
Why You Need a Homepage
A few things you might have not considered.

Staff Bios

Shanna's Portfolio
See Shanna's style..decide if you want her to design your web site.

Graphics by Spoon
The very talented Spoon shows off his best work.

Prices & Services
All of my prices and the special services that I offer to you.

Thank Yous
Thanks to those who helped me out starting this business.

About Scorpion Ink...

I began creating web pages for myself and really enjoyed it. Eventually, it spanned into creating pages for friends and family, and finally people and small businesses started asking me to design web sites for them. It was then that I came up with the idea of creating Scorpion Ink Web Page Design.

I have an advanced knowledge of HTML and much experience in creating websites. I would like to use this knowledge and experience to make websites for you. I create personal and commerical websites at some of the lowest prices out there!

Services that Scorpion Ink provides are:

  • Creative Web Page Design
  • Graphic Design taylored to your site
  • Banner Ad Design
  • Logo Design (if desired)
  • Free Advertising & Marketing of your site to increase traffic
  • Updates to your site for 6 mos - a year for a small fee
I researched the WWW and wrote down all the prices I could find that Webmaster's charge for designing web sites and came up with the cheapest and most affordable prices ever to exist. I also offer a discount to parents getting websites for children days old to 8 years of age. Click here for more details.

Any questions, comments, or
problems can be sent here:
Scorpion Ink @ EudoraMail

If you wish to use any of the graphics
or backgrounds on this site, you must
first write and ask:
Spoon @ GoPlay

{ Why a Homepage } { Staff Bios } { Shanna's Portfolio } { Spoon's Grahpics }
{ Cheapest Pricing } { Thank Yous }

Designed by:
This site designed by Scorpion Ink Web Desgin

Author is a member of:

The HTML Writers Guild

Graphics by:

Graphics by Spoon at SilverSon Graphix