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November 13,1999
Has it been so long since this page was updated? Wow! Hope you are still with us. The season has just been flying by. There is a lot to tell you about.
I received the new "Connection" magazine in October from WIBC. Their front page article concerned their testing of the "Tiered Membership". They are asking for associations to volunteer to be part of a new test to take effect in the 2000-2001 season. Any asociation wishing to take part in this test has until December 31 to notify Bowling Headquarters. They strongly recommend that any association wishing to participate in the test to do so in conjunction with their respective counterpart associations. This means ABC. According to their article - "In mid-November, pending approval of the WIBC Board of Directors, associations will receive information in the mail on the 2000-2001 program." So far, I have not received anything. I think this will be a hard sell in this area. Bowling is feeling a resurgence in the rest of Ohio and for that matter, in the rest of the country. But for our area it's a test of our endurance to just stay alive. I don't know what would happen to us if we were to tell our members that the basic membership would cost them $15.00. As far as the men, well it's anybodys guess. I haven't talked to their secretary, John Dorsch, about this yet. But, in all honesty, I don't think they would even talk about it.
We are now in the process of finishing up our arrangements to vist Reno in April & May for the WIBC National Convention and Tournament. Pat Moncman and I have put together our respective teams to go. Ina Antinone, Mel Svec and I will be delegates to the National Convention. I always look forward to this to see what WIBC is planning for the coming year. Sometimes I agree and sometimes I do not. But, it is always an exciting time. If you have never attended the WIBC National Convention, you are missing something. And, I am not just talking about the pomp and pageantry. The excitement of seeing so many women gathered together working for the common good of their local associations is fascinating. The intellegence of these women is something to witness. They are well versed in finances, the bylaws of WIBC and league rules. The discussions that follow amendment proposals are always informative. If you ever get the chance to attend, even as a visitor, please do so. You do not have to be a delgate to attend the convention. You will not be bored or disappointed. Of course, if you get the chance to bowl in the National Tournament, do not pass it up. Being in Reno this coming year, it will also be exciting. Not talking about the casinos now! The National Bowling Stadium is a sight to see. As of October, WIBC has 11,000 teams registered and confirmed to bowl in the 2000 tournament. I am sure they are all as excited about bowling there as I am.
FOR YOUR INFORMATION: 1998-99 season figures. WIBC had 1,565,896 members. The largest WIBC association was Detroit with 46,349 members. ABC had 1,936,648 members and their largest ABC association was also Detroit with 66,838 members. Ohio had 147,051 ABC members and 105,235 WIBC members. At one time, Ohio was leading the nation in WIBC members. Now, Michigan had that honor with 149,536 members. Nearly three-quarters of the ABC & WIBC leagues were jointly sanctioned as mixed leagues.
This year the Steubenville Women's Bowling Association will be celebrating their 60th. anniversary. Our organization was founded in the 1939-1940 season. It's hard to believe we have been around this long. We are making grand plans for our anniversary and we hope that all of our members will be helping us celebrate.
This month we are passing out entries to our local tournament. We have made some changes this year in the hopes of increasing our members participation in the tournament. We have added 3 women teams because we know that it is difficult for some teams to get 5 women together. Especially, those women bowling in mixed leagues. There will be two different prize lists for the team event. We have also added the option of bowling in the doubles as often as you would like, as long as you have a different partner each time. In the singles, you may still only bowl once. When a bowler competes more than once, the first team and first doubles score count for all events. With these added options, we are hoping that those of you that have never bowled in our local tournament will now do so. If you would like to bowl and need help putting together a team, please let your league representative know and she will help you. Your league representative is also a board member and is there to assist you in any way. A list of league representatives is posted on the SWBA bulletin board in your center. The team event will be held on January 15th., 16th. and January 22nd. & 23rd. The doubles and singles events will be held on January 29th., 30th. and February 5th. & 6th. All shifts will be bowled at 1:30 P.M. Entry fee for each event is $11.10 and optional All Events $2.00. Reservations will be accepted as of December 1, 1999. Entries close January 3, 2000. Entries are available at your center or from a league representative.
Coming up in December is a tournament that we are so proud to present each year. It is the "Pass a Buck" crazy eights tournament. WSTV Radio sponsors a charity drive each Christmas. All monies raised are distributed to "Toys for Tots",the Salvation Army and the Urban Mission. All very worthwhile organizations in the tri-state area. For the past five years, the SWBA has held a tournament with a portion of the prize fund going to "Pass a Buck". We have enjoyed your participation in the past and hope that you will continue to support us. Being a "Crazy Eights" tournament means that if you get eitht pins or better on your first bowl, you get credited with a strike. It's a lot of fun! We will also be coming around during league this same week, Dec. 5-11 to ask for a small donation for this charity drive. Last year we raised $615.31 through your generosity. This amount bought a lot of toys and food for the holidays for the needy in our area. Please, I hope you will support this project this year.
SWBA Scholarship applications are now available from your league representatives. This scholarship is available to any member of the SWBA Association or female member of the Steubenville Division of the Upper Ohio Valley Young American Bowling Alliance and who is at least a senior in high school. The recipient must be enrolled as a full time student. The amount of the scholarship is $500.00. The winner last year was Erin McCart. Be sure and get your application if elegible.
Put March 19, 2000, on your calendar. That is the date of the SWBA Annual Awards Banquet. As stated earlier, we are celebrating our 60th. anniversary this year, so this banquet will be extra special. We are planning a very elegant affair and hope that you will be there. If you have never attended before, you are in for a surprise. Special favors, door prizes and more are planned for your pleasure. Alice Violi was elected into the SWBA Hall of Fame at the September Association meeting and will be inducted at our Annual Awards Banquet. In February, the SWBA board members will be out in full force with tickets. Make sure you get yours. But, mark it on your calendar now so that you don't forget.
Small reminder to all league secretaries. Please check with your members to see if you have any lucky lady approaching her 80th. birthday and let your league rep. know. The SWBA presents certificates of appreciation to all members 80 years of age and over. We would not like to miss anyone. Also, if you have a new WIBC member that has bowled 21 games or more, let us know. The SWBA presents a SWBA towel to all new WIBC members that meet the games requirement. Make sure that they are not just new members to our association. They must be new WIBC members. The towels are presented at league level by a representative of the board. We rely on our league secretaries for this information and we really appreciate your cooperation. We need you gals so much. You are our lifeline to the leagues.
If you bowl a 200 game from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2000 you will qualify to purchase a special WIBC pin. This is called the "200 in 2000" pin. The cost of the WIBC pin will be $1.25. The SWBA 200 pin will still be given to our bowlers for the 1999-2000 season at no cost. But remember the 200 game must be rolled in the year 2000 to qualify for the WIBC pin. We have had some members asking for it now. We can't carry games over. You can only get the WIBC pin if you bowl it in the specified time period.
Joyce Law, a member of the Brooke County Women's League of Brook Lanes, won an Ohio WBA League Award in her average category for the 1998-99 season. Joyce was presented her award at the S.W.B.A. meeting held on Setember 29, 1999 by Barbara Mathes of Youngstown. Barbara is a director on the OHIO WBA Board.
A 3-6-9 Tournament was held at Brooke Lanes on September 18th. Winners in the 145 & under average were: 1st. place - Julia Takach ....704, 2nd. place - Ellen Stanley ....703, and 3rd. place - Cindy Ostosky ....696. Winners in the 146 & over agerage category were: 1st. place - Carolyn Hildebrand. ... 756, 2nd. place - Iris Chafin ....721.
The District #6-600 Club Tournament was hosted by the SWBA at All American Lanes on October 2nd.& 3rd. Kathy Yocum of the Fifth Niters League won first place with a 639. Linda Caputo third place with a 616, Mildred Main tenth place with a 603. Other SWBA members who placed in the money were Dorothy Wymer 597, Sandy Yocum 590, Regina Andresen 589 and Mel Svec 579. Our thanks to the SWBA board members for their help making this a successful tournament and to all our members that participated in it.
A No Tap Tournament was held at All American Lanes on November 6th. Tournament winners were: 1st. place - Madolyn Collins...755, 2nd. place - Irene Vaja ...744, 3rd. place - Tie..Dee Flynn & Bernadette Bell...734, 4th. place - Betty Peters ...719, 5th. place - Lisa Teramana ...718, 6th. place - tie...Renee Sizemore and Ruth Lancaster ...717.
50/50 Winner of the SWBA Membership Development raffle was Cam Day. Out thanks to the SWBA Board members for selling the tickets and to all those that bought them. This money will be used to further the membership in our organization and as special gifts to our members. Every year we draw two names from those attending our Awards Banquet and present them with gift certificates for bowling equipment.
Upcoming events.
Date/Day What Where Time
08-Wednesday-- SWBA Board Christmas Party- Red Bull Inn - 6:00 P.M.
12-Sunday-- "Pass a Buck Tournament All
American Lanes- 1:00 P.M.
12-Wednesday--SWBA Board Meeting-All American Lanes- 6:00 P.M.
15,16,22 & 23--SWBA Tournament-Team Event-All American Lanes1:30 P.M.
29,30- SWBA Tournament-Doubles & Singles Event- All American Lanes 1:30 P.M.
5 & 6- SWBA Tournament-Doubles & Singles Event- All American Lanes 1:30 P.M.
08 - Wednesday SWBA Board Meeting- All American Lanes 6:00 P.M.
1999-2000 SCHEDULE
December 12, 1999 - Pass A Buck Tournament - 1:00 P.M. - All American Lanes
January 12, 2000 - SWBA Board Meeting - 6:00 P.M. - All American Lanes
January 22 & 23, 2000 - SWBA Local Tournament opens - All American Lanes - Team Event
January 29 & 30, 2000 - SWBA Local Tournament - All American Lanes - Doubles & Singles
February 09, 2000 - SWBA Board Meeting - 6:00 P.M. - All American Lanes
March 08, 2000 - SWBA Board Meeting - 6:00 P.M. - All American Lanes
March 11, 2000 - SWBA 3-6-9 Tournament - Brooke Lanes - 10:00 A.M. & 12:30 P.M.
March 19, 2000 - SWBA Annual Awards Banquet - Serbian Cultural Center - 4:00 P.M.
April 12, 2000 - SWBA Board Meeting - 6:00 P.M. - All American Lanes
April 17, 2000 - SWBA Association Meeting - 6:00 P.M. - All American Lanes
May 10, 2000 - SWBA Board Meeting - 6:00 P.M. - All American Lanes
July 30, 2000 - SWBA Officers Tournament & Workshop - 12:30 P.M. - All American Lanes
1999-2000 SCHEDULE
November 15........Entries Close - 2000 Ohio WBA Championship Tournament
December 15........Delegates Get-Acquainted Dinner Reservation Deadline
December 15........Entries Close - Ohio WBA Queen's Tournament
December 29........Ohio WBA Annual Meeting Delegates List Deadline
January 8-9........Ohio WBA Queen's Tournament - Dayton
January 15.........Ohio Bowling Council Hall of Fame Nomination Deadline
Februry 26.........Annual Workshop/Get Acquainted Dinner - Akron
February 27........Ohio WBA Annual Meeting - Akron
March 4............Ohio WBA Championship Tournament Opening - Akron
March 15...........Ohio WBA Scholarship Application Deadline
April 9............Ohio Dap Luncheon Reservartion Deadline
April 20...........Ohio WBA National Luncheon Reservation Deadline
May 1..............Buckeye Belle Tournament Entry Deadline
May 1-3............WIBC Convention - Reno
May 1..............Ohio WBA National Luncheon - Reno
May 20.............Buckeye Belle Tournament - Dayton
June (TBA..........Ohio WBA Golf Day
June 30............Ohio WBA Fun Day Reservation Deadline
July 16............Ohio WBA Roundtable Reservation Deadline
July 28-29.........Ohio WBA Fun Day - Columbus
July 30............Ohio WBA Roundtable - Columbus
Please be sure and visit our page every month. It will be updated as needed to bring you the very latest that is happening within your association. If you have any suggestions or news that you would like to see included, please let me know. Go to the bottom of the page, click on email and write me. Also, don't forget to sign our guestbook. Found out a lot of people are visiting and not signing.
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Click here to sign our guestbook.
This page maintained by Bernie Bell, SWBA President