
Saint John has a population of 125,000,
it is the largest city 
in the province of New Brunswick, 
and the second largest city
in Atlantic Canada. 
The City of Saint John covers 
323 sq. km. (201 sq. mi.)of land, 
making it the second largest 
municipality in Canada. 
We are located at the mouth 
of the Saint John River, 
on the Bay of Fundy.

Canada's oldest incorporated city,
founded by United Empire Loyalists in 1783. 

It is the home of the world-famous 
Reversing Falls,

Canada's largest oil refinery.

Surrounding spaces in the uptown area are 

Market Square,

King Square,

Queen Square,

The City Hall,

the historic Loyalist Burial Ground

from 1783 120-year-old City Market,

 Saint John Marina,

the Canada Games Aquatic Centre.

You can take in a play or musical performance at 

the Imperial Theatre,

Or camp at Rockwood Park.

Go for a walk in the 
Irving Nature Park 

or a sports event or large concert at 
Harbour Station. 

Have a tour of our 
Moosehead Brewery 

And to learn about our the nature and culture of the region visit the

New Brunswick Museum.

All the pictures you see 
with a (*) next to them were taken by 
My Husband Tim and All the graphics 
were done my Myself "Cindy" 
Cinster's Mind 


Please take a minute and sign my guestbook to let me know 
if you are from Saint John 
or planning to visit.
Thanks and have a Wonderful Visit
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