Sailor Moon's Profile

Usagi was a 14-year old girl who is a complete clutz. She wished she could be Sailor V. One day she stepped on a cat, who followed her around until she told Usagi (Yes, a talking cat) that she was the chosen one, Sailor Moon, and that it was her destiny to fight evil. Usagi, thinking it was a dream, just rolled over in an attempt to get back to sleep. Unfortunatly, the cat, who introduced herself as Luna, was not about to give up. She gave Usagi a transformation brooch, and told her to say "Moon Prism Power". Serena did and transformed into Sailor Moon. And so.. the story begins.

                             Birthday: June 30 
                             Sign: Cancer 
                             Blood Type: O 
                             Hobby: eating cake 
                             Favorite Color: White, Pink 
                             Favorite Food: ice cream 
                             Least Favorite Food: carrots 
                             Dislikes: dentists, ghosts 
                             Dream: to be a bride 


Sailor Moon has many different transformations. She has so many I 
can't even name them all, but you can find lists of them all over the 
Internet. Her transformations and attacks that have been shown in the 
English Sailor Moon are: Moon Prism Power: Transforms into Sailor Moon
                         Disguise Power: Transforms into other people
                         Moon Tiara Magic: Moondusts the Enemy
                         Moon Healing Activation: Healing
                         Moon Crystal Power: Transforms to Sailor Moon
                         Moon Scepter Elimination: Eliminates enemy
                         Moon Crystal Healing Activation: Healing

Later, Sailor Moon is joined by Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Chibimoon, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Saturn and Sailor ChibiChibimoon. She also befriends the Sailor Starlights.

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