The Brunching Shuttlecocks, including such features as a graphic group therapy session
The Washington Post and Carolyn Hax's advice discussions
The Vine, Sarah Bunting's advice column
Television Without Pity
The Onion
The Hunger Site, effortless charity for web surfers, more effortless charity
The 80s Server
Internet Card Central and E-Cards World Wildlife Federation page
Gauche--Left-Handers in Society
Barbarian's Online Tests Page
Dumb Lists
The Big List of Movie Mistakes
The WordPlay Page
General Delivery University
The Road to Nowhere: Interactions
The Centre for the Easily Amused's list of "sites that do stuff"
FastWeb free scholarship search
The University of Maryland, College Park Campus and its Honors Program
Columbia University
The Clip-Art Connection
Octagamm's Ball Boutique
And in the "Now you, too, can stalk people online!" category: