Sailor Galaxia/Evil Galaxia

         Galaxia is the villian from the Sailor
      Stars series of Sailor Moon.She was not
      always a villian.At one time she was a
      Sailor Senshi.She held within her the 
      Light of Hope.When Chaos began taking over
      the galaxy she incased it in her body to
      try to stop it.Chaos then began taking 
      over her body.Galaxia hoped that someone
      somewhere could stop Chaos so she sent
      the Light of Hope to find that someone.
      Withought the Light of Hope inside her
      Chaos took over her body.With Chaos in
      control she began destroying planets
      in her quest to rule over everything.
      She corrupted some of the Senshi to
      do her bidding.On her quest to find the
      Light of Hope,the last stumbling block
      in the way of her complete and ultimate
      domination,she met up with Sailor Moon 
      and the Sailor StarLights.In a fight 
      with Sailor Moon Chaos was defeated and
      Galaxia was restored to her former good 

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