The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood
Essential oils are one of the world's great untapped resources.
This complete volume explains how
to incorporate these
ancient medicines of the earth into everyday life for personal care,
physical and
mental health,
and a safe home environment.
It gives more than 500 recipes using essential oils as
to often toxic human-made health, beauty, and cleaning products.
Natural Beauty at Home: More Than 200 Easy-To-Use Recipes for Body, Bath, and Hair
Janice Cox, who has created her own home beauty treatments
for 20 years, now shows how
inexpensive and fun it can be.
Her book contains more than 200 simple but remarkably effective
home treatments
for cleansers and scrubs, toners and skin fresheners,
creams and lotions, shampoos
and conditioners, bath and shower gels, and more.
This is the natural follow-up to the highly successful Natural Beauty at Home.
In this charming new
book, Janice Cox offers readers more than 200
brand new recipes for body, bath, and hair care,
with an eye toward
special beauty needs and ingredient availability in each of the four seasons.
book presents more than 50 sophisticated
gift-giving ideas for holidays throughout the year.
The Herbal Body Book: A Natural Approach to Healthier Skin, Hair, and Nails
How to transform common herbs, fruits, and grains into safe,
economical, and natural personal care
Contains more than 100 recipes to make facial scrubs, hair rinses, shampoos,
cleansing lotions, moisturizers, lip balms, toothpaste,
powders, insect repellents, and more!
recipe includes preparation time, yield, and storage and usage tips.
Natural Babycare: Pure and Soothing Recipes and Techniques for Mothers and Babies
By using these easy-to-follow instructions, mothers can create
and safely apply creams, lotions,
shampoos, bath
and massage oils, and powders that will ensure good health
for both the newborn
and for themselves.
Includes special features on self-care during pregnancy, childbirth
lactation; safe and simple homeopathic remedies to promote wellness; and more.
The Complete Herbal Guide to Natural Health and Beauty
Making Potpourri, Colognes, and Soaps: 102 Natural Recipes
The Natural Beauty & Bath Book: Nature's Luxurious Recipes for Body & Skin Care
This book is for people who care about how they look,
who like natural products, and who need a little
This elegant guide shows how to create natural beauty products at home,
written by Casey Kellar, owner of Rain Country Naturals.
Neal's Yard Remedies Make Your Own Cosmetics
Milady's Skin Care and Cosmetic Ingredients Dictionary
Clean House, Clean Planet: Manual to Free Your Home of 14 Common Hazard Household Products
This easy-to-use guide for everyone who is concerned about the
toxic chemicals in cleaning products includes remarkably simple
recipes for natural, non-toxic household cleaners that really
work--the secrets the cleaning industry doesn't want consumers to know.
The Natural Remedy Book for Dogs & Cats by Diane Stein
A Woman's Book of Life
The Biology, Psychology, and Spirituality of the Feminine Life Cycle by Loan Borysenko
Natural Health, Natural Medicine
A Comprehensive Manual for Wellness and Self-Care by
Andrew Weil
Creating Health
How to Wake Up the Body's Intelligence by Deepak Chopra
How to Deal With Very Difficult Children by Alan Train
All Women Are Healers
A comprehensive Guide to Natural Healing
Anatomy of the Spirit
The Seven Stages of Power and Healing by
Attention Deficit Disorder
A Different Perception by Thom Hartmann
Medicine Grove
A Shamanic Herbal by Loren Cruden
New Choices in Natural Healing for Women
From Aromatherapy and Herbs to Massage and Vitamin Therapy--Drug-Free
Remedies from the World of alternative Medicine by Sara Altshul O'Donnell, et al.
The Mozart Effect
Tapping the Power of Music to Heal the Body, Strengthen the Mind and Unlock the Creative Spirit by Don Campbell
No More Ritalin
Treating Adhd Without Drugs by Mary Ann Block
Ritalin-Free Kids
Safe and Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Add and Other Behavioral and
Learning Problems by
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman
Spontaneous Healing
How to Discover and Enhance Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself by
Andrew Weil
The Myth of the A.D.D. Child
50 Ways to Improve Your Child's Behavior and Attention Span Without Drugs, Labels, or Coercion by Thomas Armstrong
The Natural Remedy Book for Women by Diane Stein
Plant Spirit Medicine
The Healing Power of Plants by Eliot Cowan
The Women's Book of Healing
Crystals and Gemstones, Auras and Laying on of Hands, Chakras and Colors (Llewellyn's New Age Series by Diane Stein
Why People Don't Heal and How They Can
Natural Health, Natural Medicine
A Comprehensive Manual for Wellness and Self-Care by
Andrew Weil
The Complete Book of Homeopathy by Michael Weiner and Kathleen Goss
Principles of Reiki by Kasja Krishni Borang
Reiki the Healing Touch
First and Second Degree Manual by William L. Rand
Essential Reiki
A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art by
Diane Stein
Light Emerging
The Journey of Personal Healing by
Barbara Ann Brennan Thomas J. Schneider
Reiki Energy Medicine
Bringing the Healing Touch into Home, Hospital and Hospice by Libby Barnett, Maggie Chambers, Susan Davidson
Reiki : Universal Life Energy by Bodo Baginski, Shalila Sharamon
Feet First
A guide to Feet Reflexology by Laura Norman
Back to Eden
A Human Interest Story of Health and Restoration to Be Found in Herb, Root, and Bark (Golden Anniversary Edition) by Jethro Kloss
Carbohydrate-Addicted Kids
Help Your Child or Teen Break Free of Junk Food and Sugar Cravings - For Life! by
Richard F Heller,
Rachael F. Heller
Diet and Disease by E. Cheraskin, W.M. Ringsdorf, James W. Clark
Eat Right for Your Type
The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer and Achieving Your Ideal Weight by Dr. Peter J D'Adamo, Catherine Whitney
Make the Connection
Ten Steps to a Better Body and a Better Life by Bob Greene, Oprah Winfrey
The Whole Way to Natural Detoxification
Clearing Your Body of Toxins by Frances
Taylor, Jinger Prosser, Jacqueline Krohn
This list will be modified pretty regularly, so come back often! Enjoy, and live long and prosper.
Also, if you're interested in a topic not listed here, by all means, use the Amazon search form below.