Give Us The Courage To Stop The Killing

As a whole, our nation is suffering. I would like to take this chance to Tell the People in Colorado that They are in my prayers everyday!

I think We have to seriously look at our school systems and our children and find the problem, We need to end this before more kids are murdered!

A Nation Confused

As A Nation, we must all take a long look at what happend in Colorado and realize that this is a problem that will not go away, As we Morn the loss our nation has suffered and Pray for the People in Colorado, We must also do our part to make sure that this will never happen again!

How could someone have so much hate in their heart? What was going thru the minds of them crazy boys that did this and where were their parents? How they ever masterminded a thing like this without being caught is somthing that I will wonder about for ever!

As a Gun Owner, I always make sure to keep my guns in a safe, secure place.. I dont have children of my own but have young nieces and nephews, I would just die if anything ever happend to them because of my carelessness.. I also wonder if gun control will solve the problem, I think that there is a good chance that taking guns away will only disarm honest Americans and leave guns in the hands of our nations criminals.

Perhaps some good MANDATORY gun safty classes would help, as of now hunter safty is not good enough, or as far as I know its not mandatory. Show our kids just what kind of damage a gun can do, help them to understand that they are not toys and once you pull that trigger, you cant take it back!

As a lover of the internet, I spend my time surfing, and just having fun, I try not to hurt anyone or visit useless hatefull sites. I have big problems with things that are available with a click of a button, should our young people have access to complete instructions on bomb making? Could these boys have been slowed down if that information had not been accessable? Maybe, Maybe not.

So many adults are so computor dumb, (like myself) that I dont think they have a clue what their kids are finding on the family computor. Pron, hate groups, racisim, bombmaking and things like that. Thats alot for a young mind to see and may or maynot influence them. I dont know but If I was a parent, I'm not sure I would take that chance.

Would gun control and limited access to the internet have stopped these hate filled boys? Or would they have found anouther way? I dont have these answers but I do Know that we cant leave this problem totaly up to our government, I feel that they could do more harm than good in alot of ways!

As citizens of the greatest country in the world, me must take more interest in the children not just your own, but other peoples as well, Keep track of what they are doing, keep possitive things in their lives. (a little less time in front of the tv and computor certainly couldnt hurt)! know their interests and what they are doing. Just get involved in your community and work on solving this growing problem, I believe that the only thing that could possibly be worse than being the parent of one of the children shot, Is to be the parent of one of the shooters! Its not a far fetched thought to think that the next school this happens at, could be the one your kids are Sitting in!

These are Just my Personal thoughts if you feel differently or would like to share your feelings with me please feel free to MAIL ME

No matter how you feel on these issues, I think that all the Parents, students, teachers, victims, and the whole community of Colorado needs our Love, and support. They will certainly be in my heart and prayers!

If You know of or suspect that someone is planning a thing like this, please tell someone. hind sight is 20/20 Stop them before they walk in and start shooting! Pass this page along, Work with your local school systems, And maybe even take the guns out of your home, and please know what your kids are looking for on the internet, There is nothing good that can come out of sites that teach them to hate! Dont let the deaths of all them kids be in vein!

Thank you...Tammy

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