This, my friends, is the Disclaimer

As you've hopefully been able to figure out on your own by now, the reality here is that most of us have never actually killed anyone before, nor do we actually plan to any time soon.

I, personally, don't own a handgun, shotgun, machine gun, elephant gun, gatling gun, grease gun, or any other type of gun besides a nice-sized collection of squirt guns.

The truth of the matter is that I really don't endorse the mindless slaughter of other human beings, as obnoxious and worthless as they may seem.

The purpose of this page and the organization itself, is to promote FUN and cool stuff like that (and a great way to do that is by joking about how we're going to @#$% up those @#$%ers real @#$%ing good, eh!)

So, I hereby proclaim that any illegal action taken, following the reading of this page or any other S.T.E.P. publication, is not my damn fault!!!

Being a teenager is hard enough as it is; the last thing I need on my hands right now is a wrongful death suit...

Rheyn, your humble and loving President
