"Living with Louie Dog is the only way to stay sane"
The impact Sublime had on all the fans, could never be
recreated. The way the music made you feel, dance, the
way you were left singing the same three bars of what-
ever song was your favorite, that is what will remain
the memory of Sublime. The music of Sublime forces us
to remember Brad the way we heard him, not the way
drugs made him. He was trapped and unhappy, caged but
still singing. Follow the love, and look at all the love we found.
........"I could go on telling anecdotes and stories forever, but the music will always
explain things best. I hope you enjoy this compilation. For all of you that wrote in,
I got a ton of good live music that were going to release next. Oh yeah, Lou Dog is fine,
he's at my feet right now. He is fat and sassy. We all miss you very much Brad."
-Michael "Miguel" Rappaport (from the inside cover of Second-Hand Smoke)
"There's nothing that often comes up in Sublime tributes and on the countless Web pages
dedicated to the band which describes Sublime as a "below average garage punk band that
every kid wants to play his party." Though many authors are quick to point out that
Sublime's genre-jumping style of ska, hip hop, punk, reggae, and dub reached far beyond
that, live Sublime- even at the height of their career- always retained far beyond that
three-guys-playing-for-beer attitude. Whether in front of 50 or 50,000 people, Sublime
was either at a party, brought along one or caused one to start. Just three guys and a
Dalmation jumping onstage and looking for a good time. Often playing without a set list
and letting the show go in any direction it chose, the Sublime experience had the ease
of an open-invitation Long Beach backyard party. Undedicated to one specific genre or
clique, Sublime were a direct representation of the Southern California beach community
where color, race, and musical style didn't matter. One of the few bands that could
remain so individualistic yet appeal to so many kinds of people, Sublime shows would
have dreadlocked Rasta lovers grooving, beach bunnies shimmying and SoCal tattooed punks
moshing- all to the same song. Anyone though, who tells you Sublime were always good live
were lying. But that's what made them so memorable. There were those nights when the
extended members of the Sublime family would jump on stage for their go at the mic. But
then even the guys were able to string grooves together, peppering ska riffs with snippets
of songs in the works or giving way to punk ferocity, ending the set with a series of Bad
Brains covers. Having played together since childhood, the guys could improvise with ease.
When they hit that groove, it didn't matter so much what Brad did- a scat master of lyrical
improvisation- was saying, but what everyone was feeling. Those were the moments of bliss.
When Brad would forget the lyrics, but the crowd would fill in the gaps. When the set became
an incomprehensive jam that wondered down all of Sublime's musical avenues, snagging parts of
songs throughout. When you were allowed to do your thing- whatever that may be. When nothing
else mattered except that party around you. That's when you realized there will never be a
band that felt as good as, as free or as welcoming as Sublime."
-JR Griffen (from the inside cover of Stand by your van)
R.I.P. Bradley Nowell
Sublime fans write:
"The Shit List"
203 Argonne #202
Long Beach, CA 90803
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Dead Man Walking:
Read This: All you need to know about Sublime
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Toby Dog Memorial:
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