Ronin Warriors
Fan Fintion

Welcome to Yvette's Ronin Warriors fan fiction page. Yvette is a spiff writer, Her twist and turns will leave you aching for more. Her surpries are excieting to say the least. She leaves the reeder with many different thoughts. I would say she is every good at what she does, don't believe me? Well just take a peek and I know you will like what you see.

The fight between light and darkness was started,
but will it be Cale or Rowen that kills Sage?
Part One
Part Two
Part Three

The Challange:
Warning Yaoi
Shu is having party and gives Seiji a job,
but it would seem as if Seiji has a different kind of job in mind?
And why was Touma stuffed inside of a car trunk?
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
