
Alone I think
Upon your name I ponder
We had walked together 
The past stings my mind
The future is dead
You are gone from me
I am gone from myself
Time is my pain
Hours are my sorrow
You used to hold me
I used to hold you
Your face is all I see
Your voice is all I hear
God has taken you, my love
I have failed him
He took you for my sin
My pathetic error

Alone you think
Upon my name you shudder
We had walked together
The past numbs you mind
The future is hopeless
I am gone from you
You are gone from me
Time is your ally
Hours are your candy
I used to hold you
My face is your pain
My voice is your daemon
God has rewarded you
You made him proud
He killed me in you
You're triumphant victory

The Dark Poetry Page: