The Killing of the Unborn

I am a physician, MD and even though I have delivered many babies, I am still in awe of the miracle of life and that life's susequent birth. It boggles my mind, how a physician who has taken an oath to preserve life, can actually kill a defenseless unborn baby - literally ripped out, many times in pieces, from the mother's womb.

How could our society sink so low. How can any stretch of human thinking, come to the conclusion that, "Thou shall not kill," does not include the unborn.

I happened to be watching TV and during the news they were showing a clip in front of a "killing clinic" and there were two girls, both appeared to be in their late teens or early twenties. One was Pro-life and the other Pro-choice and they were arguing. The Pro-choice girl shouted, "this is the United States of America and here we have freedoms."

That statement hit me like a ton of bricks. Have we degenerated that much,that one of our freedoms is to kill, if we so choose. That's right, - freedom of choice to kill the unborn. So let's give them their accurate title: Pro-choice To Kill The Unborn, or shorten it to PCKU, to differentiate them from our great and legitimate Freedoms, ie Religion, Speech and Press.

We are now being called, by the Pro-choice people, ANTI-CHOICE. Can you beat that, we are no longer Pro-life!

Pro-Choice sounds good, doesn’t it? Freedom of choice sounds so American. Why everyone should have freedom of choices. But what are we talking about here? We’re not talking about Freedom to choose our own religion. We’re not talking about Freedom to say what we want to. We’re not talking about Freedom to write what we want to. We ARE talking about “Freedom Of Choice To Kill The Unborn” if we want to, are we not?

All of our other freedoms are spelled out, so there is no mistaking of what we're talking about. When you're talking about free speech, you don't say: pro-choice and assume that everyone knows that you are referring to freedom of speech. And the same holds true for our other freedoms.

We should want this "killing freedom" to be spelled out, as we do for all of our other great and legitimate freedoms. How can the PCKU get off so easily and just say pro-choice and not describe the awesome truth of the meaning of the words. And to make matters worse, we oblige them and say the same thing. After all we don't want to hurt their feelings by telling the truth.

When they kill an unborn baby, they’re not concerned with the unborn’s feelings, when it’s ripped from the mother’s womb and suffer excruciating pain when they’re torn apart after their special sense receptors have developed,in late term.

Pro-choice which is confusing to many and describes nothing, was coined to sell the killing of the unborn in a soft, palatable manner. I can understad their evasiveness...after all, Pro-choice sounds a lot better than the truth...which is: freedom of choice to kill your unborn baby, if you so desire.

We are now being called by the Pro-choice people, ANTI-CHOICE. Can you beat that, we are no longer Pro-life. They want to make us look like we’re un-American. Why, we want to deny people one of their freedoms.

Did you ever, in your wildest dreams, ever think that this would be one of our Freedoms? TO KILL. When our freedoms start to include killing, then that's where we have to draw the line. We’re going deeper into the cesspool every day.

I, personally am tired of this snail’s pace course that we’ve been on the past 25 years and I see no end in site. Something new has to be done. Something that’s going to make people sit up and take notice.

We’ve wasted enough time...every day thousands of unborns are being killed and the women going into these killing clinics are told that what is removed, is just a blob of tissue. A man who operates ultrasound clinics said, during a debate, that the unborns are just parasites. Can you imagine that...God’s most precious creation is nothing but a parasite. So naturally these clinics aren’t going to tell the truth and and tell the women that the unborns are human beings

Before the women make the most important decision of their lives, they have got to know the truth. What better way for them to hear the truth, than in a simple acronym PCKU.(“pro-choice to kill the unborn,”) They most certainly will not hear it from the killing clinics, or the media. It’s up to us to disseminate the truth through PCKU.

However, it’s got to be used in great numbers so that the media picks it up and and says, “what’s going on here, the Pro-lifers are not saying Pro-choice anymore, they’re saying PCKU,what does that mean?” Now, it’s in the explaining of this acronym, that’s going to help us. Although it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. And when the media starts using it, they will be speaking on behalf of the unborn.

We should want PCKU, with its truthful meaning, to be on the minds of every woman, when they’re contemplating to have their unborn baby killed. Also,our elected Pro-life officials, both State and Federal, have to be made aware of it.

If every Pro-lifer woud use this term, I have absolutely no doubt that the number of abortions would decline rapidly.

The acronym, PCKU (“pro-choice to kill the unborn,”) is the truth. It cannot becontested and it is irrefutable. It is the law of our land...freedom of choice to kill your unborn, if you so desire.

We should not be afraid to tell the truth, and the truth in a simple term, PCKU will be the beginning of the end for the killing of the unborn on demand,

If you noticed, I don’t use the word abortion. No Pro-lifer should use it,except when necessary, ie quotes, explanatory etc.

It’s too soft a word.To begin with, it’s the wrong terminology. The definition of abortion is the expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it is viable outside of the uterus. In the wholesale killing of the unborn that is done today, the fetus IS viable inside the uterus.It has to be killed first. This is called a surgical, or induced abortion. Plain abortions, which are spontaneous abortions, are GOD’s way to expell a non viable embryo/fetus. (dead embryo/fetus.)Before the Roe-Wade decision 25 years ago, if a woman lost her unborn without surgical intervention, the doctor referred to this as an abortion and the lay person used the term misscarriage. Now somewhere along the line the PCKU has taken liberties with semantics and uses the word abortion in place of surgical or induced abortion.

The definition of viable is -capable of living. The embryo/fetus IS capable of living inside the uterus. Again somewhere along the line to suit the PCKU the meaning of viable when it pertains to the killing of the unborn, now means: the fetus is able to survive outside of the uterus. Forget that it can survive inside the uterus...apparantly that's not important anymore. It used to be, that the safest place for the unborn to be, was in the mother's womb...she would protect her unborn with her life. How times have changed.

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the PCKU using the semantic game...twisting words around to make the killing of the unborn sound more palatable. To be accurate and truthful, the PCKU should use the words: induced or surgical abortion to differentiate them from spontaneous abortions. But this doesn't sound as good as just plain abortion, which describes nothing.

I would urge every Pro-lifer to NEVER use the word abortion, and substitute the "Killing of the unborn," which is the truth. That’s if you really want to make a difference and end this holocaust. When you use the word abortion, you are playing right into the hands of the PCKU. They don’t want you to say, the killing of the unborn, and yet that’s exactly what is done. The embru/fetus has to be killed before it's aborted.

Picture this: A woman says to her friend, “tomorrow, I’m going to have an abortion.” Now contrast this with, “tomorrow, I’m going to have my unborn baby killed.” (which is the truth) The first sounds a lot better, doesn’t it? Even the most ardent member of the PCKU would have to admit, that they both mean the same. You have to wonder, if the latter were said by every woman about to have her unborn killed, how many would actually go through with it. So if they don’t say it to themselves, we will remind them, because we will not use the word “abortion” anymore. We will substitute, “the killing of the unborn.” This is why it's imperative to spread the word to all Pro-lifers to tell the truth and make this simple change.

When a human being is alive and you do something to make the human cease to exist, the word is KILL and there’s no way to sugar coat it.

So on behalf of the unborn, let’s use words that accuately describe the awesome, barbaric methiod of their destruction. Let’s not cloak their slaughter in soft, palatable, sugar coated words like Pro-choice and abortion.

Abolishing these words from our vocabulary, shouldn't be that much of a hardship for us...should it. So we have to expend a little more energy to add a few more words... contrast that to the hardship of the unborn baby, who is condemned to death without a trial, in a horrible manner.

These small changes are the least we can do for the God’s most precious creations. Let’s not coddle and placate those that condone this barbaric, inhumane butchering of the unborn. 1.4 million unborns are being killed every year.. We’ve got to act fast and not be afraid to be truthful. What a weapon TRUTH is, but for some reason, we’re afraid to use it...WHY?

So there you have it. If you’re concerned with SAVING THE LIVES OF THE UNBORN, you will use “PCKU” and the “Killing Of The Unborn,” instead of Pro-choice and Abortion, not only in your writings, but also in your everyday conversations. You will put this message on your WEB PAGE. You will tell your friends and anyone else that will listen to you. You’ll shout it from the highest mountain.

If you’re more concerned with not hurting the feelings of the PCKU, you won’t. They’re not concerned with the feelings of the unborn when they kill it - literally torn apart, and many of them feeling excruciating pain.


Let me know how you decide.

My web site: Or click here > Abortions - The Truth