* * * * * Super Mario Bros. Game Genie codes * * * * * Sent in by Russell Latterman YSAOPE-YEAOZA-NEAPYA Stuck in Bowser's fish tank. YSAOPE-YEAOZA-VEAPYA Crazy castle YSAOPE-YEAOZA-KEAPYA Lame cloud level. YSAOPE-YEAOZA-EEAPYE Flooded World. YSAOPE-YEAOZA-PEAPYE Night time coin swim. YSAOPE-YEAOZA-ZEAPYE Turtle castle. YSAOPE-YEAOZA-LEAPYE Flooded turtle castle. YSAOPE-YEAOZA-GEAPYE Lame flooded castle. YSAOPE-YEAOZA-IEAPYE Dead drop. YSAOPE-YEAOZA-YEAPYE Trapped dungeon. YSAOPE-YEAOZA-NEAPYE 3-Level Mario game. YSAOPE-YEAOZA-KEAPYE Randomly play levels, twice in a row each. Codes that mess up the level you are in. PELAXY Jumbled land 1. A new world each time. GEUAXU Jumbled land 2. A new world each time. YYLAXY Insane Land!! Weird mario, jumbled pictures, crazy boxes, and ton more. KALAXY Sappy Land, different every time. POGAAI Dream land. The colors are like you are in water. GPLEXY Weird monsters appear, trashy scenery, and mushrooms hide in their boxes. AZLEXY Even crazier than the last code. EEEEEP Green and blue ground. OOOEEP Green and blue ground, plus their are invisible things an weird pictures. XXXEEP Green and blue ground with some other weird stuff. UUUEEP Lots of bubbles. EETXXN scrappy screen. GKIAEP Flash out game. AKIAEP Crazed flash out game! GEIZVY The screen moves slow when you try to go somewhere. TIOKAP Weird monsters, no points, and bricks don't break! YSXKAP Less monsters and there are some hidden blocks. EEEKAP Almost no monsters, and no moving platforms. IPEAEP Crazy lines. YPEAEP Very weird blue zero level, you die right away. YEKEIE It's hard to play, there are earthquakes, weird monsters, and the pictures are messed up. EAOPXK The wrong monsters are there and you can't go down pipes or up vines. EAOPXG A little bit better than the last code. GYAEVO Coocoo colors. ZZKAEP The beginning of each level is crazy and the monsters are weird. ZEKAEP Illusion land. OXZAEP Checker town. ZGKAEP Mario looks weird and the level goes crazy. ZIGAEP Mega purply crazed level. SIKAEP Super crazy level and you can jump high from turbo running. OTYAEP Color change. YETANE Black'n'Blue world. NNNEEP Fake boxes and weird monsters. Weird STUFF codes like behavior or power PEKEIE What happened to Mario??? PEKEIE-POGAAI-ZEKAEP What happened to Mario???? EAEAEA You can't see your lives. You can jump on turtles KAAEPO You can jump on turtles multiple times. AAZLGK Super mega moon jumps from a standing start. PXTLLX-AATLGZ-SZLIVO Always stay small and you cant get hurt. SXUASX Whenever you hit a box or break a brick it looks like it's still there. NXUASX Whenever you hit a box or break a brick a green box appears. VVVEEP Dark monsters and coin boxes don't flash. PKAOZP Always stay mega invincible but sometimes you die when you beat a level on a flag pole. NNVKEE Monsters follow you but can't hurt you. STATIO Sometimes Goomba's act weird. LUGLUG Mushrooms and stars lug around. PEOAAA The game goes directly to Duck Hunt. ZIOAAP Weird Mario but you can only move back and forth at one spot. UEXLEY When you jump and hit something it appears in the sky. GAUAXU "Cs" appear. YAUAXU "Fs" appear. OSLEXY Mushrooms stars and enemies fly! Fire flowers float! Messed up music Codes YYPPPP Wrong music. KAEPYO Water music all the time. PTEPYP Dungeon music all the time. YYAPYO Koopa castle music all the time. TPEPYO Star man music all the time. GGAOAP There is usually no music. STANLY Jazzed up back ground music. TZEPYO Low back ground music. ZZAYGN Beepy music. STPYYY Flat music AVVOAE Koopa castle music when you are outside, not in a dungeon or a water level. GVVOAE Dungeon music when you are outside, not in a dungeon or a water level or a castle. TVVOAE Circus music when you are outside!!! IVVOAE COOL music. STINLY The music changes. STONLY The music starts and stops. STLNLY Crazy space jazz! Other codes PPOLXY Strong wind current forward you, press "B" to stop sliding. YPOLXY Strong wind current against you. OZOLXY Slippery ground, strong wind current forward and you can increase the wind speed by holding down "B". PPOLXY Mega fast wind current forward and you can't press "B" to stop!! EYOTIO Monsters walk through things and some are trapped in invisible force fields. IIAAEO Sliced up level. IIAAVO Moldy land! IIAAZT Always look like fire Mario. EAOPZT Lots of huge holes and invisible objects, just like a new level. AAAEEE Green letters. LYOPEK Start in the flooded world of level 4-1!! OOOPEK Cloud world!!! Very cool!! POOPEK No background scenery. PNVKEE Monsters sneak up behind you, appear out of nowhere, and fall out of the sky!!! AAATIO Nothing moves but Mario OOOTIO Enemies don't die when you hit them from under a brick. LLULEY Enemies are fast. OYULEY Mario is slow and enemies can't move. POULEY Crazy jumping, very hard to control! ITVOAE Start the game big so when you get a mushroom you turn small!! TIEEZT Start the game as grey Mario!!! NOSKIP Ply in an out of order mix up land. LOPTNL Goomba's have mouths on their heads! SENESO Mario goes color blind when he gets a mushroom. TEAPYE-IPEPYE-SOAPYA The pictures are printed on the screen like a printing press!! POGAAG The title screen is smashed into a pile and floats accross the screen. OYUASX Glowing coin boxes!! XXUASX Whenever you hit a box, a dumb math problem appears. EPPALX Green squares are everywhere. AEAZVY When ever you move backwards the pictures change. PAOEPO The game is faster. STPTVI Crazy exploding fire balls! STVOZP Always jump out of the sky at each level like in Mario 64. ISKVGY Goomba's melt when you jump on them. PLEEPO The demo starts fast. SKIEPO The title screen is crazy and coin boxes explode. NKIINO When you jump on an enemy he goes in the sky. AUNTLY Mushrooms float away slowly. AUNTIE You can't get mushrooms. AUNTLX Invisible guys and you can't get mushrooms. AUNTXY Mario's feet spin when he runs off of a platform. APYEVY Billions of points for each coin!! OOOLPI A few distortions NSSIEE Once you smash a Goomba you can kick it like a turtle shell!! YIGKIN More Goomba's. SANAPP When you press pause you can still move around while everything is frozen!!!! LUILUI Mushrooms make you invincible!!! LAVTNL Goomba's are in half. LUVPOE There are green bricks on the pipes that you can go down. SENESO When you get a mushroom, Mario goes color blind!! ITVOAE Start the game big. * * * * * Sent in by Sean AIIYYY Play without music AIIZZY Underwater adventure AIISSY Jump for an affect * * * * *