, Henry.
Fewell, Daniel. (Book A-55) Will Wr. 19 Jan. 1856. Rec. 19 Feb. 1856. My dear wife, Mary Jane, all my property during her natural life, for support of all our children who are minors. Also to my dau. Angelina and my sons, Ezra, Daniel and William Hicks, each a colt.
Fewell, Joshua. (Book A-463) Will Wr. 12 Aug. 1869. Rec. 25 Sept. 1869. My mother to receive $50; my brothers. W.H. Fewell, Bennett Fewell, James Fewell, Marion Fewell, Nathan Fewell.
Fewell, Marion. (Book B-50) Will Wr. 28 Oct. 1872. Rec. 28 Jan. 1873. Of Smyrna Township. To my mother, Sarah Fewell, all property. Parmelia Bassett. John H. Fewell, exec. Witnesses: John Newton and John T. McKay.
Fewell, Russell. (Book B-631) Will Wr. 3 May 1877. Rec. 20 March 1883. To my wife, Missouri Fewell, and my sister, Elizabeth Fewell, and brother, Sanford.
Field, John. (Book B) Sale 23 Jan. 1826. (Deed Book D-360) Heirs: John Field, William Field; Jonathan Rapp and wife Sally; Harvey Field and wife Rachel; Pleasant Field and Rebecca Reed. Land NE 25-3-8. Signers of deed: William and Elizabeth Field; James and Elizabeth Field; Jonathan and Polly Rapp; Harvey and Rachel Field; Pleasant Field and Rebecca Reed.
Field, William. (Probate Book I) Will Wr. 23 Feb. 1850. Rec. 27 Sept. 1850. Wife, Elizabeth; farm and lot in Lexington. Children: William Harrison Field; John Field ; George W. Field; James F. Field; Samuel Anderson Greenbury Field, Martin Huckleberry Field; Louisa Cooperider; Frances Law; Elizabeth Cooperider; Mary Tull. Witnesses: John West; John Cantwill. Codicil Wr. 6 May 1850.
Finley, John. (Probate Book D) Will Wr. 23 Nov. 1833. Rec. 27 Dec. 1833. Executor to buy farm in Carmel neighborhood for family. Wife, Ann. William H. Finley, oldest son. Witnesses: John Irwin, Jos. Martin, Robert Bain. (Book D-187) Inventory, 1834, list of notes left with Thomas Wilson in Rockbridge Co., Va., on Sept. 25, 1835.
Fiourney, William. (Book A-327) Will Wr. 3 Sept. 1868. Rec. 17 Sept. 1868. My wife, Victoria, real estate in Louisville.
Firth, Vincent. (Book B-93) Will Wr. May 1873. Rec. August 1873. My beloved wife, Emily. My daughters, Mary and Amelia. Divided among my eight children, viz: John H., Jane Scott, William Firth, Amy Francis, Henry C., Mary, Christopher C. and Amelia. Henry C. as adm.
Fish, David. (Probate Book A) 1835. John Fish, adm. (D-72) 1833, adm. Inventory p. 100-101.
Fish, George W. (Book B) adm 1839.
Fischer, Christian. (Book A-327) Will Wr.12 Dec. 1868. Rec. 5 Jan. 1869. Being now 53 years of age. Anna Barbara Fischer to have all my real estate to take care of my minor children.
Fisher, Jacob H. (Book A-487) Will Wr.18 Oct.1869. Rec. 3 Jan. 1870 Widow, Sarah.
Fisk, Robert. (Probate Book F-150) August 1843. It is ordered by the Court that satisfactory evidence was Rec. in court that Maranda Courtney, wife of said John H. Courtney, and formerly Miranda Fisk, Robert W. Fisk, Elizabeth I. Heap,
Fitch, Georgia. (Book B-23) 13 Aug. 1875. My dau. Maggie D. Fitch, $500; my sister, Jessie B. Doolittle, gold watch. My father, Rolla Doolittle, as exec.
Fitch, Jonathan. (Book B-210) Will Wr. 25 Nov. 1874. Rec. 6 Apr. 1875. Wife, Ruth Owing Fitch; sister, Eliza M. Kleinfelter; niece, Margaret Kleinfelter; Hannah Clark, dau-in-law; Dau: (?) Georgia Fitch. Frank Suire (?), own children, Hannah Ann Suire, Overton A. Fitch, Mary E. Meldrum, Alabama Fitch. Exec. Overton A Fitch and George Meldrum
Fix, Sarah. (Probate Book F-129) Harmon Fix, William T. Fix, Mary A. Fix and Viola J. Fix, infants of Sarah and William Fix. Sarah appointed gdn. (A second record) William Fix, Gdn of Harrison Fix, age 13; William Thomas Fix, age 10; Mary Ann Fix, age 8 and Viola Jane Fix, age 6. (Complete Record I-186) August Term 1843. William Fix, guardian ex parte. Record receives that Thomas Consley died in 1832 and that his heirs included Sarah Consley, who had married William Fix, and that she died in 1833. Fix lived in Bartholomew Co., where he was appointed guardian of his children and ask to sell land Consley owned in SE1/4 12 Twp. 2N Range 9E.
Flannagan, Patrick. (Probate Book I-77) Will Wr. 4 Apr. 1850 Rec. 29 June 1850. Lived in Madison. Brother, Timothy Flannagan, his wife, Ann Barrett Flannagan. Mother Catherine Henley, now wife of Anthony Henley. Witnesses: John O’Brien. Dominick Barrett, John Flynn.
Flournoy, William. (Book A-420) Will Wr. 3 Sept. 1868. Rec.17 Sept. 1868. My wife, Victoria, real estate in Louisville.
Floyd, David A. (Book B-287) Will Wr. 11 Oct. 1876. Rec. 24 Oct. 1876, Lancaster township, to my beloved wife, Sarah Jane. Children mentioned but not named.
Forbus, John. (Book C) adm 1828
Ford, James. (Book B-182). Will Wr. 6 Oct. 1874. Rec. 22 Dec. 1874. Father, Achilles Ford, $100; wife, Mary Jane Ford. Exec. James Officer. Witnesses, James Hassfurder, Samuel Ireland.
Ford. Warner. (Book B-571) 1 May 1882. Of Smyrna Township. My children, William H. Ford, Edward Ford, Scott Ford, Eprie Ford and Cora F. Ford.
Forkenstein, Joseph. (Book A-438) Will Wr. 15 Sept. 1864. Rec. 6 Jan. 1869. To my daughter, Mrs. Mary Schnabel, wife of George Schnabel, all my estate.
Forsyth, Robert. (Probate Book E-365) Will Wr. 12 June 1840. Rec. 5 Aug. 1840. Wife, Mary Ann, three sons, James B. John V., Robert F. Daughter Sarah J. Forsyth. Wife and James L. Swan, executors. Witnesses: Stephen Lee and Alanson Couvin.
Foster, Hiram. (Book B-243) Will Wr. 20 Oct. 1874. Rec. 25 Jan. 1876. Sons, Stephen and Edward; Laura and Philura Whitsitt, daus of my oldest dau. Elvira, one bed; dau. Belinda. Son, Benjamin Foster, all my wearing apparel; my wife, Ann not to have farm which was in great danger of fire from RR on one side and Big Creek on the other. Also notes due me. Andrew Blake to be exec.
Foster, Zebulon. (Book A) inventory
Fox, Jeremiah. (Probate Book H-348) Will Wr. 18 March 1849. Rec. 28 May 1849. Wife, Anna. He was a native of Ireland and a resident of New Orleans. Bequeaths land and two houses in Madison on corner of Warren St. Houses in New Orleans. Mrs. Anna Merrian Fox, widow.
Fox, Nicholas Sr. (Book A-489) Will Wr. 10 Nov. 1869. Rec. 8 March 1870. Children, Jacob Fox, Magdalene Fox, Michael Fox, Hugo Fox, Nicholas Fox, Lizzie Fox, Peter Fox, Susan Fox, Mary Ann Fox.
Francis, James. (Book C) 1826. Infant heirs: Jacob K. Francis, age 13; Henrietta, age 11, James, age 8.
Francis, James. (Book B-169) Will Wr. 12 June 1874. Rec. 18 Sept. 1874. My wife, Mary to have property; then to son, Walter Francis and dau. Esther Ellen Francis; sons, John K. and Jonah Francis, nothing therefor. Heretofore, I have given them their share. Witnesses: John S. Torbet, Alex Miller and George B. Lewis.
Francis, John. (B-226) Will Wr. 19 Sept. 1838. Rec. 10 Apr. 1839. Son, Alex, SW 12-5-9; son, James, SW and SE 12-5-9 on Big Creek; son Joseph NW 12-5-9 and NW SW 1-5-9. Daughters Margaret and Jane Francis NW 12-5-9; SE NE 11-5-9; NE SW 1-5-9; Esther McAllister, SW 12-5-9; Mary McKay, SW 12-5-9; Elizabeth McKay, SE and SW 12-5-9. Grandson, John, son of Walter Francis, decd. Granddaughter, Maria Francis. Executors: sons, Alex and James. Witnesses, Ebenezer Large and John Boyd. (Deed Book W-484), died 1838. Heirs: Margaret Francis; George Low and Jane Francis Low; John McKay and Polly Francis McKay; Francis Woods and Elizabeth Woods; James Francis and Polly; Joseph Francis and wife Elizabeth; Alex Francis and wife Eliza.
Francisco, Warren. (Book B-429) Will Wr. 20 Dec.1879. Rec. 31 Jan. 1880. Son, David, my farm. George on Smyrna Pike road; son, Warren Francisco, land east of Madison and Brownstown pike road. Daughter, Ida Francisco when she reaches lawful age. Son George Francisco when he reaches lawful age, daughters Mandana Roe, Adelia Bramwell and son-in-law Edgar Bramwell, daughters Aggie Cochron ( Cochran ) and Ida Francisco.
Frazier, Samuel. (Will Book A p. 93) Mary Frazier widow, Samuel Frazier, adm. 10 Sept. 1818. Peter Hemphill, Absolem Reunion (sp?) Security. Appraisers: William Brooke, John Daisey (?), Samuel Reunion (?) Inventory. (Probate Book D-274) George Frazier, age 19, chose James White as gdn.
Freeman, Elisha. (Will Book A-175) Will Wr. 10 Apr. 1818. Rec. Hardin Co., Ky., 13 Apr. 1818 Rec. Jefferson Co., Ind. 22 Jun 1819. Elisha lived in Hardin Co., Ky. Sons: Elisha, Thomas, Richard and Samuel. Daughters: Sarah Couts, Elizabeth Short. Sons-in-law Jacob Short and John Buchanan. Witnesses: Squire Lame and George Helm.
Frevert, August L. (Book B-262) Will Wr. 15 Nov. 1867. Rec. 20 April 1876. My wife, Elizabeth, all property and government bonds. Children mentioned.
Friedersdorf, (or Freidersdorff) Conrad. (Book B-400) Will Wr. 7 Oct. 1879. Rec. 20 Oct. 1879. My wife, Elizabeth, everything, to continue in the grocery business, then goes to our children.
Friedersdorff, John Peter. Book A-442. Will Wr. 28 Dec. 1868. Rec. 11 Jan. 1869. Mary, my wife to have all real estate and at her death, to be equally divided among my children. Son, William Conrad, adm.
Fry, Lydia. (Book B-662) Will Wr. 7 Nov. 1881. Rec. 26 Sept. 1883. My son and daughter, Eunice Sarah and William H. Fry, share and share alike. My dau. Susan E. Howe has plenty of worldly goods, so I leave her nothing.
Fry, William H. Sr. (Book B-534) Will Wr. 4 July 1881. Rec. 23 Sept. 1881. My wife, Lydia D. Fry, then to my son, William H. Fry Jr. and his heirs; my two daus. Susan E. Howe and Eunice A. Haigh have received their share; my son to be exec.
Fuel, Stephen. (Probate Book D 317) Marson Fuell, adm.
Fuel, William. (Probate Book D-317 or 327?) Margaret Fuell, adm.
Fuel, Andrew. (Book A) adm
Fulton, Andrew. (Book A) adm.
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