Vegetarian cookbooks
The Art of Japanese Vegetarian Cooking

The Best 125 Meatless Pasta Dishes
The Back to Eden Cookbook : Original Recipes and Nutritional Information from One of the Great Pioneers in the Imaginative Use of Natural Foods
The Best 125 Meatless Main Dishes
The Best 125 Meatless Mediterranean Dishes
The Best of Lord Krishna's Cuisine: Favorite Recipes from the Art of Indian Vegetarian Cooking
Better Homes and Gardens Vegetarian Recipes for Today)
Betty Crocker's Great Main Dishes Without Meat
Betty Crocker's Vegetarian Cookbook
Beyond the Moon Cookbook
The Book of Vegetarian Cooking

Burgers 'N Fries 'N Cinnamon Buns: Low-Fat, Meatless Versions of Fast Food Favorites
Chinese Vegetarian Cookery
Claire's Corner Copia Cookbook: 225 Homestyle Vegetarian Recipes from Claire's Family to Yours
Classic Indian Vegetarian and Grain Cooking
The Compassionate Cook Or, 'Please Don't Eat the Animals!': A Vegetarian Cookbook
Complete Vegetarian Cookbook
Cooking for Consciousness: Whole Food Recipes for the Vegetarian Kitchen
Dakshin: Vegetarian Cuisine from South India: An Earthly Delight Cookbook

Delights of the Garden: Vegetarian Cuisine Prepared Without Heat from Delights of the Garden Restaurants
Earthly Delights: Everyday Vegetarian Cooking: Over 750 Simple and Delicious Recipes for Everyday Meals and Special Occasions
Eco-Cuisine: An Ecological Approach to Gourmet Vegetarian Cooking
The Enchanted Broccoli Forest
Fast, Fresh, and Spicy Vegetarian: Healthful Eating for the Cook on the Run
Fields of Greens: New Vegetarian Recipes from the Celebrated Greens Restaurant br Flavors of India: Recipes from Vegetarian Hindu Cuisine by Shanta Nimbark Sacharoff
The Flavor of California: Fresh Vegetarian Cuisine from the Golden State
French Vegetarian Cooking
From the Earth: Chinese Vegetarian Cooking
From a Traditional Greek Kitchen
The Garden of Earthly Delights Cookbook: Gourmet Vegetarian Cooking
Good Time Eatin' in Cajun Country: Cajun Vegetarian Cooking
Great Vegetarian Cooking Under Pressure: Two-Hour Taste in Ten Minutes
Great Food for Great Kids Recipes: Quick & Easy Recipes for a Healthy Family
Greek Vegetarian Cooking
Grilling from the Garden: Vegetarian Dishes for the Outdoor Cook
The Hollywood Vegetarian Cookbook: Lean, Healthy Meals from America's Celebrity Kitchens
Horn of the Moon Cookbook: Recipes from Vermont's Renowned Vegetarian Restaurant
Indian Vegetarian Cooking
Italian Vegetarian Cooking
Jewish Vegetarian Cooking

This list will be modified pretty regularly, so come back often! Enjoy, and live long and prosper.

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