Shoshoni High School Graduate Page 1909-2015


The following pages are not the official pages of the Alumni Association Website.
These pages are totally the responsibility of John Herbst III. This is my own
personal page and is to help graduates to find other class members. I'm hoping
that many of you will give me your email addresses so that we can contact one another.
Some of the class members now have email links, hopefully in the next several years
many of us will be linkable. If you happen to know of a Alumnus who has passed away
or has been put on the wrong page please let me know. The database in some cases has
spouses who were not graduates, please let me know if that is the case. Then I can
make the graduate pages as correct as possible. Thanks for your assistance in this project.

Click on the Graduation Years Your Interested In

SHS Graduates 1909-1937
SHS Graduates 1938-1949
SHS Graduates 1950-1959
SHS Graduates 1960-1969
SHS Graduates 1970-1979
SHS Graduates 1980-1989
SHS Graduates 1990-1999
SHS Graduates 2000-2009
SHS Graduates 2010-2019