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Anime Web Turnpike


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Hello Everyone and welcome to Anime 101. This is your one stop shop for all your anime needs. If you are here looking for MPEG files or images, you won't find it here (Not enough web space). I'd suggest taking a trip on the Anime Web Turnpike for that. This page will be dedicated to other anime stuff. So please feel free to browse through this site. And please as always, comments and suggestions are welcome.

What's New? And Other News

23/11/99 - No I haven't forgotten this page! I'm still here but I work night shifts so I don't have alot of time ^_^ I added a message board, And I'd like to talk about Monster Rancher! I personally like the show alot, I was surprised at the quality of it. Give me your opinion!

01/11/99 - Oh my I am back and re-vamping this page a bit. It will be a little while before I have this page totally running smooth but until then enjoy!

27/12/98 - Well Sorry for the no communication for so long. Here we are a new look and a new name. There will be some new features soon to come. Keep a look out.

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Wanna Win an Award??

anime Award

This award is pretty simple to win, if you have an anime page, then send me an E-Mail with your name, URL and the site name, I'll review it and if you win you'll hear from me. Also check out my fanfic/FanArt awards on the fanfic/fanart pages! Good Luck!

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All characters are copyright their respective owners. Anime 101 is copyright to Heather Gammon 1998.