Copyright 2000 by Robert W. Scott
Imrie, David. See David Emery.
Ingram, James J. Sr. (Book A-369) Will Wr. 21 Jan. 1822. Rec. 2, Feb. 1822 My beloved wife, Hannah, plantation where I now live. Son, James, land on Ohio River in Saluda. Estate to be sold and divided among my daus: Daus: Elizabeth, Hannah, Jane, Polly, Nancy, Lydia. Alexander Campbell to tend carding machine. Exec. James Ingram and Robert Simington. Wit: Robert Siminton and John Shannon.
Ingram, James. (Book B) 1837. Died 1828. Land on Ohio River fraction 8-3-10. Children: Mary Elizabeth Ingram, wife of John Woodward; William Austin Ingram; James Wesley Ingram; Julia Ann Ingram; John Nelson Ingram; Malinda Jane Ingram. (Book C): Widow, Nancy m. William B. Campbell. Ch: Mary Elizabeth Ingram, William Austin Ingram; Malinda Jane Ingram James Wesley; Julia Ann Ingram; John Nelson Ingram; 1827. (Book E-266) Andrew Duffy, gdn of James Ingram heirs. Settlement, 1839. William A., James W., Julia Ann, John N. (Book X-413) 1843 (Probate Book F-48) Benjamin Thomas, gdn of John N., Julian Ann, James Wesley, minor and infant heirs. (Probate Book D-68) William Campbell vs. Richard Hubbard, guardian of J. Ingram’s heirs.
Irwin, David. Decd. (Probate Book F-183-190) William Spencer appointed gdn of David Irwin, age 11 years and 7 months. (Ann Irwin, insane)
Irwin, Mary Ann (Irvin). (Book A-478) Will Wr. 22 Jan. 1869. Rec. 29 Apr. 1869. Died in Hamilton Co., Ohio. Sister, Margaret J. Riley, Madison. Three children to share equally in stock of steamboat. Nicholas Longworth. [Nicholas Longworth is probably name of the steamboat, although transcription is not clear.]
Jack, Israel. (Book A-30) Will Wr. 21 Oct. 1854. Rec. 3 Nov. 1854. Madison Twp., Harriet Jack, my wife, to be full heir.
Jackson, Henry. (Book C) 1831. Hannah Jackson, age 13.
Jackson, John. (Book A-531) Will Wr. 11 Dec. 1863. Rec. 17 May 1871. Wife, Margate (Margaret). Son, James Jackson. Dau. Ann, wife of James Horton.
Jackson, Margaret. (Book B-481) Will Wr. 2 May 1877. Rec. 6 Apr. 1881. To my relative, Susannah Kelley. Pleasant R. Vernon, adm.
Jackson, Thomas. (Book E-583) Thomas Jackson, alien, native of England, age 57; b. At Leaven Green, Hamlet of Cudham Co. Of Kent, emigrated from Portsmouth 26 Dec. 1841. Arrived N.Y. 31 Jan. 1841. Thomas Jackson Jr., age 20; John D. Jackson, age 18; Richard Towels Jackson, age 12; Robert Jackson, age 9; Mary D. Jackson, age 7 years; James Jackson, age 6 years; Margaret Jackson, age 2; George Jackson, age 1 yr.
Jackson, Thomas. (Book F-250) George S. Sheets, appointed gdn of Martha Jackson.
Jagel, Sudwig (Ludwig?). (Book B-337) Will Wr. 22 Sept.1863. Magdaline Jagel, my wife. After her death to be equally divided between my children: Mary Sophia, Amalia, Rosa and William. Michael Fox, exec. [DAR has this transcribed as Jagel Sudwig, but wife is listed as Magdaline Jagel.]
Jager, John. (Book A-445. Will Wr. 18 July 1868. Rec. 25 Feb. 1869. My wife, Margaret Jager, sole exec. To my child, by my second wife, Margaret Jager, one note. Remaining children, by my first wife, viz: Catherine, wife of John Haufman, Susan Muller, wife of John Muller; John Jager; Mary, wife of Nicholas Wagner; resident of Iowa; Catherine, wife of Jacob Thomas, residing in Iowa; and Peter Jager, to be equally divided.
Jaharris, Frederick. (Book B-680) Will Wr. 9 March 1872. Rec. 10 Jan. 1884. All my estate to my wife, Dorothy.
James, Fielding. (Book B) adm orphans: Samuel, age 9; Elizabeth, age 7; Polly, age 5.
James, Mary Ann. (Book B-384) Will Wr. 5 March 1879. Rec. 15 Apr. 1879. To be divided equally between my two sons, William C. James and Charles D. James, and my dau. Clara Ferris.
James, Nelson. (Book A-418) Will Wr. 14 Sept. 1857. Rec. 27 Apr. 1868. 61 years of age. My wife Chloe to have everything.
Jamison, Samuel. (Book A-327) Will Wr. 24 March 1864. Rec. 14 Feb. 1865. Shelby Twp. To my wife, land in Shelby Twp., then to our children. (Guardianship Book) 11 June 1867. Heirs: John, Ealy Ann, Rachel, Robert, Elijah. William Mathews guardian.
Jameson, Thomas. (Book F-130) 5 May 1843. Malinda, wife, $100. Alexander, son, to build cocoonery. Lane [DAR Transcription. Probably misreading of Love Jameson.) Son. Three daus. Lucy, Sarah and Mary. Sons, Henry, Alexander and James. Thomas, also a son. Thomas and Alex to be exec.
Jeanneret, Charles Henry. (Book C) 1826. Rec. 1830. Will Wr. in French. (From Neufchaetel, Switzerland). Son, Phillibert Jeanneret. Henrietta Jeanneret Diedre of Switzerland.
Jeffries, James. (Book A-534) Will Wr. 6 May 1871. Rec. 1 July 1871. Mary E. Stanford (not a dau., per note). Dau. Mary, Wit: Robert Jeffries and James C. Jeffries.
Jennings, Ozias. (Book A Book B) Wife, Elizabeth. (Book C) 1831, settlement. Sherwood Jennings; Aaron Jennings and wife Sally; Nathaniel Arbuckle and wife Katherine; Salmon Jennings; Malinda Trulock, wife of John Trulock; George W. Jennings; Levi Jennings; Enoch Jennings and Margaret Jennings. These two over 14. (Book C) 1827. Levi Jennings, age 17, chose gdn.
Jewell, John. (Book E-603) Will Wr. 28 Aug. 1841. Rec. 2 June 1842, Madison. Shop on Main Cross. House on East St. Mary Toler, William J. Jewell, Susan Beler, Elizabeth Payne, Harriet Jewell, Charlotte Jewell, Amanda Jewell, Alfred Davidson Jewell, Sarah Eliza Jewell, Laura Alice Jewell. Charles W. Bennett, exec. Witnesses: William H. Taylor. Chauncey B. Lewis.
Jewell, Thomas. (Book B) adm 1826
Johnson, Benjamin. (Will Book B 1-12) [Book and page number as transcribed, but not in accord with normal numbering] 19 Aug. 1822. A bookseller in Philadelphia, Pa. Will lists property in Philadelphia and in New Jersey, naming those who formerly held it. Sisters: Ann Habyon; Rebecca Maule; Elizabeth Johnson; Mary Johnson. Brothers: Joseph Johnson, wife, Jane, seven children; Richard, Caleb, William, Havery (?), Benjamin D. Samuel B., Edward and Rachel. [Brother Joseph’s wife and children?] Will Wr. 9 Nov. 1821. Rec. Philadelphia 25 March 1822.
Johnson, Elisha. (Book C) Samuel B. Johnson. Infant 17 years, Mar. 1831.
Johnson, Ezekiel. (Book A-209) Will Wr. 30 Nov. 1860. Rec. 9 May 1861. Eldest son, William Johnson, $20; second son, Isaac H. Johnson, $20; my granddaughter, Martha Elizabeth Johnson, dau of my eldest son, William, my property.
Johnson, Jack. (Book F-358) John L., David, Thomas, sons, and Jane, dau.
Johnson, Malaoni. (Book C) Adeline Johnson. Age 12 years.
Johnson, Narcissa. (Book-101) Will Wr. 15 Aug. 1873. Rec.. Sept. 1873. Mary Jane Hill, one feather bed, Mary Elizabeth Johnson, my daughter; Ellen Johnson, my dau. Everything to be divided between my two daus. Mary E. and Ellen Johnson and Mary Jane Hill. Elias Wallace, exec.
Johnson, Samuel S. (Probate Book .... 253) [Book number not in transcription] Will Wr. 22 Jan. 1849. Rec. 16 Feb. 1849, lived in Madison. Wife, Mary, exec. Infant Children. Witnesses: J.B. Troxell; J.H. Walker.
Johnson, Whitman A. (Book A-263) Huntington, Ohio. To my father, Jesse Johnson, interest in land in Tuscola Co., Mich. Bro. Frank A. Johnson, my store and lot situate in Lancaster Twp. $50 to Elutherian College, College Hill in Lancaster Twp. My mother, Emeline A. Johnson, against Thomas Cravens of Lancaster Twp.
Johnson, William. (Book B) (Probate Book A) 1836. Heir Jack Johnson.
Johnson, William. (Book A-416) Will Wr. 18 Jan. 1867. Rec. 20 Apr. 1868. Sixty one years of age. My wife, Chloe, to have everything.
Jones, James. (Probate Book E-333) Will Wr. 30 Dec. 1839. Rec. 19 Feb.1840. Gives to Missionary Society of Indiana conference of Methodist Episcopal Church. Preachers aid. Simon S. Gillet and Sol. Devenish, exec. Witnesses: Ferd C. Holliday; Charles W. Bennett.
Jones, Samuel. (Probate Book J-256) Will Wr. 22 Oct. 1852. Rec. 27 Nov. 1859. Wife, Hester Ann. Children: Samuel, Pamylea and Frederick Alonzo Jones. Witnesses: Peter Hargrove; Wm. C. Hillis, John C. Carter.
Jordan, Joseph T. (Book A-475) Will Wr. 5 July 1869. Rec. 19 Nov. 1869. Dau. Transylvania. Widow, Elmira. Son, Joseph T. Sons and daus. James M., Joseph T., Jeanne B., Transylvania, Elennado, Nelly, Elira (Eliza?) and Jane.
Jordan, Mary A. (Book B-218) Will Wr. 25 Dec. 1871.Rec. 18 May 1875. Daughter-in-law Mary J. Jordan. Wit.: John L. Jones Mary E. Standbery.
Judge, Thomas Sr. (Book B-347) Will Wr. 18 Jan. 1877. Rec. 7 June 1878. To my beloved dau-in-law, Mary Judge, wife of my son, Thomas, and to their children; my sons, John and William Leland, and Eazelton to be exec.
Kaiser, Jacob. (Book B-349) 22 May 1878. My dau. Anna Maria Kramer; Barbara Kaiser $5, Margaretha, $5; Elizabeth Spicer, $5; Anna Kramer, $5.
Kahn, Adam. (Book B-562) Will Wr. 28 March 1882. Rec. 4 Apr. 1882. My dau. Louisa, $1,000 when she is 21; my dau. Erma, $600; my sons, Henry and Charles, $100 each. My other children: William, Frank, Erma, Henry, Charles and Louisa.
Kaltenbach, August. (Probate Book R-108) Will by word of mouth made 22 Apr. 1848 at Molino Del Rey, Mexico. August Kaltenbach, Jeff. Co., Ind., private in Capt. D.W. Lewis’ Co. K. 5th Indiana Reg. O foot Volunteers. Lewis Eckert, alias as he is sometimes called Louis Aigencourt, shall have $24. If I live, he is to return it. Witnesses at Madison, 28 July 1848: Edward Shelte, Jacob Miller.
Kavanaugh, Philemon. (Book A-108) Will Wr. 1 Jan. 1858. Rec. 1 Feb. 1858. My wife, Margaret Jane Kavanaugh. My sons, John M; dau. Amelia Kavanaugh and Samira Kavanaugh; dau. Sophia Bear, wife of Oliver L. Bear. Son, Delany Kavanaugh.
Kearney, B or P. (Book F-324) Nov. 1844. Mary, wife; John, Joseph, sons. James Savage, Liverpool, England.
Keel, Peter. (Will Book C-348) Will Wr. 22 Oct. 1830. Rec. 23 Feb. 1831. Wife, Mary. Son, Peter, and William Vaughn, exec. Other children not named. John Shirk and James McKay, witnesses.
Keel, Peter. (B-319) Will Wr. 16 Oct. 1877. Rec. 30 Oct. 1877. My wife, Betsy Keel, house, etc.; my son, George Keel, $1; Ira Keel, my son, $1; to my grandson, John Keel, $1; Anna Eliza Caster, 250; to Mary Jane Henry $250; Milo Keel, $1. John Ralston to be exec.
Keith, Richard M. (Book B) adm 1826, 1833, infant daughter, Mathilda, widow, Letitia. Matilda Keith, daughter of Richard M. Keith, age 17 on 14 July 1833. Henderson Bell, her guardian.
Kelly, Kelly (?). (Book B-380) Will Wr. 30 Apr. 1879. Rec. 23 May 1879. Catholic Orphanage, $200 and rest to St. Michael’s Church.
Kelly, John. (Book A-24) Inventory 12 Nov. 1814. Samuel McKinley, Joshua Wilhoite, John West. Residue: $17. William Kelly, a bequest of $1.50
Kelly, Luke. (Probate Book I-364) Will Wr. 24 May 1851. Rec. 7 May 1851. Lived in Madison. Brother: Martin Kelly; three nephews, Luke Kelly of New Orleans; Patrick Gilligan and John Gilligan of Ireland; Brian Kelly and niece, Biddy Kelly in Ireland. Exec.: Mark Clark, James Geraghty, John Donohue.
Kennedy, David. (Book B-86) Will Wr. 3 March 1854. Rec. 26 Apr. 1873. of Hamilton Co., Ohio. My wife, Martha, 1/3; to my son, John William Kennedy, the farm in Miami Purchase, 160 acres; to my son, James Kennedy, a farm Miami grant, fifty acres; my son, Benjamin P. Kennedy, a farm, Miami purchase, eighty acres; my dau. Mary Jane, now Mary Jane Keller, 210 acres; to Nancy, now Nancy Mount, whom we raised from a child, 137 acres. John W. Kennedy, exec.
Kennedy, Joseph. (Book A-176) Will Wr. 29 Apr. 1854. Rec. 11 May 1860. My wife, Ellen Kennedy; my children, Mary Ann and Eliza J. Kennedy; Patsy Haney; Polly Grooms; William Kennedy and Ellen Hall.
Kennedy, William E. (Book B-325) Will Wr. 24 May 1877. Rec. 10 Jan. 1878. House in Canaan. Everything to my brother, Benjamin F. Kennedy to hold in trust for my two children, Clara, George. Edmund to support them and my wife and her children by a former marriage. Brother to be exec.
Kerner, Christian. (Book B-163) 15 June 1874. My wife, Christina Kerner, a life estate in all property, then after her death to my dau., Mary, now intermarried to Fred Armand; also my step-daughter, Fredericka Grass, dau. of my wife, Christina Kerner by a former marriage $25. Edward Kampe, to be exec.
Kerr, John. (Book C) 1828. Shelby Twp George Kerr, adm.
Kerr, Josiah (Carr). (Book C) John Francis, gdn of James Kerr, age 15; Alexander Kerr, age 13; Peggy Kerr, age 11, 1828.
Kimmel, Cordelia. (Book B-523) Will Wr. 18 Aug. 1881. Rec. 5 Sept. 1881. $200 to keep up graves of myself and husband; $50 to keep up Albert Kimmel’s grave; $100 each to St. Mary’s and St. Michael’s; my son, Peter Kimmel, $1; I have given to him and his children; to my son, Joseph Kimmel; Joseph Kimmel, son of my son Peter; Barbara Beck, my dau; Amanda Kimmel, my son (?); Cordelia Dehler, my dau; Mary Smith, my dau.; George Kimmel, my son; and Fanny Kimmel, dau. of my son, Peter. My son-in-law, Joseph Heck, to be exec.
Kimmel, Sylvester. (Book B-410) Will Wr. 22 Dec. 1879. Rec. 27 Dec. 1879. My wife, Phekla Kimmel, real estate and household goods. Then to my children, Anna Kimmel, Josephine Kimmel, Andrew Kimmel, and John Kimmel.
Kinder, Mathilda. (Book C-34) Will Wr. 6 Jan. 1827. Rec. 14 June 1827. Sisters, Elizabeth and Polly. Mother, not named.
Kinder or Kilmer, George. (Book C) adm 1825. (Book B) May 1830 Samuel Ryker gdn of heirs. Samuel W. White gdn of heirs in Ky. (Book B) name given as Kilmer. Samuel Ryker gdn of Mathilda, age 16; Elizabeth, age 13 yrs.
King, James. (Probate Book D) Will in Gallatin Co., Ky. Wr. 4 Nov. 1816. Rec. 27 May 1835. Son, Ramsdell. Daughter, Elizabeth Davis.
King, James. (Book A-435) Will Wr. 14 Oct. 1868. Rec. 16 Nov. 1868. To my wife, Rebecca King, the farm on which we live.
King, John. (Will Book B-6) Wr. 30 Nov. 1865. Codicil, 27 May 1871. Probated 9 Apr. 1872. Dau: Nannie W. Woodburn, bonds. Wife, Harriet, my residence in the city of Madison. Brother, Victor King, lot 78 old town. Presbyterian Church, $1,000; Bequests to Missions and Hanover College. To John King Weyer, $250, to John King Woodburn, $250. Six grand children: John King Weyer; Harriet Ellen Weyer, David Agnew Weyer, Charles William Woodburn, John King Woodburn; Henry Leonard King, equally divided. Exec. Harriet King and Hon Wm. McKee Dunn. Later wife removed from Indiana so Mark Tilton was appointed in her place 27 May 1872. Witnesses: Wm. E. McClelland and A.D. Mathews.
King, John Lyle. (Book D-64) Will Wr. 27 March 1890. Probated 1892. Sister: Sarah Jane King of Madison, house on Vine St.; nephew, John Lyle Clough, of LaGrange, Cook Co., Ill., Bessie Reid, daughter of Cousin, David M. Reid of Piqua, Ohio. Sister, Susan N. Clough, her son, John Lyle Clough. Nieces: Lydia and Birdie Clough. Mentions Emm L. H all, nee Dickson of Chicago; Carrie Isaacs, wife of Marcus C. Isaacs.
King, Spencer. (Probate Book A) made gdn of his two children: Jane and Emeline.
King, Ziba H. (Probate Book A) 1836. Mary King, widow; Mary, infant, age 1 year.
King, Truman. (Book A-282) Will Wr. 3 Aug. 1863. Rec. 8 Sept. 1863. Elizabeth Conover, my dau. Grandson, John King, my granddaughter, Sarah Cook; grandson, Joseph Elbe, son of Philip Elbe. Samuel Hobson, exec.
Kinnear, Andrew. (Probate Book H-366) Will Wr. 20 May 1849. Rec. 23, June 1849. Wife, Sally W. Kinnear. Children, Mary Jane, William Henry, Betsy Ann; Minerva; Oliver Perry; Aurelius S; Thomas J; Alvin [or Elvin], Harlton. Nine children. Exec. W & Robert Kinnear. Witnesses: Jacob Nichols, John Ryker.
Kinnear, James. (Probate Book H-487) Heirs: Margaret Phillips, Sarah Jeffreys; Martha Ann Rowlinson; Louiza J. Cochran; William D. Kinnear; Thomas H. Kinnear; Elizabeth Elliott; Emily Kinnear; Mary L. Ryker; Elias C Kinnear.
Kinnear, Malinda. (Late Marshall). (Book A-508) Will Wr. 12 June 1870. Rec. 1 Aug. 1870. Sons, Samuel A. Marshall, John C. Marshall, William E. H. and C.W.; daus. Sarah Varble, Armilda Aslin.
Kirk, John. (Book A-184) 22 Aug. 1860. Of Monroe Twp. To my nephew J. Henry Kirk; my sister Polly Kirk and niece by marriage Rosa Ann Kirk; Benjamin and Wayne Kirk (idiots); Rose Ann Kirks children, Joseph Kirk and Gussia Kirk $25; Joseph Henry Kirk, Isaac Kirk $25.
Kirkwood, Hugh. (Book A-35) Will Wr. 6 Oct. 1854. Rec. 17 Nov. 1854. Appointed gdn for four older children: Jane, Hugh, Mary and Samuel, until they reach 21; my wife to be gdn of my dau. and of the unborn children,. John Scott, exec.
Kirkwood, Susan. (Book A-100) Will Wr. 1 Apr. 1858. Rec. 5 May 1858. My father, Robert Jamison, to be exec. My two children, Sarah and Robert Kirkwood.
Klein, Christina Barbara. (Book F-342) 1844. Ronaldus Hare, son-in-law; Bettia Hare, his wife, my dau.; Rosena Christina Hare and Caroline Margaret Hare, granddaughters; Israel Bendle and Dorothy Bendle, his wife; Christian Aigner and Rosena Aigner, his wife; Rolandus H are and Bertha Hare, his wife; Lula Belamin Klein, son of my son, Jacob Klein.
Klein, Elizabeth. (Book B-755) Will Wr. 19 Sept. 1881. Rec. 11 April. 1884. Wife of the late George Klein, decd. My son, George Henry Wolf, $75. Residue of my property to my children, Margaret Smith, Matilda Eaglin, George Henry Wolf, George Klein, and Rosina Klein. William Friedley, adm.
Klein, George Jr. (Book B-427) Will Wr. 9 Jan. 1870. Rec. 3 Feb. 1880. My wife, Elizabeth formerly Homing, all property and real estate. My step son, Henry Wolf.
Klein, Leonard. (Book B-684) Will Wr. 11 Jan. 1884. Rec. 18 Jan. 1884. To my wife, Frances, house and lot, etc. To my sons, Robert and Albert, sons of my first wife, $500 cash each; after that, my children, share and share alike; Robert E. Albert C., Kattie R., William S. and Louisa A. Klein.
Klein, Sally B. (Book B-536) Will Wr. 10 Feb.1880. Rec. 15 Nov. 1881. My wife, Nancy A. Klein; my adopted dau. Joseph B. Klein; my son, James J. Klein.
Kleinhens, Andrew. (Book B-624) Will Wr. 24 March 1881. Rec. 1 Jan. 1882. My wife, Agnes, all estate, real and personal. Son George. Other children.
Kleinschmidt, Alfred. (Book B-21) Sister-in-law, Christina Geiss, to be exec. My only blood relative is Philip Schneider of New York; $50 to friend, Fred Glass; $50 to Joseph Gaul. Witnesses: Jas. R. Lewis and Paul. Braun.
Knox, Reuben. (Book B) adm 1827. (Book C) lists name as Nocks.
Krout, (Kraut) John. (Book B-395) Will Wr. 1 Sept. 1879. Rec. 27 Sept. 1879. My wife, Ellen Krout everything.
Kunkler, Gustavas A. (Book B-373) Will Wr. 18 Oct. 1873. Rec. 17 Feb. 1879. My wife, Rosalie, to have all, also to be exec.
Kurtz, John Sr. (Probate Book H-249) Will Wr. 9 June 1835. Rec 16 Feb 1849. Son, Jacob, one half of farm I purchased of Alex Jameson; son, John, one half of farm. Dau: Mary Labach; Frances Heckinger; granddaughter, Mary Catherine Kurtz. Wife, Katherine. Witnesses: Caleb Schmidlapp, J.F.D. Lanier.
Kurtz, Michael. (Book B-148) May 1874. Baptist Church in 20-4-12. James M. Stewart, William Danner and Franklin Culver as exec.
Kyle, Frederick. (Book B) adm 1824. James Kyle, adm John and Sarah Kyle, security.
Kyle, James. (Will Book A-416) Will Wr. 14 Feb. 1822. Rec. 13 March 1822. Wife, Sarah children: Robert, James, Diana, Sally, Polly, Frederick, Henry, John. Sons-in-law: John Coffman; Geo. W. Bantz; granddaughter, Ann Eliza Reed, dau. of Abraham G. and Nancy Kyle Reed. Debts owed him by Robert Harrison, George and John Stites of Rockbridge Co., Va., Debts by Hinton Harrison of Christian Co., Ky. 160 acres of land in Illinois, NE1/4 sec. 8 Twp. 1 S in Range 8N, in tract appropriated by Congress for military bounties, given to granddaughter to be held by her father during infancy. Probate Book [not sure a book is listed] gives will, states that James died two hours after making it. Granddaughter was one year and 2 mos. old. [Will recorded in both DAR transcriptions, with different information, and different heirs.]
Kyle, James. (Book A-416) Will Wr. 14 Feb. 1822. Rec. 13 March 1822. Payment due me by Robert Harrison of the county of Rockingham, state of Virginia, shall be paid to my wife, Sarah. One third equally divided among my children, Robert, James, Sally, Diane, Poly. To my grandchild, Ann Eliza Reed, dau. of my son-in-law, Abraham G. Reed and my dau. Nancy, 160 acres in state of Illinois, the tract appropriated by Congress for military bounties. Son-in-law, John Coffman, and my son, Frederick, SE1/4 of 20-6-9; money owed to me in Christian Co., Ky., and Rockingham Co., Va., give to Henry and John and son-in-law George W. Banta, $100 each. Exec. My wife, Sarah, John Kyle, and Jer Sullivan. Witnesses: Samuel Daisey, John Cain, Josiah Mead.
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