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The Wide Angle - Events |
Please see WWW.SAFE4WOMEN.COM for updates and more information or see below for contact information. SC-SAC will not have up-to-date information on this group.
Next swim (please see below for more ino on
the swims) is planned for Sat., Dec 7
What's special about the December swim? Singing and door
prizes for all who attend!
Last year the vocally gifted participants of SAFE spontaneously
began singing holiday songs, and the result was a beautiful blend
of voices that echoed through the tiled pool area. They
have promised to reprise this event. Swim and sing!!
Big on Batik, which is a large size batik clothing vendor, has donated several of their slightly damaged, but repaired fat ornaments of cute mermaids and dragons. A few of the ornaments were given out as doorprizes at the last event, but we have lots more. Check out Cathy Miller's wonderful selection of fabulous batik clothing at her website of the same name as her company. Many of us appreciate her support of size acceptance organizations.
Gail has promised to do some baking for door prizes as well. We have a few other donations from private individuals, and so, there will be prizes for everyone. Door prizes are drawn after the swim at the gym. Afterwards, we usually head on over to MiMi's at Ellis and Brookhurst for snacks or a meal.
Next swim is set for January 11, 2003 - Reg. times
Note: Special 2nd Birthday Celebration is set for February 8 - swim 7:30 to 9:30. After swim celebration in the adjacent banquet room 9:30 to 11:30
MOR2LUV may be hostessing a house party at the beginning of 2003. More to come regarding that event. In the meantime, Ronda recommends you attend the SAFE events.
Regarding the SAFE pool parties:
Have you heard about the SAFE indoor swim! For adult Men and Women, A Size Acceptance Event. All people of size as well as their friends and admirers are welcome. This is a comfortable environment. Keep in mind that we are not conducting a swimming meet. Many people just float around on pool "noodles" and chat and relax. Some people do swim laps. Others like to float around on their backs. Sometimes we get a "bounce the beachball" around thing going. Only size accepting people are welcome! The pool is heated to a comfortable 88 to 90 degrees. Life guard is on duty. There are changing rooms and showers available. $5 to $10 donation per person, depending on ability to pay (donations go to rent the pool). No one turned away, so if you do not have the wherewithall to donate, you are still welcome.
We would like to see more of you come out and enjoy this very pleasant way to spend a Saturday evening. If you don't have a bathing suit, let us know, and we will locate a loaner for you..we have all sizes of large among the regulars who attend these events.
All who attend may enter the doorprize drawing. You never know what people are going to donate for door prizes, but they are certain to be fun!. Doorprize drawing is usually done at the pool after the swim. After the drawing we usually go to Mimi's restaurant located at Ellis and Brookhurst in Fountain Valley. We can't promise that's where we will be, but that's where we usually end up going. To be sure of the post swim event, if you don't attend the swim, stop by the pool about 9:30 for the final word.
The gym is closed to the public during our swims - we are there after hours.
We do have a lifeguard on duty, and there is one other staff person present.
While there is no ramp into the pool, there are sturdy rails and graduated steps to enter the pool. They do have a lift if someone cannot easily get in and out.
We function strictly on donations and the volunteer work of a few of us who want to see these swims continue. The donations we receive go straight to the rental of the pool, operating the website, and sometimes other minor printing costs directly associated with the swims and the promotion of the retreat (cost of paper and copying).
Plan to attend the next swim, and I promise to be more timely in getting the notification out to you to remind you when it gets closer.
If you have any questions please e-mail me.
DON'T WANT TO SWIM THIS TIME? Stop by and see what we are all about.
SAFE is a not for profit size acceptance organization that
sponsors activities for all you BBWs, BHM, and their admirers and
friends. SAFE = Size Acceptance Focusing on Empowerment. They
have activities for men and women.
FOR DIRECTIONS TO THE SWIM and other information about our group.
Hotline for directions 562-693-1844 (same as Mor2Luv hotline)
Our website WWW.SAFE4WOMEN.COM will be updated this weekend. Keep checking for pictures of the 2002 women's retreat.
See you soon,
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