December 1997 Babies Webring

If your baby was born In December 1997,then this is the ring for you!!!

Submit site to December 1997 Babies Webring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.
Click this hard ... a light click will sometimes not work.

Graphic to save -- dec97ring.gif
Please save the above graphic to your own hard drive!!!! Saving it to mine, will slow my system down :) Thanks in advance for your consideration. When your site is submitted to the webring, you will receive an automatic email that will contain the html code, no editing is necessary. Please place the ring on the babies page or provide a DIRECT LINK to the code.For example,the word "WEB RINGS" on the page leading to the ring is acceptable,or anything that pertains to such.

This is an example ring only.

This December 1997 Babies Webring site is owned by

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NOTE: If ,by chance,you do not receive the email containing your HTML code, you can use the HTML code shown below. Note:The easiest way to insert this code onto your babies webpage is to copy and paste the form. If you need a "lesson" in copying and pasting please Mail Me

December 1997 Babies Webring HTML Code: You must change all --id-- to your id number given to you in your automatic email. You must also change --mail-- to your email address and --name-- to the name you wish to use. **Make sure you leave out the dashes.** Feel free to email me with any problems.

Kayleigh and I THANK YOU so much for joining our webring, HAVE FUN and enjoy!!!!


If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.

If you are already a webring member, edit your site information here

Site ID No:   