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Patti's Journey.
My honey asked me to talk about when I became honest with myself about being a lesbian. For me it was a gradual process, took me forever. I now know looking back though the past years I have always been attracted to women, but my upbringing taught me those feelings were wrong. Even as a young girl I was always attracted to other girls, never had the desire to date guys. I married the only man I ever dated after college; we have two wonderful boys four and six. I was about 29 when I was finally honest with myself about my attraction towards women. I was amazed by how just being truthful to myself, what a burden was lifted. My friends have all said (even the ones who do not know) that over the last three years I seem happier and wondered what caused my change why I am so at ease with myself and with life. I always say to them, "to thy own self be true." Though I did keep the knowledge to myself and just continued on with the life of raising my boys. I am now 32 and still growing at being comfortable with myself and who I am. It was not until March of '98 that I told a friend online that I was a lesbian. Felt great to share my secret, since then I have told a couple friends in real life and to my amazement they are very accepting of me. I am gradually telling all my friends and in due time all will know, except me or not so be it. I have even told my husband of 10 years and he is supportive of my new lifestyle. I am a better person today because I am honest with myself and with the few I have chosen to tell. I am happy the burden of my secret is gone and I am able to talk about who I am. I am so lucky to have met a wonderful woman who has excepted me into her life.

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