The organization of a fire company at Avon was probably brought on by two [2] large fires in the area.
The first meeting for this purpose was held in the North Lebanon Township school house at Avon on May 9, 1905
The original amount of hose purchased was 500 feet. The North Lebanon Furnace Co. offered the use of its hose carriage to the fire company free of charge for such a period as it may desire. The hand drawn carriage was used until April 1929 when an American LaFrance 600 gallon triple combination pumper, type 92, equipped with one chemical tank and one [1] booster tank was purchased.
The three [3] story concrete block and brick building was constructed by the Avon Hall Assoc. in 1906. The hose tower adjoining the building was ready for use in July 1907. In August 1907, a 300 pound metal bell was installed on the top of the tower. Fire alarms were spread by tapping the bell. In September 1946, an electric siren was installed on the top of the building. The bell was then used only for meetings until 1956.
At the beginning of the existence of the fire company and during its early days, it was maintained by funds raised by subscriptions, holding festivals, etc. Later funds were raised by the sale of candy, ice cream, etc., which subsequently led to the developement of a grocery store which was one of its largest sourses income.
An apparatus fund which was started in 1950, brought about the purchasing of a new American LaFrance in November 1953. The new engine was equipped with the latest firefighting equiptment.
In October 1955, a building committee began to formulate plans for a new fire company building. The plans called for a modern grocery store, an auditorium with a modern kitchen, a large engine room, and a canteen. An apartment was constructed above the fire house. A dedication of the new building was held on May 4, 1958.
In looking over the history of the Avon Fire Company, one can say that in 93 years, progress and growth have been shown. The community can well be proud of their fire company and the protection rendered by them day and night.
"1999 Officers" President: Bruce Lutz Jr. V-President: Doug Deitz Secretary: Brandee Wallace Asst. Sec.: Carla Lutz Treasure: Betty Kreiser Asst. Treasure:Brian Freed Trustees: Eric Dietz Jeff Kreiser Henry "Skip" Wallace Jr. Fire Chief [27]: Henry "Skip" Wallace Deputy Chief [27-1]: Jeffrey Kreiser Asst. Chief [27-2]: Thomas Myers Lts: Brian Wallace Mike Houser
We no longer have Engines 27 and 27-1!
Engine 27 went to Alabama, and Engine 27-1 went to Arkansas.
The 1974 Hahn was refurbished in 1980 and is a 1,000gpm pumper with a 500 gal. tank, carries 1,000 ft. of 5", 200 ft. of 3", 300 ft. of 2", 200 ft.& 150ft. of 1 3/4"
Also has 4 air packs with 4 spare cylinders, a 35',24', and an folding attic ladder. Runs 2-500 watt Quartz lights
The 1978 Ford was purchased new in 1978. It was a demonstrator and currently has 13,000 miles on it!! It is a 1,000 gpm pumper with a 500 gal. tank, carries 1,000 ft. of 5", 2-150' 2" preconnects, 1-200' 2" preconnect, 4-packs with spare cylinders,
2-500 watt Quartz lights & 24' & 14' ladders
We also have a 1975 Dodge Power Wagon Mini-Attack [not pictured]. It has a 250 gal. pump, 2-200' Booster reels, 3 gals. foam,5 gal. oil dry, 5 gal. sand, 2-500 watt Quartz lights,