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Marilyn Manson Links:

STOP THE BOAT - A Marilyn Manson Page
Demo CD's
Jason's Twiggy Ramirez Page
Marilyn Manson @ Rolling Stone
(AOL members only)
Kiddie Grinder's Marilyn Manson Page
Marilyn Manson - Menu
m a r i l y n - m a n s o n . n e t
ThE AbBeY oF tHeLeMa
Marilyn Manson's Church of AntiChrist Superstar

Other Band Links: graphics
Arts and Entertainment - Nine Inch Nails
Coal Chamber page
Lollirot's Dope Emporium
Deftones Screamin' Kat Page
Ozz Fest tour dates

Satanism, Vampirism, Serial Killers, and other sites

Satanism - Internet Satanic Syndicate
The Satanic Network - Main Menu
Great Minds - Vampire: the Masquerade
Clan Brujah
A Theory On Real Vampirism
Interview With A Vampyre: FAQs Page II
Demythri's Domain
Excite Search Results for "Demons demonic exorcise demon "
Demon Possesion Handbook
The Witching Hours Has Moved!
Dark Side of the Web
Anarchs Unite!!!!
Serial Killers

Merchandise, Stores...

Hot Topic
ACR Mailorder and Merchandise - Shirts - Bandshirts- Marilyn Manson
Bad Otis Link, Art, T-Shirts, t-shirts, tee shirts, Serial Killers, Mail
Marilyn Manson Church Gift Shoppe
Gothic Accessories Catalog

People's Webpages

The Shadows Of Salem
Down In The Parks
Marilyn Manson next_motherfucker's Lunchbox
The Ungod's Temple of Evil
TwiGGY's DoLLhoUse of LiNkS!
Jaundices Home Page

Scabs,  Guns,  &  Peanut  Butter

Free GuestBooks by Phaistos!
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He   sewed   his   eyes   shut   because   he   is   afraid   to   see.      He   tries   to   tell   me   what   he   put   inside   of   me.      He's   got   the   answers   to   ease   my   curiousity...he   dreamed   a   god   up   and   called   it   Christianity.

Marilyn Manson Pics:
Twiggy Ramirez Pics:
Zim Zum Pics:
Ginger Fish Pics:
Pogo Pics:

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9 Satanic Statements
My opinon on Racism

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