UFO Links

UFO's, Aliens, SETI
Internet UFO Group Project
SETI Institute
UFO's - The truth is out there
X-Files links
Men In Black
UFO books

Why   I   made   this   page...

"If there's nothing else out there, it sure seems like an awful waste of space." I do believe this to be true. I have believed in UFO's for a long time, and they intrigue me very much. I think that we can't possibly be the only ones out here. The universe is so huge, there must be something, or someone, else.

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"I would now like to ask you to look directly into the light..."

UFO's...are they for real?

You be the judge....

UFO Quotes by annonymous and not so anonymous people

"If I knew innocent people were being plucked off the planet by aliens and I couldn't control it, I'd deny it too."

"It is niave and egotistical to think our planet contains the only species in our vast universe and the universe beyond."

"Though officials have long denied that they take 'flying saucers' seriously, declassified documents now reveal extensive Government concern over the phenomenon." --The New York Times

Do you want to read more quotes? Click here! if you do.

UFO Stories

Story 1: "Roswell Incident" outside Corona, NM 1947
Object crashed in a remote location on a large ranch in early July 1947. Debris recovered by AAF, who issued hasty press release saying "Flying Disk" had been recovered. Press release retracted the next day, and press conference held at which it was revealed the object was, in fact, a Rawin Sonde (a device used to calibrate radar). 30 years later, AF intelligence officer Maj. J. Marcel claimed that the object was "not of this earth", that the press conference was a sham. Interviews with over 150 witnesses reinforce the anomalous nature of the object.

Story 2: "Great Falls Film", Great Falls, MN 1954
Little league Baseball coach films two objects streaking across the sky near an AFB. Original explanation was that the objects were F-100's on approach to the AFB. But, a photo-analysis shows the objects to be traveling much to fast.

Please Let me know what you think of my page. E-mail me at amcovino@mailbox.syr.edu

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