Only God can judge what the Devils disowned...

You must me my insperation- my last chance...

With out words you cannot creat image- but with image you can creat galixies...

Chaos is creation & reality is the worlds escape- so where do you fall in?

So smile for me & tell me i'm your one.

Hear the rumors rousing bout us babe? They saw us kissing in the third corner of the world...

Lidle Stars

I walked into your dream, and now I've forgotten how to dream my own dream...
MiMi's kool site

Cat Poetry


The rustleing of water disturbs the silence.
In the corner of my view hangs the tierd orange moon.
The tree I am leaning on is cold & damp,
	though it shelters me from the rain.
And as the owl cries out into the darknes
	 	I am falling into lavender
	while my purr gards my awakening...


I once knew a cat
	with a gray summer coat...
	in the winter.
he was a crasy one,
	that king of the jungle
	or perhaps just a zoo
	we never quite knew.
he was the royal puaper
	with a crooked smile
	& a torn velvet cape of misty gray
he was my knight 
	in frost bitten armor...
now he is a sleeping dragon in an ivy grove
	& his golden eyes bink nomore
	but his silver scales & white bellie ill nolonger fade...
so he purrs through moonlight
	& whispers through dasies
	& watches thorough sunshine...
i once knew a cat with a summer gray coat...
	in the winter.

something cool i wrote about my living room


alone. i listen to the rain-ticking of the fan. blueberry-vanilla swirl around me from the corner. there is that whisper of spring before a thunderstorm on the summers night air. it's 5:30am. my dragon just let down his gaurd for some well deserved sleep. & here am i, left to face the lowly dawn- alone... i am cloudy with clear thoughts. my candle flickers as i day dream of winter gallows. i can taist the sweet sent of honey wheat from my feild of dance. over there- on the wall i am jumping off a golden bridge as a bear holds three lovely roses by the bay. i am waiting for my prince to come, but he called off the ball 'cause i couldn't find my glass slippers. a worrior princess draws her sword in the dim light. the briers engulf the wronge castle as my angel-baby wakes up from nap time. there are fearies pulling at my eyelashes & the lead in my body feels alot heavier without sleepy time. my whispering breath screams & that dizzy feeling has returned. once again my thoughts prance from my mind to asert a full scail attack on this sleep famin...

la la love ya! don' maybae...

your a quiet dust in the back of my mind- when i'm lonely at night you dance up like a whirl wind & blind me, sweet one, i miss the nothingness of being in your arms, i want for the sweet taist of your kiss & when i dream at night- i dream of this...

gonna live forever, if your up to it, love me down in the streets of london- think can you take me on? lets see who carrys who...

Gifts of Sunshine

god bless the loveing ones who blindly bait my worth with a caring touch they've never seen me battered & bruised they never knew me broken & used yet with their haerts & happiness they wish me well willing to share with me all they have i beg unto any power higher then hope, gift these giveing-ones with life worth living & eyes blind to my crimson scars let them keep their sweet nieave love- spare them the cold burn of betrail my cariocky carolers smile on me bareing gifts of sunshine. you are my life, my love, my safety, & whatevers left of my trust...


let me call you sweetheart, my dragon fire prince. you can call me brimrose & we can eat candy coated raindrops in your castle in the sky.

that's how we'll see it through our maple suger sunglasses, 'cause your castles careless ashes- that rundown shack out in the woods, your crown's tarnished copper & naked am i- you silver rose

so kiss away the thorns & i'll polish you till it shines we'll build a kingdom thin the enchanted forest & the glory shall be thine

just plant a brimrose in my garden & watch her bloom out by the brook. my elven child dancing in the sun & grow into beauty in our fairyland overlooking this crippled silver bird

for though my candles long burnt out i left to you my dragon's flame. keep a fire burning & warm your tree of silver & gold in that sleepy magic woodland of icecream fairies.


i'd rather have your popcile 'cause i haven't got a lemondrop & you can taist my strawberry-rum kiss under the corn syrup sky.

we will dance among the suger crystal stars & sing with narwhales in a mirmaid harbor. we'll ride that suger cane high, way up on a cloud till late in that cinamin coated fire light.

& tell them we were plaing in a faryland with razzleberry swirls. you can bee my satin-vodka boy & i'll be your candy perfum girl, your candy perfume girl...