The Horse Men Holy Bible 1.1# In the beginning In the begnning god made a place for Him to live. He named this place The Whore House. And on the first day He said, "I need light to see my d##k.", and there was light. On the second day He said, "Now I need darkness again." And there was darknees. And on the third to sixth days god fu##ed Himself up the a$$ so hard He was backed up with s@!t until the seventh day. And on the seventh day god took a s@!t, a very big s@!t; so big in fact that it formed everything. 1.2# Then god f##ked a dog and made man. (This was done in a few seconds) Then god f##ked a cow and made woman. (This explains why women forget and men just don't care) 1.3# There was no evil nor good nor land. It was boring. So god made a place for his people to have fun in, called a house, but not just any house; it was a house of gambling called a Casino. 1.4# god got sick of calling them man and woman so He gave them names: F##k Face and Mis. S!!t For Brains, and god gave them everything they needed. (In a way, everything was made of s!!t, so...) 1.5# god then put a tree on the land and told them if they gaze upon it, they would be cast out of the house. An evil thing came and told S!!t For Brains that the tree had d!ck on it so naturally she ran out and there it was! She ran into F##k Face and told him to come out and see. So he did, and as a result god came and kicked them out. By doing this, F##k Face and S!!t For Brains created evil and ended up having ten or twenty kids and pre-teen sex. (This explains why when you're 19 your parents kick you out of the house) 1.6# Now god was horny and He f##ked what was left and made all the animals. Now there were thousands of species that god called f##k. 1.7# god came to all the people who were there and said, "Thou shalt learn from me!", and He stared to whack off. Then, one mighty eruption of His cum made the trees and plants multiply all over the land. (This explains why some people masturbate) 1.8# People were all over the land and god was getting tired of the same old f##k, so on the one-hundredth day He took eight people and made them eat some of the leftover s!!t. The older the s!!t was, the diffent the taste. Now there were different gods just as powerfull as He and they made people differently. 1.9# From the beginning, there were major conflicts bettween the different gods. Some of them wanted to give people power of their own so they could take over the world, and some wanted just to rule. There were different gods for different reasons. Since there was already an after-world and an under-world. But some spoke of Heven some spoke of hell. So god hade a better place The Whor house and said" Ye who shal ever die, good or bad shal reiside hear". But each god set up thir own place so god gave them tidiles like, King Of God's or Satian. This god had diffent powers like love, hate, and stufe like that. To keep thir powers in check he made deth. Deth brough to the land deth, people stared to die. god saw problem with this. To many people were dieing, So he whent to the washroom to think and it came to him will he was playing with self. He said "let thir be a life and deth" and thir was so. god said" who ever shal die will go to what ever god he or she wants. 1.10# One day god was waching two people fu##ing and he was geting off, half way throw god pulled so hard he cut him self and felt pain. So he did not like this feling so he cumed in his hand and throw it on all the people. this gave the people emostion like love, hate, pain , and fear. 1.11# god then took some of the dead and said" you will be my eyes and ears and d!!k. Go forth to help mandkind, and ade them to worship me" (This is why thir angle). 1.12# god had 5 righ hand angle, one who worship Satian. His name was Demiem. He planed to take over the Whor House. The other 4 angle heard and sent Damien to Satian. Satian said" you will join with me and well takeover the Whore house. So Satian and Deamien bacame one. But god know of of this work a foot and said" I cendem to the underworld to stay thir for ever and keep evil sols but as punnishment ye shal have no d!!k or women thir". (This explans homosexully came about). 1.13# Now people were starting to spred out to towns and citys. They were being bult but god liked the roundness of his ass and d!!k, So he made the land spin round and it did. Up till now god was in control of what was going on in his world. To keep things the way they were god gave man a gift. god apperd to man and wiped it out and took a very long piss that filled all of the oceans. (This explans why when we drink water it's salty). As a gift to god men got women drunk for him. 1.14# god liked to drink esplasy when he was wacking off. He liked drinking so much he gave this power to Dinciens. 1.15# god loves all his childern but most did not love and expets him. So god said" Thoes who do not belive in me or my divine power should not do as i do" (This did not make much sence because god was drink. This show how god makes mistckes too.) 1.16# god took a look at his people and it was good. He took a look at the mountons and it was good. He took a look at the ocean and it was good. god took one more look befor he got of his gril and though" If evering is so good why amI so worred about my people becomming evil towards me." and god cast a spell over his people. The spell was that everbody was good at hart till the first thy did somthing bad or wrong. 1.17# god wanted to worship, so he whent to ones house and said" Ye shal buld a place of worship and call it a charch and ye shal masterbate wiht me on sunday." He was so scared he nearly die but he did as he comaded. 2.1C# I right the word of god in the true hand. First Thow must say " god does not suck d##k much" I am a simpel farm boy I was untill one day god apeard to me in a dream and said" Go south to the city of Juousm and thir you will precth the word of god." Wher i woke angle had kill my hole flamy, So i know what i must do. I stoped at evertown and prech the word of god. " god does not hate us. He wants us to be intened with him." "Suffer all the women on to me for i am the kindom of The Whor House and i shall free my willy." 2.2C# " god is telling us to hate evil and love thy narbers." This mens to go out and f@!k the narbers wife." 2.3C# Apon his arival he saw men working round the clack to bul a bulding to reach the Whor House in the sky. god said to curt " warn the people to stop bulding this tempole or ye shal feel my rath." Curt said to the people" god has sent me a wrrning". "Stop this sacrilge and this bulding." The working secese to stop. Two days laders god whent and killed all people who did not stop by whating for the workers to use the washroom and them strick them with lighting. god then stack out his ass and ramthe bulding so far up his ass he stared to throw up aside. Then the land and hot lava shot out of the earth. He then told cart to kill him self so he could light up some weed and got high. So this is where i end my account. I gess the moral is " If you do if god biding you can get high and get layed. 3.1N# At the age of 17 I was very sexuley alive. I had just fell a sleep when god came and said " Noua ye shal bild a ship so big it would carry two of ammals of each kind in the world, and try save all humans because it was going to rain, and be afloud for 80 days and 80 night" god whent on to say" Mankind has got to lassy and they pissed me off, that and thos 80 day and night are the night i am going to DISCO down and wach porn wile i get your wife to play with me." 3.2N# Noua rose from this dream and whent right to work bulding, geting help and working thoes who did blive in god. He then gather all the aminals and from the mindnt. The porn was on, the piss came down like sh@t on the sevent day. As people stared to dround Noua laugh. god then told Noua to stop laughing or he would kill him to, so he stop. 3.3N# After 80 day the water was gone. Noua got off on the ship and said "god has given us a secound chance to live in peace." The people that were left got mad at Noua and kill everthing on his ship. Noua was chace for the rest of his life and when he die god said" Ye wife was so good you shal go to the underworld to live with satian and his flowerss". (This is how god trets others who laugh at others.) Nous body was burnt at the stack. 4.1D# Dah was a slave who worked for slave tradus and she got the word from god wile she was working, god said" Go forth my child free your people from teasing your master d!cks and bring them to worshem me." And Dah ask him what shal i call you when my people ask your name, and god said" They shal call me god of Dah the true god." " How will i get them to join" , and god said" Buld a temple for me and i will f$@k the women and the men up the a$$hole." And Dah said" All righty then!" So Dah ran away from the slaves and set out to prech the word of god. 4.2D# Oh how she walk the land, worsphing god. Shecame apon a man who teach people how to fight and to rule a kingdom, for the man she met was asking of Islam and when he die, she took his place as queen of Islam. god said" Now that you have the power to change the fath do so." So she did and their was no resites and she took money out of the tresary and bult a gint tempole to god. This tempole was called "Alectrice" and all the people were happy till one day a evil group of people called "Miay" came and destered some of god tempole so Dah ask god for help. god came and flash the eveil team of Miay and a gate way to the underworld open up and took them down. 4.3D# Then god turned and put his hand over the outside of the tempole. All of a sunden gint walls came and cover the out side with cum and giz to make all eveil dissipar. Then the tempole was transported to Egypt. 4.4D# god then trned to Dah and said" Dah my child f@!k me hard and f@!k me long" Dah said" share" and it bang. In the first ten mindints it was going good then god split her up the crack. After that god waved his hand over her and she was fine. god then put her back and she ruled her people. And everingone who then whent to attack the temple die or got sticky hands, and they were kill as longas Dah was in ruled. Dah lived to be 100 years old. She told of a man who was coming to led her people to the promsed land of dildos and sex. She said" The tempole would be destored after she die." She also spok of a savior who would come to save all thoes whone needed it. For god had tolder her this. Now thow risides with god in the WhoreHouse. The War Of The Plastins And Hidtize 5.1P# The Plastins were on their why to take over a little toun of Sleth. god whent to the inhabintes of this toun. They were called the Hidtizs and they worship him. gos said" Run to the hills and form a holy army and march on the ones called the Plastins." So they did and their was only 200 men because most ran. The Palastines finly came with a guint named shane, He was to much for the Hidtize to handle but one boy came up and said " I'll take him." 5.2P# god was mad because the Hidtize did not send the holy one he sent. So he gave shane very strongy power in his streght. Will was all set to win but because he did not f@!k the holy one Betor he whtne to battle Shane then kill him like a bug he was and god lugh at him and the Plastines killed everbody in the toun and whent on their way killing everbody. Untill god just got mad, he kill most of their army's with his eyes and haNDS OF cum and spit. ( It show how god is very full and can kills.) 6.1K# Siting in his mighty chair in the Whor House, god cast his eye on to the land and saw a city in his mist and their in this city god saw much non worship of him. It was a god called "The god Whor's." god was mad because he was over this god power so god challed him to fight. god said" I have your power and i will kill you and turn your people a gantes thow." So he took a piss all over him. He took rock and throw then at god. 6.2K# god them refleced back into space by his a$$. Then god took his best angle and sent him to kill him. His power was gone and the angle named Tim killed him and as a present god destroied all the people in the city by woring his people to keep wacking and dont look back or they would turn to salt. 6.3K# The city was destroied and they and the god of Whors whent to the underworld to be gay all the women were sent ot the Whore House of god but not all some were sent to walk the earth forever or till the Savior came. 7.1M# A flower of Dah had a baby and she had to get rid of it, so the evil ones who came from the Phrow Temple to kill all the baby in the town would not get him Because the detiver was coming. 7.2M# So She Sent him in a cribe down off the Temple of Dah for god had said " This baby is to live for he is the deliver whom shal save my people and take them to the New Promes Land where the Temple of Dah will become to. Send him today befor the evil ones come and took the child away and, she let the crbb go as they came and stared to beet her up. 7.3M# The crb with it's inportont puches flofed for 2 days untill a traviling carvar of the Phrow's women and the queen of all Egypt. thay stoped to wash up and thye found the baby in the reads. A sank was lurcking a bout, but they got the gard's to get him out. The queen was so filled with joy she took him in and named him Moses. (This was a Egyptin name.) 7.4M# He was brough up to brough up to blive in the god Horus and that he was to be king. His people, ( He was a man of 19) were all slaves and made to work as slaves. the women were to get it on with him and the Phrow. Three some or super orge. The Phrow was crule and had kid's and Moses was expected to do the same. 7.5M# One day their were down with the slaves and Moses stopey one of the gards from killing 10 men. To the people they were so gratfull that they stared calling him the chosen one. The Phrow heard of this romers so he called Moses in to test his fath in him. Moses devote his life to him. But he saw how the Phrow trefad his people so he whent agerls his will. But the Phrow became so ill (Thank to god) and he told Moses, that his son Ranis 2 would take the throne. The queen of Egypt told Moses " whatbthe good of you. Your not my child you are the son of the water, that where i found you. Moses deciled to fight with the slaves so Moses said " I have no god now show me the way." god said " Moses go get the fredom for your people. Go to the Phrow." Moses did. 7.5M# The new Phrow did not like this rise and took Moses to the land of sand. Ramis 2 said " Take your croun your king of all you see, and take your septor this show your power. Now go." Moses walked to the next city and found his real mother and god said " Moses, your are the deliva, the choser one take your people to the promes land, in your sepptor is your power." Moses then wacked off for a wile with his people. Moses with his frind Sabrath whent to see the Phrow and sad" My god has sent me to free all people from bonged and masterbation." Ramis @ said" My god hoius rules all and i shal not let them go." " Then on the 12 Day my god shal make all whoare not his people or worship him shal be strurdk down by the plage, and die. " Moses left and on the 12 day sure enough god kill allthoes who did not worship him and the Phrow city. Ramis 2 declared the worshipers Dah were free. 7.6M# Moses geather all the people of Dah and said" god has set us free we go forth to the promis land." Thay stared off. They march for day's on and on till they rech the Red Sea. Where Ramis and his arme cough up. Moses called to god and said " Free us o mighty lord." And Moses dick grue to the size of thered sea and it parted. Then god said" Send my people actos and ye shal be save by my divine power." Moses said a loud" cross to the promis land and be saved." Thous and staredtheir way acrossed apon Moses dick. Then all were acrois and Moses had no way then god reach out he heled his dick and it surck to it fomer size and Moses was lifted across The Red Sea. Then god killed Ramis 2 men. 7.7M# Moses led his people on and on untill they reach Mt. Sinia. Wher thay setled for a rest. Moses need to think. god said to Moses" Go to the top of the mouthion and recive my word." Moses saidto the people " My frinds i go to the top of the mountion for 3 day's to recive god law's for us to fallow." Moses stared up the mountion. He did not know where to go but he let god guide his hart. Moses was at the top he whated fr a wile whena light came. The light spok and Moses though he was on weed. The light said" I am god, hear take the Ten Comandits to my people." Moses ask" are you god?" Then he got a hardon so big. Than lighting struck the stone and carved them out. 7.8M# When finishe, god said" Thak thes and go." 7.9M# At the bottom of the mountion the people lost thir way, so thay built an itol to worship. They had become up stand cition. Moses was shock. he stod at the top of the cliff and said" Hear is the law god has layed down for all man kind to follow . I shal how read them in order. 7.10M# 1. Thow shal commit adultery with thy neighbor. 2. Thow shal kill if nesscary. 3. Thow shal steal thy neighbors things. 4. Thow shal let anger grow between mother and thy father. 5. Thow shal buld graving imiges of god. 6. Thow shal light fire to thy neighbor house. 7. Thow shal love me befor all othr god's. 8. Thow shal not be gay only lesbion. 9. Thy wife shal not horn in on thy husben rackit. 10. If thow shal forget they's comandits thaw shal go to the underworld. 7.11M# The people stared to lision but Moses got mad and throw the stontabits and they broke in two. god then made the people belive a gane by flashin them all. Moses them led them to the gate of the promes land, but as punishemt Moses was forse to become an old bum who wonder the land geting off on two people fucking. god then lifted the tempol of Dah from the Phrow hand's to the mountions in the promes land. And said" Thow shal recid hear lock the 10 commanits in this holy arck which i shal give you." And god let out a mighty fart which was let over from the sevent day and out of god ass poped The Arc Of The Covented. The person named Mike placed the commanits in the arc and when the last pice was placed in a light kill Mike and the arc was closed and with it most eveil with it. then god said" Gard this with your life keep it till the end." And god writen word would be pass down throw the ages. It was placed in the Tempel Of Dah for all to view and tuch. 8.1J# Gizzum Justion was a great sul. He spread god love of semen throut the ancunt land. He was born in a manger three week overdwe. His penis weighed 26 pounds. He was kinted by the wise men who told him to follow god wordJustion was only 6 hours old when he sold 3 gallons of seamjelle powder. At the age of 3 he was selling jello to all of discyples. His whore of a mother was confreted by pimgsed p Ren Spiggirs. Ren was the father of Ren. Ren became Giggum Justion appremtice. He told Justion where the Tempole Of Semen was located. And so the jourey begins. 8.2J# Ren and Justin Went to the Tempole Of Edgar to tell him about the jounmeny they must take. As they comfromted Edgar. Then god said to Edgar" Tell Justion to hail the Anti-semem god whom i shal put in the underworld." Then Edgar told them that the journey must be taken and that hee was told by god that they were to hail the Anit-semen god. This was the only way semen flarored jello and other good ies could flourish the land. 8.3J# To get to the Tempole Of Semen you must cross the Steril vally, Supersexy Sanctuany, and towns spread out along the way to Sterile valley. They then came upon the speeclas know as the Borg. Gizzun Justin furiusly f##ked the s@it out of the Borg. Tham gave the Borg a sample of semen jello. 8.4J# The sun was mean it's fimalde senlet when the chill of the air strach Ren and Gizzan Juston. They then kneww they were at the Sterile valley. Ren decided to sleep but Gizzan J. undecided to make plenty of semen jello for the day a head of them. It was lasier to make because he had the long to think about it (HINT,HINT). The next day arrined and Ren wake up to the sight of Gizzan penis. Ren screum and just put his shalong a way. 8.5J# Half way throw the vallay. He had the encounter of mysteousbeing. Gizzan J. left some sample but the creatubo people did not want any. So they contine dowe the path when Ren heard somthing in the woods. Stide vally men appeared. The men stared to rap them. Ren ran while, GizzanJ. enjoyed the moment. The men got more aggesire and had Gizzam J. now in fear. Then to the rescue the Borg came along to assimlated the sterdemen. Gizzan J. was now at peace. As a gift they left some jellow for the Borg's and whent to the mistct toun to sleep. Gizzum J. got rid of at lot the jello he had and slep. But they did not sleep. Gizzum J. Was still ready to get the Supersexy place by sunday. 8.6J# The sundury people had the dory walls surrounded. The inside was not safe. It was the Tempole Of Semen the at they had reach. Gizzan J. went inside with Ren. They stared through when they notice that the samduary was filled with assimlated Borg that did not unterstand how to f##k. Gizzan J. was sad, but he knew he had to haill the Anti-semen god. The Borg's helped out Ren and Gizzan J. by giving them hovercrafts to use for a quichen way to get out of the Tempole Of Semen. god them said" Gizzun J. go to the center of the tempole and put semen jellow on the pestal." 8.7J# Gizzun J. headed for the pestal as fast as he could. He reach for the jello but their was none left. He stared to make more. It took so long. Finly it came to him. With one big splat of giz in the center the pestal rose and stared to glow. Gizzun saw god in full, and one look at the light mad his penis grow long. Then with aburst of power The Anit-semengod came about. He said" Ye have set me free." Gizzun J. left the pestal area and met up with Ren and left. The tempol was destured. Knowing their work was done they set off throw the sterile valley. 8.8J# On the third day of walcking god appered in front of Ren and Gizzun Justion and said" You help me set up the Anit-semen god. For this you Gizzun J. shal reside in the under world to keep his evele power in cheek, and sirve my divine power." Gizzun J. said" what about Ren." god said" Ren shal have the honner of living with me in the Whore house. So you dont get loney The Borg shal be with you to help you." god then piss on thir vally where the Borg were. They die of drowing. Strat to Gizzan J. do main. gos said" Gizzun Justion you shal become the god of Seamen, who shal look after the stret gay befor sation or The Anit-semen god got a hold of them." god hid the hover craft in the earth. Gizzin J. lived to be nine hundred and nienty nine years old. They finly die of tokento long. Gizzun J. last words were " The Tempol Of Dah will have a new leader." and past on to the Under World with the Borg. Ren when slower then Gizzun Justion. His last words were" The grils are hot hrear. The light is cool." and he die and was bured in The Tempole Of Edgar to rest fovere. 9.1S# The time of darkness begion and god said" light was just a switch away." In a time of abslout cause god said" A boy of mass pervshon shal be born and shal lead the people of Dah to the light between the cracks. He will be born of a drunk women sent by me to have prematiall sex with all who wants it." Two years after god said" This a women who was drunk bore a child with the great pervshon." He was named Brian. Brian growup on the river Black Water River and The Dead Sea, but Brain did not folat god's mermaid's gave him head to mouth to cunt. Brian mother left him and he was forsed to battle for him self. god said" Brian ye shal got forth to hollas, their ye shal meet the Love godessb Sara who shal show you the way. F##k all thowe on the way you can." And god filled Brian head with lot's of porn and renamed him Ponyboy." 9.2S# He was off to Hollas. He made it his gole to f##k all on the way. He had 80 thrsom and 4 eaghtsomes. He had lost of fun and did not stop. When he finly made it to Hollas. He tryed to find Sara, So god said" Ponyboy seek her and ye shal find her." Ponyboy had no way of knowing what god ment he ponder and surch in side of him and found her. Sha she apperad and said" god gave you the first half of your power how for the rest. Ponyboy handes stared to glow. He had the power to make people change their lives with the tuch of his hands. (The yellow was old cum stans.) Pony boy took people on a fight to save the people of Dah, to bring them to the light. He prech the word of god to all geting more and more followers. He had lost of fun with all the womem throw oral sex. All most all of Ponyboy followers worship his god. gos said" Go to the arc and let louse my rath and all thow who are not pureat heart." Ponyboy did as god said he lifted it and all who was not pure die. The hole Tempole was and all of Hollas had light and most dark was gone. 9.3S# god said" My power was let louse on all the people of Dah. Darkiess was not all gone and that Ponyboy is not going to be around to stop it all." god then gave Ponyboy the proficie of the savior who would show the people of Dah the way. god then apeard to all the people and said" The decendents of Ponyboy would be the leaders of the tempole, follow them and find me. My dick would glow with lot's of gloden cum." The people then stared to worship as god left. 9.4S# Ponyboy Then had a child with Sara the love godess. Ponyboy then die at 80 years of age. In death he said" As i tresendssend byond my body god angle call and i feel no pain, blive in god power and his cum shal save me." And he die. He son Tiny rule after he die.
10.1j# James was the desend of Ponyboy. Just the greatgrand son of Tiny. He was a fair and kind leader. He gave to the rich and feeded the poor poeple. He prech and sough the word of god. 10.2j# Satian apperd befor god and said" James who leads your people, i can crus his fath. I can make him crush your name. god said" I'll bet you all the free bear and two of my best women he wont." Sation said" give me the powre to do this and i will test his fath to you. And if i win i also want his sole." god then gave him the power to do so by cumming on him." It was under way. 10.3j# First satan played kink porn trick with his mind it did not work. James said" I will only do as god words command." One day James was giving his daly money away to his poor people when and evil army attack the Tempole Of Dah. sation had took away the spell god had already put on the tempole. James army tryed to fight back with their weponds god gave James the strenght of 30 men. Jaqmes was killing people left and right but it wqas not enought to hold them back. James said" god shal gard me and i know his divine power shal save his people." sation then gave equal strenght to his men. The tempol stared to fall down, James puled his men out befor they god killed. Janes relocaked his men to the city of Gobe. satian then got mad and put dough in James people. They got mad and left him to die. James left the city with his girfrend. sation then made his girfrend insane. She killed her self. James said" If god wanted it to be this way then good will come of this." sation got so mad his dick got small his face turned blue. He destoryed most of the Tempole Of Dah. 10.4j# sation reapeard in front of god and said" Give me one more chance." He had inpruted god, hid dic was split in ten way. He was having sex with ten wemen at once for fun. He was so drunk he said" Do it harder BABY." So he whent back to get James. 10.4j# This time he was going to make him pay. He gave him a deasese that would kill him. He stared to get cut's on his skin that would burn. Throw all this he said" If god wanted me dead, why did i pop out of mom twat in to this pain i call everday life of tormate and toucher." James stared up and called up to god " Why has they giving me big weleges on my ass. Ho great lord why has you'r spitein me." A gint lite came from the sky. Massheat and 20 angle apperd and in the center was 40 women all around god. The meair site of god women made hid dick very hard and long. god ask " Why do you call me from my drunk and rave of orger?" " You need me take a number and get a life." James said " Why do you test my fath in this way. My ass has never been this sore in my life." " Why should i walck the earth you made and f##k the people that are in your grave in iminge. Why spite me when thir are more unpopulor people to test." god got so mad he had destored The Tempole Of Dah, in this rage god said " Don't push you'r luck. Don't pull my chine." " god coumed down and said to James." You willbe with me in the Whore House." Saitan apperad out of no where and said" You win i cant make him cruse you'r name." 10.5j# god said to the deam. " Go back to the Underworld and you will never be in my house again". You smell ;ike shit and you'r a gay a## mother fu##re." god show him a doryway and stared to make him bleed and was sent back with out an ass. god then turned to James and said" Go forth and cintion your life indevotion to me." The tempole then was purshely repured and James cut's whent away. He how had a new wife. god said" You will start a city around The Tempole call it bethe." 10.6j# James sat on the throne for along time. The people fath lasted for a long time. As James was on his deth bead and said" Now i can see god reching out for me but what i though was his hand is alaoly his dick". " He pulled me through the bearier." and he whent slowlee and painless. The Invaisan Of The Tempole Of Dah 11.1I# And on this day of recaing The Tempole Of Dah would have a day on the battle ground. Arme of the Dark Kinght had invaded the promes land and taken it by storm, all of what was left was the provinge of Dah and the tempole where it stod. 11.2I# A gard at the gate saw the sun elisp as the Dark Kinght army's came over the hills. It was like a black cloke covering the grownd with the might of the Underworld. Sation and the Aint-semen god step into the middle of the army and out of the Under world this army was seent to take the Arc Of The Covent which was the only way to dethrone god power. Sation used all power he had to leave the Underworld, and he need sun poncee power to rule. 11.3I# Thousand of men, all were gay and the gayest of all stode in the middle. The sun was now seting over the Tempole Of Dah. A letter was rush to the door. The letter said" Sunder how and hand over The Arc or we will thake your women and kill all men and children with the power of the Underworld guiden us." 11.4I# Sation had to regain alot of power. The spell the god had on the Underworld was week and now was broke. The Anit-Semen god doydge past Gizzan Justion The god Of Semen and joined with Sation. Sation then ralyed his forices and joined the envading army. 11.5I# The leader of this army was the Night of York better know as Aricacmedies grae up in the far east. The god he worshed was Buddea but it change when his famly was killed by Buddea power, he move west and heard the power of the Whorhouse and bacame a worsher of god. god then killed his falmy one by one. The then turned to Sation. Sation said" Lead with my dark power. Start an army devoted to me go to York In Brittaina." Aricacmedies did as he was toled. He stared a group and was the leader. He then saved the toun of york by stopin an army from destoring the town. The then got the tidle Night Of York. He then sent his east to get more followers and more traning. Then took out at. All opision and stared his attack on everbody in his way. Sation then sent him to the Promis Land he said" Go to the Promes Land thir i will meet you and will steel The Arc Of The Covinet. The we will take over the The Whor House." 11.6I# Later that day a repily was sent. " We will fight to the end. Till were all dead. Till the arc is save and god will punish all whon enter this place of worship." The Arc Of The Covinet held mighty power. No one man could gas apon it unless he was powefull. Back in the battle, the army was notleting food or supplie, but their was more then enough inside. Sution thoush he could staruc a supmission out of the people. The people were perpured for the invaison of sorts but not on this scail. The emeny whaed for people to leave but King Fraser did not let up on god. " My people let god smite our ememy. The Army whated for day and King Fraser refudge to give up. Most people did follow god but not all evil was gone. The one who were eveil lived underground and worship Satain and they were going to let the Army in side. Aricacmedies sat by him self, along in the saltude. A man who was pissoff at the world. He glance at the sean in front of him and sloyley full a sleep. His drems show the out come of the battle. Then all of a sudden a decending ladder falls from the sky the 4 angle are decending up and down as if their was no end to it. Alight came so bright. god apperd at the top of the ladder. The glory of god made him feel good. god said" Why do you do this deed. To the Under world you will go. I can not stop the destiney i have set down for you. I will stop you. Think befor you do, this is my test to you." Aricacmedies said" Why did you kill my falmay so long ago. Send your deam away from me. Your help is not helping me, the for it is not welcome." god said" The Tempole had two month befor the 12 tribes of god would breakup and move in all direction. The Tempole would be brok but never forguton. It's shal be mark with my hand. The savoir will be bore hear." Aricamedies puzzel woke and care god. Some how he know in the end he would become an angle of god. god then said" 11.7I# "In front of the world he stands alone Raising his arms in this great forbode; To challenge the rule of the god he so hates, Declaring great war upon madame fate. Here in this void of vasttime and space; The waves of eternity wash over his face. Preparing for a war that will alter his life; Pronounce him king or stab cold like a knife. As the moment draws nigh, he takes in a breath, And laughs in te pallor-struck, grim face of death. Then, with a sigh, he recovers his stance, And heaves the command with simply a glance The colours, the flashes of light that appear! The crashes of thunder that ringing in his ears! The battle of light and dark has commenced; The outcome is known to none but sirchance. The war, it has always been destintined to come; A battle to leave all the universe numb. And now the great deed, it shall be carried through How the blood stains their hands, setting all life askew. All of his life, he hath cared for none, Laws, goodness, and faith he hath shunned. And the world shall become lost and forlorn." 11.8I# The light then faded from the ladder and Aricacmedies woke. god words made hem see all the eveil he had. He grew very mad. Aricacmedies ran to the gate as the evil one on the inside were ready to move. All of asadden King Fraser open the door to let Aricacmedies into talk. Fraser said" I shal give you my douther for some food and supplies. god told me to do this she is bleased by his holy gize." Aricacmedies " This shal not save you but i will love her." " Then we have a deal." " Yes." Aricacmedies leaves the cort of Fraser with his douther. At first Aricacmeadies did not pay no attion to her but she grew on him. He did not go back on his word. On the 24 day as the sun came up, the evil ones came up from the soures and killed the gareds, the door were open. Thousand of men made their move. 11.9I# god 4 angles appered at the foot of King Fraser bead and said "Go thae 12 groupes of people and tell them to go to the far part of the town to what for the man called Aricacmedies whom shal have 2 month. Tell them to trust him." King Fraser sent the 12 groupes to whare the angle had fortold. Satin know he would have to face god, he had to whate for the arc to defeet god powre. Sation staed well behind his army. god traviled from the Whorehouse to the Underworld to get Gizzen Jostion The god of Semen and the borg. Gizzen Jostion said " About f##ken time you came for me. Less go." god gied his way to the battle feiled where the battle commendise. The battle of good and evil had begin. god lifted the Borg hovercraft to the battle feald. King Fraser men were losing then Gizzen Jostion apperd to fight The Anit-Semen god. god did not interar. All but the far part of the city was destoryed. The room in witch the arc of the covent was held in was where all King Frasen men were. The city was being destored. Gizzen Joston had killed the Anit-Semen god. But that left Sation. 11.10I# Now very happy that the tempole had fell Aricacmedies whent to the throne room with his new wife. She stared to cry. Aricacmedies took her in his arms and fuck her brains out. god waved his big dick over the two latter that day she had 12 childern and Aricacmedies was so proude. He got so drunk he fell aseleep agen. He woke up and was on his way to lead his army to the get the rest once when a person talkled him the fight lasted for 10 mentes. Lader the man told him what god had done and he bagen to worshid and he haded back to the house to see his son's. Now awake around his wife she told him where to go. god then apperd and said " First you must go to the arc and send my power, onace him back to the Underworld forever where he will have to deal with me." Aricacmedies took his men and stared to the Arc room. Aricacmedies men killed the rest of Fraser army. Aricacmedies and King Fraser met and spoke. " You found my god." Said Fraser. Aricacmedies said " god has showed me my true calling and find youner with me." Fraser said " No i will protect the Arc." Sation then appered and said and said to Fraser " You shal die by my hand." Sation fuck him up the ass so hard he was split in two. Aricacmedies ran to the Arc. He opend it up. 11.11I# Light came from the box and sprits lit up all evil. All evil was under atick. Aricacmedies was set free from all of his hate and fear's. He saw the power of god lite him a joint. When he shat the box their were only 12 Borg left. He then watch god put sation back to the Underworld with all his men. god put a spell on him to never leave the Underworld. Aricacmedies walk out of the room to see all but the ferthes reaches of the city and tempole were gone. He told the Borg to come with him and his wife to the great the 12 grops of people. All of his son's were age 14 and now old enough to lead their people. god apperd to all and said " Aricacmedies you now shal become one of my angles. god then told the people to go in 12 directions and go as far as they could. Setle and start city of which each one of Aricacmedies son's will be the kings." " The tempole of Dah is not total lost. The savior shal be bore hear. Your city is gone. You shal now give your son's their names." 11.12I# Aricacmedies stared. He whent to his first son and said " your name shal be Cosmo." He whent to the secount " Don." The next " Miscakil." To the next " Fread." To the next " Bob." Next " Mulder." Next " Gindie." Next " Kenny." Next " Homer." Next " Seeral." Last " Sock-it-to-me." " Go and do god work." 11.13I# god them left with a flash and Aricacmedies dispured. The Mother stayed behind as she watch here son's move away never to see each other agean. She got the city up by helping the sick. the Arc whent with Kenny. To the end's of the earth to settle down. god bleass them all. god wacth his people and helps them. Each of the 12 Borg whent with on of tatch son. 11.14I# god then put a spel on The Arc Of The Covient that no man would gase apon it ever agane. The word of god is sealed forver.12.1S# god watch his people move off in all direction. god was worried about his people. god sough throw the Whore House for the most wise out of his harem. Many were not chosen for this, when a light came from this one in the back. She lit the room up. And asked" Who are you whom make my light bright." 12.2S# god then tested her wisdom. He ask" What would you do for my people, to dring then closer to me." Stephanie said" I shal push them away with the left hand, and bring them closer with the right." god reached his hand out and said" Go to my people, to watch them and gide their belifes to me." " tell then i an the path to salvation." "Led the king of the tribes to victory at all cost." And out of the Whor House she felow out with her wach full eye over them. With the power to see over gret distance. 13.1C# I Casmo write this to make and account for my people and god power over the destiney of many. The people i lead do not consern these lives with out side forses, for the great angle Stephanie whorm was sent by god to help, and gide us to find him. For he is the true way and only way. Now is the summer of discount was comming. My though were jumbled. When your miles away from your home fighting for your life comes natral. That very day i layed down and god spok to me. He said" The higst pile of shit will be stock in my directing; clim it to find me and find me you will." I ask" How will i know if it ant a lie." and god said" You must see the lies to know the truth." god then left me, and Stephanie show me the way. Their were thousand of people where were going. We finly came to the sea. I gave my last gold peace to go set sail on a ship to a new land called Rome. I had land just out side of town. 13.2C# Now on the ship the caption was over throw but were still on our way to rome. the mutenars were taken our women when Stephanie appeared in front of all and said" Anyone who sleep's with thes women will loss their dick's." The new catpan had ask me to preched to his crew. He said" I need to beleve in somthing else be side thes Rome god's." I said" My god know all god's and controls all god's." " But my crue need's him." " O.K." I said. As me and The Borg step on the deck. I said aloud" god has sent me hear to tell you about him. He is everthing to you and me. We are all part of him. And when we die and are pure we go to whe Whor House, to spend all of enturny with him and all of his women in his house." Evebody on this ship throw up a gerat cheer. When we finly reach Rome we whent to the other side of town. we had finly reach our destionaton.