Copyright 2000 by Robert W. Scott
Ulmer, John M. (Book A-321) Will Wr. 1 June 1864. Rec. 27 Oct. 1864. My son, John M. $200; my wife, Catherine Ulmer, and after her death to be equally divided between our four children: John M. Ulmer, Maria Ulmer, Henry Ulmer and George Ulmer. My brother, Andrew Ulmer and cousin Frederick Ulmer to be execs.
Underwood, James. (Book B-160) Will Wr. 12 Aug. 1824. Rec. 22 Sept. 1824. Wife, Mary. Son, James. Five daughters, not named. Witnesses: Henry Shannon, Robert Rea.
Vail, Mary. (Book B-276) Will Wr. 12 Apr. 1871. Rec. 24 July 1876. To my children, William C. Vail, Catherine Geen wife of John Geen, children of my decd dau, Lizzie Arnot, former wife of Abraham Arnott, to wit: Nellie, Catherine and Charles; my dau. Ann Maria Barbour, wife of Edwin C. Barbour, Caleb Lodge to be exec.
Vallilee, Robert. (Book A-133) Will Wr. 26 May 1857. Rec. 7 June 1859. My son, John M. Vallilee, clothing and my Bible. The rest is to be divided among my children; Mary Barnum, wife of Noah Barnum; Rebecca Hurlbut, wife of Jerome Hurlbut; Elizabeth Lockwood, wife of William Lockwood; my son, Martin H. and John to be exec.
VanCleave, Andrew. (Probate Book H-48) Heirs: Jared, John Daniel, David, Aaron VanCleave; Rachel Waggoner’s heirs; Mary Bergen’s heirs; Isom and Sarah Beshears.
VanCleave, Elizabeth. (Probate Book C-147) Will Wr. 27 Oct. 1846. Rec. 29 Dec. 1846. Sons: Aaron, David and Daniel. Dau: Sarah Beshears. Grandson, Andrew VanCleave Bergen, son of decd dau Mary. Witnesses. O.S. Pitcher. Eben Hillis.
VanCleave, John. (Book A-3) Will Wr. 11 May 1812. Rec. 28 May 1812. Wife, Rachel, house and furniture Sons: Peter and David. Four daus: Leah, Rachel Charity and Deborah, Daus by wife who was widow Rachel Ryker. Other children provided for. Wit: Gerardus Ryker, James Storm, Leah Ryker and Sarah Storm. Execs: Peter and David VanCleave and Samuel Ryker.
VanCleave, Peter. (Probate Book A) 1834. Land in Ripley Co. 36-6-10, 21-4-11. Lot 119 in Madison. Dau: Rachel, decd left two children, Melissa Ann Waggoner, Rachel V. Waggoner. (Book C-166) Will Wr. 1 Apr. 1829. Rec. 1 July 1829. Wife, Elizabeth; four eldest children: Gerardus, John, Samuel and Rachel. Other children: Ann, Polly, Sarah, David, Andrus, Daniel, Aaron. John, age 19, in 1831. (Book E 449, 553). (Probate Book F-426) Daniel 19, Aaron 17, Andrew Vernon to be gdn. (Book F-557) David, Andrew W., Isom and Sarah Bashears. Peter Smock exec. of Samuel Smock
VanCleave, Peter. (Probate Book F-557) David, Andrew W., Isom and Sarah Brashears, David. Peter Smock, exec. of Samuel Smock?
Varvel, Abraham. (Book B) 1824. Margaret Varvel, adm.
Vaughn, Thomas. (Probate Book B) p. 194. Mary Vaughn, adm. Appraisal 17 July 1829.
Book C 1829, Mary Vaughn, Widow. Zachariah McKay sec.
Vawter, Beverly. (Book B-15) Will Wr. 28 Jan. 1870. Rec. 17 Apr. 1872. Son, Pascal, $300. Granddaughter, Elizabeth V. Blair, heir of my dau. Lucinda $800; son, Philemon, $750; son, James, $750; son, James, $750; son, Richard B., $810; grandson, Ira Vawter, son of Cyrus P. Vawter, $500. Sam H. Vawter, $830. Son, John M. Vawter, $25. Adm. Sons Richard B. and Philemon Vawter. Wit: John Graham, Cyrus Vawter and Elizabeth V. Blair.
Vawter, Philemon. (Will Book A-34) Will Wr. 28 March 1814. Rec. 15 Apr. 1815. Weak and in low state of health. Wife, all estate. Daughter, Nancy, all stock, $143 worth of articles “her mother shall think proper to make her equal” to other siblings. Children: Richard, Elliot, Jesse, Beverly, Frances, Lucy, Elizabeth “already received that amount.” Son David, one half tract “where I live” at death of widow. Son, Beverly and Henry Ristine, execs. Witnesses: Jesse Vawter, Linsfield Branham. James M. Crawford, sec.
Venable, Joseph E. (Book E-156) Will Wr. 2 July 1838. Rec. 13 Aug. 1838 Wife, Mary F. Exec. Wife’s brother, Henry J. Cowan. My son, Joseph and Peter Smock. Witnesses: David Walker, J.C. Cheever.
Vernon, Ensley D. (Book A-280) Will Wr. 13 Apr. 1863. Rec. 13 Oct. 1863. To my wife, farm in Milton Twp., my two sons and two daus.
Vernon, James. (Probate Book B-198) Estate. Nehemiah Vernon right to advertise, 20 July 1829. Heirs: Mordecai Brooks and wife, Polly Vernon; Jeremiah Wilkins and wife, Betsy Vernon; Richard Vernon; all of Indiana. John Vernon of Alabama; Aggy Vernon Crump of Georgia. Isaac Vernon of North Carolina; Lewis David and wife Sally Vernon of Tennessee.
Vernon, Nancy. (Probate Order Book T-55) 31 March 1881. P.R. Vernon, adm.____
Vernon, Nehemiah. (Book C) Adm. 1829. [DAR gives this, but he’s alive in 1832. This may be an entry as administrator.]
Vestile, Joseph. (Probate Order Book U-107) 13 Apr. 1882. John F. Bellamy gdn of Minnie Vestile, heir of Joseph.
Vining , Elkana. (Book B) Ashbel Barber Vining, infant, gdn appointed.
Voll, George. (Book B-664) Will Wr. 1 Oct. 1883. Rec. 29 Oct. 1883. My wife, Ann, property at Main Cross and Sering Street. Our four children: Thomas, George, Barbara and Catherine.
Volz, Bebedick. (Book A-464) Will Wr. 3 Aug. 1869. Rec. 5 Oct. 1869. My wife, Halma? Farm in Lancaster Township. My son, Joseph B. Volz, $211.
Voltz, Joseph B. (Book B-40.)Will Wr. 3 Oct. 1873. Rec. 21 Oct. 1872. [Dates as given by DAR. Both should either be 1872 or both 1872.] My wife, Sabena Voltz, during her life time. Wit: Phillip Emmel and William Craig.
Vorhees, Garret. (Book A-305) Will Wr. 11 March 1864. Rec. 13 Apr. 1864. My wife, Sarah A. To own real estate until her death, then to our children.
Voris, Thomas. (Book A-464) Will Wr. 21 Oct. 1882. Rec. 26 Jan. 1884. My wife, Laura Voris, all real estate.
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